some say, if the wrong man wins, i will leave the US. But … where to?

You can laugh all you like but if you think Americans are going to inconvenience themselves when life is good for the majority of the country, you have not been paying attention.

Also, if the union fails, we will not break into two counties, it will be 4 at a minimum and like 6 to 8
You can laugh all you like ...
Thank you. I will. But it's not what I "like". I have, unfortunately, no choice. Note that I said unfortunately before you flap off on some accusation of anti-American rant.
... but if you think Americans are going to inconvenience themselves when life is good for the majority of the country, you have not been paying attention.
I have been paying attention. Your problem is that you have not. Looky here, sonny, I am a Vietnam War Veteran and once the American population stopped criticizing us for joining "Vietnam Veterans Against the War" they eventually saw the truth about the war itself. You're too young (I realize that) so you have no idea how close the US came to a revolution. You don't believe me? I don't care what you believe, but I was there. So none of this "It can never happen" crap.
Also, if the union fails, we will not break into two counties, it will be 4 at a minimum and like 6 to 8
Are you reading from a Dick & Jane Easy Reader book? You know nothing and the point of "how many" is irrelevant to the situation at hand. 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 ... :blahblah:
I have been paying attention. Your problem is that you have not. Looky here, sonny, I am a Vietnam War Veteran and once the American population stopped criticizing us for joining "Vietnam Veterans Against the War" they eventually saw the truth about the war itself. You're too young (I realize that) so you have no idea how close the US came to a revolution. You don't believe me? I don't care what you believe, but I was there. So none of this "It can never happen" crap.

Why do all you fucks that are older than dirt think everyone else is a child?

We did not come close to a revolution, I mean is sounds cool and all, but it is just you being a drama queen.

Not to mention, the Americans of today are very different than the Americans back then. We are far more complacent and content. 90% of the country does not care about the things we post on here. So many of you old farts think that these forums are real life, but they are not.
Why do all you fucks that are older than dirt ...
I've always thought the fact that can still fuck at my age is a good thing.
.... think everyone else is a child? .
Who said anything about "everyone else"? I'm talking about you ... and the reason is because your replies are drenched in goo-goo foolishness. Your lack of knowledge is fimbriated in pyrotechnical sparks and strobe lights that flash, "Look at me! I know nothing!"
Russian, China, Iran or North Korea are obvious choices for the Trump cultists. All they have to do is change the name of the DearLeader they worship, and they'll fit right in.

For libertarian types, Somalia would be paradise.

Some Confederates left the USA after losing the Civil War. Trump cultists have already lost theirs, so they should get packing.

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