Something I think most people should see about "Build Back Better"

What do you think about that?

  • Ferk erf, Drumpfterd

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • There were massive peeps out, just none on Google

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I hate teh Orange Man

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I hate teh Orange Man and all his supporters past and present

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

The Duke

Diamond Member
Jul 30, 2022
Okay, so uh..yeah. Who thinks there were lots of people for "Build Back Better"? More than were for Trump?

Either search engines are broken or umm..there's something amiss, or missing, if you will.

Use your favorite search engine and type in "build back better crowd" and see what happens. :rolleyes-41:

Here, I'll help you out with the search engine Google, it's a popular one:


You know, you'd figure if someone got 81 million votes for "Build Back Better", there would have been some crowds about it

at some point in some in time, no? :dunno: Some kind of documenting of the 81 million voter "Build Back Better" movement?

People gathering in support of it at all? No? Hmm.

Last edited:
But where's all the grassroots support for this "Build Back Better" / "Great Reset" thing?
Okay, so uh..yeah. Who thinks there were lots of people for "Build Back Better"? More than were for Trump?

Either search engines are broken or umm..there's something amiss, or missing, if you will.

Use your favorite search engine and type in "build back better crowd" and see what happens. :rolleyes-41:

Here, I'll help you out with the search engine Google, it's a popular one:


You know, you'd figure if someone got 81 million votes for "Build Back Better", there would have been some crowds about it

at some point in some in time, no? :dunno: Some kind of documenting of the 81 million voter "Build Back Better" movement?

People gathering in support of it at all? No? Hmm.



But where's all the grassroots support for this "Build Back Better" / "Great Reset" thing?

All they need to do is throw out the "But Trump" red meat to their legions of brainwashed noodle-armed Lefty dipshits, and then all logic and reason are extinguished.

For those that ever even possessed such attributes to begin with.

It's all emotional, it's all reactionary, and it's all so pathetic.

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