Special 26 (Bollywood Fan-Fiction!)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a fun Bollywood heist-film fan-fiction of the iconic movie Special 26 starring the legendary Anupan Kher, and it tells the real-life story of the 1987 Opera House heist (Bombay/Mumbai) of expensive jewelry conducted by skilled and hilarious thieves posing as income tax and CBI officers/officials in the summertime. This is a really special fan-fiction for me, and I love Bollywood movies, so I hope you find this Christmastime exotic fan-fiction...distinctive! Thanks for reading (and enjoy!),


Ajay, P.K., Joginder, and Iqbal wished to perform a special jewelry heist of the Opera House in Bombay. The team of thieves called themselves the Specials. They intended to pose as CBI officers and income tax reporters in India evaluating the jewelry presentation during the opera show in the summertime. The Opera House was a very lavish building so security was very tight.


JEWELER: "I'm presenting some of the most expensive jewelry during the intermission program of the opera, so officers will guard!"


AJAY: It's the jewelry we want, so let's not get distracted by the opera, my friends.
PK: The jewelry is worth well over $20 million!
JOGINDER: It's royal Indian jewelry from the old empires.
IQBAL: This will be very fun posing as officials and officers, my Specials.


AJAY: "I want to be sure that my team is ready and prepared to present themselves as professional handsome officers/officials!"


IQBAL: "We're here from the income tax board with some Central Bureau investigators to take snapshots in private of the jewelry."


CBI: "The government of India fully expects us to perform all securities and reports during public events involving assets."


Incidentally, the thieves known as the Specials were able to pose as income tax and CBI officers/officials since they held a special rookie recruitment tent event, complete with fake IDs, during which they interviewed various people outside the Opera House to serve as the evaluators of the royal jewelry during the opera intermission time program. A real CBI officer, a female cop named Asha Singh was also at the Opera House serving as regular security and was somewhat suspicious of Ajay who was also in uniform. However, Ajay and Asha locked eyes, and the two were flirting during the pre-show events, realizing they were oddly falling in love in the summer light. Ajay thought Asha was incredibly beautiful!


AJAY: You are so beautiful, my lady.
ASHA: Careful there, I'm a cop...like you!
AJAY: Don't deny you feel something between us.
ASHA: We're here to serve as security for the opera show, Ajay.
AJAY: I know, I know, but if I was a thief...would you detest me, Asha?
ASHA: What?
AJAY: I mean, are you conversing with me fondly only because I'm obviously a cop like you?
ASHA: Well, I mean, I like that you're a cop like me.
AJAY: So I guess you'd dispel me if I was actually a thief, Asha.
ASHA: Let's just secure this opera program Ajay and talk romance later...you're very eccentric!
AJAY: You might turn out to be the real music show for me this summer day, Asha.
ASHA: I don't follow...but isn't this Opera House immaculate?
AJAY: Yes, it is, sweetheart.


Ajay and his team of thieves known as the Specials walked out of the Opera House in Bombay that summer day with the million-dollar jewelry, substituting it with fake jewelry they placed in their special briefcases. They hopped onto a government bus and drove away, but as they were driving away, Ajay turned around and waved and blew a kiss to the beautiful real-life CBI officer Asha Singh she met during the pre-show events, and she returned the sentiment. Ajay wondered if he'd ever see this fair creature again and in what context, once the jewelry heist was exposed in the national newspaper! He wondered if Asha would ever fall in love with a dagger like him in a destined place like Bombay.


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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