Splitting The Republican Party

manu1959 said:
true...but who do you belive at the end of the day will do it the way you want?.....will the dems build a wall?....at least the repubs made it illegal to hire illelgals
I won't vote dem., unless there is someone that I think will do a better job at supporting the troops. Mind you, I live in IL where all things are possible, including multi-voting.

As for the Republicans voting for protecting us from illegals...:wtf: Not from where I sit.
jasendorf said:
Well I'll be... guess I was living in 2000.


Are you deranged? How does any of this constitute a "flip-flop"??

jasendorf said:
I stand corrected... conservatives no longer believe what they said they believed just four years ago. You are right.

In the words of a great conservative: "There you go again". Don't assume that the terms "Republican" and "conservative" are interchangeable.
musicman said:
None of which changes the facts that Congress makes law and the judiciary - when running properly - holds said law up to one yardstick; the U.S. Constitution. The idiotic interpretations we have seen during our lifetimes (defining vile acts as "speech"; a national policy on abortion) will pass as the judiciary returns to the strict constructionist body the American people demand. Hide and watch.

No need to hide. But, you'd better be careful what you wish for. Conservatives love to run around calling campaign donations "speach." Watch them howl as Congress passes more of McCain-Feingold.
Kathianne said:
I won't vote dem., unless there is someone that I think will do a better job at supporting the troops. Mind you, I live in IL where all things are possible, including multi-voting.

As for the Republicans voting for protecting us from illegals...:wtf: Not from where I sit.

i live in california....doesn't get any worse....can't ever vote dem....daddy was a repub assemblyman for years in NV....god father was nat repub party chair ..... brother worked for bush I....i have faith in my team.....just been a bad run
manu1959 said:
....at least the repubs made it illegal to hire illelgals


The emocratically-controlled House which was elected in 1950 passed the 1952 Federal Immigration and Nationality Act which made it illegal to hire illegal immigrants.

But, nice try though.
jasendorf said:
No need to hide. But, you'd better be careful what you wish for. Conservatives love to run around calling campaign donations "speach." Watch them howl as Congress passes more of McCain-Feingold.

Ah - you mean that brilliant, corruption-busting legislation that brought us 527's?

I still have to laugh, though, at the thought of that particular sword cutting both ways. Imagine Soros' and Kerry's shock when their own weapon was turned against them - in the person of the Swift Boat Vets. Poetic justice indeed!
jasendorf said:

The emocratically-controlled House which was elected in 1950 passed the 1952 Federal Immigration and Nationality Act which made it illegal to hire illegal immigrants.

But, nice try though.
Well all must be as shocked at the Brits in 1770's finding out the colonies didn't like them enforcing laws they hadn't before! :shocked: How do you spell benign neglect?

Now others are in favor of enforcing and may well pay the price of the Brits. Guess CA isn't too high a price, right?
jasendorf said:

The emocratically-controlled House which was elected in 1950 passed the 1952 Federal Immigration and Nationality Act which made it illegal to hire illegal immigrants.

But, nice try though.

pity i thought the repub controled senante and house just voted the other day to make it illegal....kinda makes you wonder why the dems never did anything all those years they were in charge.....
manu1959 said:
pity i thought the repub controled senante and house just voted the other day to make it illegal....kinda makes you wonder why the dems never did anything all those years they were in charge.....

Wanna define "in charge"? We've had a Republican President for 18 of the past 26 years. If you're saying that Reagan, Bush I and Bush II have been too weak to enforce the laws on the books, I can agree to that. In case you hadn't noticed... law enforcement falls under the Executive Branch.
jasendorf said:
Wanna define "in charge"? We've had a Republican President for 18 of the past 26 years. If you're saying that Reagan, Bush I and Bush II have been too weak to enforce the laws on the books, I can agree to that. In case you hadn't noticed... law enforcement falls under the Executive Branch.

well you said a dem congress voted it in,......now you swithced to pres....which way do want it....ah... i forgot you want it which ever way works for you....all i know is....what did big bill do for his 8? john john? lbj? zip.....bush is sending troops to the border at least he is trying to do something now....you will say what about before this....dirty hands argument.....he is doing something now....all you do is complain
manu1959 said:
well you said a dem congress voted it in,......now you swithced to pres....which way do want it....ah... i forgot you want it which ever way works for you....all i know is....what did big bill do for his 8? john john? lbj? zip.....

Try a little civics lesson here.

The Legislative Branch is charged by the Constitution with CREATING laws. The Executive Branch is charged by the Constitution with ENFORCING laws.

Time machine back to Clinton being pummelled for his "over restrictive" immigration and border policy proposals.

bush is sending troops to the border at least he is trying to do something now....you will say what about before this....dirty hands argument.....he is doing something now....all you do is complain

And no more than 6 years into his presidency! Just in time to get the "we don't particularly care for them feriners" voters to the polls in November!
jasendorf said:
Try a little civics lesson here.

The Legislative Branch is charged by the Constitution with CREATING laws.

Whew - I'm glad to see you're finally getting a handle on THAT!

jasendorf said:
And no more than 6 years into his presidency! Just in time to get the "we don't particularly care for them feriners" voters to the polls in November!

How awful, and lonely it must be - a superior, enlightened intellect, adrift in a nation filled with yokels...
Here's the thing people. Politicians are stupid and out of touch, to put it bluntly. If the GOP loses in November, they will not recognize it as their conservative base getting PO'd at them. They will not see the light and realize that they were wrong to turn into liberals, they will say to themselves "Golly! We have to get MORE "moderate" to attract the swing voters!". Therefore all this talk of "teaching em a lesson" by wishing for losses in November is counter-productive.
musicman said:
How awful, and lonely it must be - a superior, enlightened intellect, adrift in a nation filled with yokels...

HA! HA! Good one, Musicman. Yep, it must be pretty boring for those "intellectual elites" on the coasts to have to put up with us ignoramuses in "flyover" country.
Adam's Apple said:
HA! HA! Good one, Musicman. Yep, it must be pretty boring for those "intellectual elites" on the coasts to have to put up with us ignoramuses in "flyover" country.

The only coast we have here in Ohio is Lake Erie... but, make up whatever snide comments you like. Still doesn't explain the sudden pandering to those opposed to illegal immigrants.
jasendorf said:
The only coast we have here in Ohio is Lake Erie... but, make up whatever snide comments you like. Still doesn't explain the sudden pandering to those opposed to illegal immigrants.
LAte to the discussion, but please explain what you mean by "pandering to those opposed to illegal immigrants. I wont presume to put my own definition on it but I have to say that phrase sounds somewhat strange.
jasendorf said:
The only coast we have here in Ohio is Lake Erie... but, make up whatever snide comments you like. Still doesn't explain the sudden pandering to those opposed to illegal immigrants.

We're not as stupid as politicians wish we were. That explains the "pandering".
jasendorf said:
"It's way" = A federal law similar to South Dakota's new law which forces a woman to have a child (or drive herself to a neighboring state) fathered during a rape or incest. Obviously NOT what the majority believes. some numbers

This is the current view of convenience towards ending abortion of conservatives. If conservatives truly believed this they wouldn't be pushing for an Amendment to create federal laws banning same-sex marriage or Amendments to allow Congress to limit flag desecration.

Dorfo. How do you feel about school personnel taking girls for abortions without parental consent or knowledge. Is that extreme?
CSM, re-reading I can see where that's not a very clear... the lack of a years of discussion background really make this harder than at my old message boards!

Properly framed, they're pandering to those who don't understand that the failure in stopping illegal immigration is an ignorance in a simple equation defined by the laws of supply and demand. Labor is a commodity. When their are shortages in its availability, prices for it should go up. What is a good way to keep them down? Infuse more laborers into the equation... that is why the Republican Party has been so reluctent to slow illegal immigration. Cheap labor is what drives the Republican Party and what drives their corporate and trust fund contributors to contribute to them. Unfortunately, legal immigration creates a papertrail... just look at the backlash from H1-B tech visas which have kept tech salaries from skyrocketing.

Illegal immigration is more tempting to many immigrants not because it is EASY, but it is EASIER than legal immigration. Drop the roadblocks to immigration, lower the amount of superfluous red tape, stop rewarding employers with cheap laborers and illegal immigrant laborers with tax-free earnings and you dry up the reasons for illegal immigration. This isn't tough.

Unfortunately, all those proposals would take a sincere leader, and it's easier to just suggest building a wall and call out the National Guard.
dorfo. You're a little wacked out, but you hold your ground and attempt to make intelligent points. and for that you're slightly cool.

Did you get banned at your old board? Or just leave. Messageboard sociology is fascinating to me.

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