Speaker McCarthy announced marriage to Pelosi

Rightwinger worked for the federal government. He has no understanding of profit and loss, covering expenditures, or budgeting that is required of normal organizations.

I understand how Government is funded and how appropriations are made
If you can answer why Republicans only care about debt when a Democrat is President, I will take your concerns seriously
Who says the GOP cares about anything?

They obviously don't.

Your illusion of democracy and shared power if fading away.
Who's gonna bring the hammer? And the homeless homo?

We're never going to get rid of these filthy fucking animals until we fix ELECTION THEFT (and punish the guilty, with prejudice).

He probably thinks that printing money out of thin air does not even make inflation go up.

But for a democracy to continue like it is, they need to keep voters like him as ignorant as possible, which they are doing thanks to public education and the media.

They really think Trump and Putin are to blame for inflation

What kills me is that Biden even admitted his own inflation bill did nothing to fight inflation, it only spent more on climate crap. But the cult still follows cuz cultists have to cult.
It’s very frustrating. I think I learned that too much money chasing too few goods is inflationary by 10th grade. Tells you the caliber of the idiots voting for liberal policies.

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