Some questions for Hillary!


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
If this were a real and fair investigation, here are some of the questions for Hillary that would be leaked to NY Times:

What were you thinking when you told your goons to destroy 12 cell phones using a hammer?

Did you send or receive classified govt emails?

At what point did you realize the Russia dossier was a fake? How was the 12 million that was paid transferred, by whom in your campaign and to whom in Russia?

When did you order your attorneys to wipe / destroy over 30,000 emails in your server using "bleach chip" (not wipe with a cloth as you joked about). Were you aware that the govt. was requesting this evidence be turned over?

What were you thinking knowing that your classified emails could also be accessed in a known convicted pedophile pervert's lap top?

Where you aware that Bill Clinton was receiving $500,000 per speech in Russia? When were you aware of this? Who was Bill Clinton's counterpart in Russia for arranging this excessive amount? What did they want in exchange?

We're you aware that 180 million from Russia was wired as "donation" to the Clinton Foundation? When were you aware of this? By whom? How did this affect the decision to sell our Uranium to the Russians?

When did Donna Brazil pass the CNN debate questions to you? Why did you not object to anybody including the federal election commission?

What do you think Donna Brazil meant when she said your nomination was "rigged"?

Inquiring minds want to know...

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Why? You need to let someone else rent that space in your head. Clinton is not relevant at this point.
Of course it's relevant, it's out of the same election that the false Trump collusion accusation generated. If we are REALLY investigating collusion and obstruction, then naturally all parties and individuals should be under the same scrutiny. Unless it's a witch hunt, which as we can see, it is.
Of course it's relevant, it's out of the same election that the false Trump collusion accusation generated. If we are REALLY investigating collusion and obstruction, then naturally all parties and individuals should be under the same scrutiny. Unless it's a witch hunt, which as we can see, it is.
No, it's not. Most of those questions have been asked and aswered a dozen times already any way and the ones that haven't are totally made up.

Time to move on.
Of course it's relevant, it's out of the same election that the false Trump collusion accusation generated. If we are REALLY investigating collusion and obstruction, then naturally all parties and individuals should be under the same scrutiny. Unless it's a witch hunt, which as we can see, it is.
No, it's not. Most of those questions have been asked and aswered a dozen times already any way and the ones that haven't are totally made up.

Time to move on.
Bullshat! In fact Hillary was never interviewed in front of a grand jury and under oath. Why do you insist on giving Hillary a pass on things that you accuse Trump of, that she is far more guilty of.
Of course it's relevant, it's out of the same election that the false Trump collusion accusation generated. If we are REALLY investigating collusion and obstruction, then naturally all parties and individuals should be under the same scrutiny. Unless it's a witch hunt, which as we can see, it is.
No, it's not. Most of those questions have been asked and aswered a dozen times already any way and the ones that haven't are totally made up.

Time to move on.
Bullshat! In fact Hillary was never interviewed in front of a grand jury and under oath. Why do you insist on giving Hillary a pass on things that you accuse Trump of, that she is far more guilty of.
Well, because she isn't. You conservatives investigated her for a decade and come up with nothing.

Get over it.
If this were a real and fair investigation, here are some of the questions for Hillary that would be leaked to NY Times:

What were you thinking when you told your goons to destroy 12 cell phones using a hammer?

Did you send or receive classified govt emails?

At what point did you realize the Russia dossier was a fake? How was the 12 million that was paid transferred, by whom in your campaign and to whom in Russia?

When did you order your attorneys to wipe / destroy over 30,000 emails in your server using "bleach chip" (not wipe with a cloth as you joked about). Were you aware that the govt. was requesting this evidence be turned over?

What were you thinking knowing that your classified emails could also be accessed in a known convicted pedophile pervert's lap top?

Where you aware that Bill Clinton was receiving $500,000 per speech in Russia? When were you aware of this? Who was Bill Clinton's counterpart in Russia for arranging this excessive amount? What did they want in exchange?

We're you aware that 180 million from Russia was wired as "donation" to the Clinton Foundation? When were you aware of this? By whom? How did this affect the decision to sell our Uranium to the Russians?

When did Donna Brazil pass the CNN debate questions to you? Why did you not object to anybody including the federal election commission?

What do you think Donna Brazil meant when she said your nomination was "rigged"?

Inquiring minds want to know...

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/-----/ You know, (Hilary is) either wearing a tent, or wearing a sack, or in this case wearing a tablecloth? I mean, for crying out loud! And it looked like a tablecloth. It looked like a tablecloth with a hole in the top of it for the head to protrude through. Anyway, she calls Trump voters and others “deplorable.” - Rush
If this were a real and fair investigation, here are some of the questions for Hillary that would be leaked to NY Times:

What were you thinking when you told your goons to destroy 12 cell phones using a hammer?

Did you send or receive classified govt emails?

At what point did you realize the Russia dossier was a fake? How was the 12 million that was paid transferred, by whom in your campaign and to whom in Russia?

When did you order your attorneys to wipe / destroy over 30,000 emails in your server using "bleach chip" (not wipe with a cloth as you joked about). Were you aware that the govt. was requesting this evidence be turned over?

What were you thinking knowing that your classified emails could also be accessed in a known convicted pedophile pervert's lap top?

Where you aware that Bill Clinton was receiving $500,000 per speech in Russia? When were you aware of this? Who was Bill Clinton's counterpart in Russia for arranging this excessive amount? What did they want in exchange?

We're you aware that 180 million from Russia was wired as "donation" to the Clinton Foundation? When were you aware of this? By whom? How did this affect the decision to sell our Uranium to the Russians?

When did Donna Brazil pass the CNN debate questions to you? Why did you not object to anybody including the federal election commission?

What do you think Donna Brazil meant when she said your nomination was "rigged"?

Inquiring minds want to know...

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If the staff got new cell phones, what did you ant dome with the old ones?

There is no proof that the "dossier" is fake. Trump says it & you jackasses think it is true The Clinton campaign hired a BRITISH company who hired a BRIT to travel top Russia. This is you now being a total dick & liar.

Clinton had ordered those 30,000 emails destroyed long before any subpoena. The IT had forgotten & did it later. Clinton had assumed they had already been deleted. Again, this is widely reported & you are being a dishonest fuck.

Clinton made money giving speeches in lots of countries. Before & after Hillary was Sec of State. these are banking groups, business groups, etc

The uranium bullshit has been totally debunked. The idea you still bring it up proves just how fucking stupid you Trimpettes really are.
State was one of 9 that had to OK the deal. What did everyone else get??????? BTW, Russia an bought a Canadian company which means or precious uranium was already owned by the evil socialistic Canadians, you stupid fuck.

As fr classified, there were no PROPERLY MARKED classified e-mails.
So, if Hillary was this bad, shy did Trump need Russian help & yet he still lost to her by 3 million votes?
So, if Hillary was this bad, shy did Trump need Russian help & yet he still lost to her by 3 million votes?
/-----/ "still lost to her by 3 million votes?" Yes but Trump won more counties and that's all that counts.

So you think counties count.

People count.
3 million more people voted for Clinton. Your orange buddy's Russian buddies & all.
So, if Hillary was this bad, shy did Trump need Russian help & yet he still lost to her by 3 million votes?
/-----/ "still lost to her by 3 million votes?" Yes but Trump won more counties and that's all that counts.

So you think counties count.

People count.
3 million more people voted for Clinton. Your orange buddy's Russian buddies & all.
/----/ People live in counties. There is not a voter in America who does not live in a county. Trump won the majority of counties in a landslide. You need to come to terms with it.

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