

Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
The sound of Romney stepping on Hussien Obama the bullshit artist and all his class warfare tactics.
This might be bad enough for the Clinton's to jettison him.
Even CNN gave Romney a 67% win on likely voters. This is what happens when you don't have the nanny media working 24/7 covering for your ass.
You can hear the main stream media whining now: "Oh Romney wasn't telling the truth...Obama missed many opportunities...Obama looked like he wanted to get out...Obama should have brought up the 47%...blah blah blah" as if Romney WASN'T READY for his class warfare crap.

Reason Romney won? He was telling the truth, OBAMA HAS BEEN A MISERABLE FAILURE IN EVERY ASPECT. All Romney had to do is tell the American people what they already know. That Obama would not do anything different in the next four years, in fact things will get worse.
How many threads are required to say basically the same thing? I say, 56.
The thread title scared me. Thought Barry went back to the White House, climbed up to where he goes on the roof to smoke, and jumped off!!!
Years from now teachers will be replaying Romney's performance In classrooms to teach students how to eloquently and effectively kick someone's ass in a debate.

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