Some people cannot catch COVID.......

Baron Von Murderpaws

Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2021
In the recesses of your mind

I'm shocked that the media would even publish THE TRUTH about anything, much less people being completely, naturally immune from COVID!!!

I'm one of those "high risk" people.....over 50, overweight, low immune system, blah, blah, blah........and I've been in the hospital for NON-COVID related problems, I was in a COVID ward because they were short on rooms, I was handled by nurses and Dr.s that were also handling COVID patients, I've had to go to specialty Dr.s because of medical issues I had........where I was also handled by nurses that also had to handle COVID patients.

That was two years ago. I have never gotten COVID. And I go to the stores once or twice a week. And I don't always wear a mask......much less nowadays when most people don't. And there are millions of POS out there that cough, sneeze, and spew their germs and shit all in the air for others to breath while NOT wearing masks.

And I'm fine. And I take the COVID test once a month, and I come out clear and clean each time!!


So, is the medical community finally cowering down to THE TRUTH about COVID?
Is the medical community realizing how WRONG they have been all along, while licking the Democrats ass cracks?
Are they now playing both sides of this like the Demon Fauci has been all along?

I'm shocked that the media would even publish THE TRUTH about anything, much less people being completely, naturally immune from COVID!!!

I'm one of those "high risk" people.....over 50, overweight, low immune system, blah, blah, blah........and I've been in the hospital for NON-COVID related problems, I was in a COVID ward because they were short on rooms, I was handled by nurses and Dr.s that were also handling COVID patients, I've had to go to specialty Dr.s because of medical issues I had........where I was also handled by nurses that also had to handle COVID patients.

That was two years ago. I have never gotten COVID. And I go to the stores once or twice a week. And I don't always wear a mask......much less nowadays when most people don't. And there are millions of POS out there that cough, sneeze, and spew their germs and shit all in the air for others to breath while NOT wearing masks.

And I'm fine. And I take the COVID test once a month, and I come out clear and clean each time!!


So, is the medical community finally cowering down to THE TRUTH about COVID?
Is the medical community realizing how WRONG they have been all along, while licking the Democrats ass cracks?
Are they now playing both sides of this like the Demon Fauci has been all along?

IDK but at $6500 for three weeks, you should totally sign up to be a lab rat.

I'm shocked that the media would even publish THE TRUTH about anything, much less people being completely, naturally immune from COVID!!!

I'm one of those "high risk" people.....over 50, overweight, low immune system, blah, blah, blah........and I've been in the hospital for NON-COVID related problems, I was in a COVID ward because they were short on rooms, I was handled by nurses and Dr.s that were also handling COVID patients, I've had to go to specialty Dr.s because of medical issues I had........where I was also handled by nurses that also had to handle COVID patients.

That was two years ago. I have never gotten COVID. And I go to the stores once or twice a week. And I don't always wear a mask......much less nowadays when most people don't. And there are millions of POS out there that cough, sneeze, and spew their germs and shit all in the air for others to breath while NOT wearing masks.

And I'm fine. And I take the COVID test once a month, and I come out clear and clean each time!!


So, is the medical community finally cowering down to THE TRUTH about COVID?
Is the medical community realizing how WRONG they have been all along, while licking the Democrats ass cracks?
Are they now playing both sides of this like the Demon Fauci has been all along?
Why would you be shocked? Some people have always shown resistance to various diseases to various degrees or the human race would not have made it to the era of science we have now. The problem is, there is no test to see if you are one of the naturally lucky ones or the naturally unlucky ones, with any certainty. I am one of the relatively lucky ones, having not died of it, after catching in Jan/Feb of the beginning of the pandemic, and even giving unprotected CPR to one of the unlucky COVID Victim who dropped dead in his 31-year-old tracks, thinking he had a minor cold, just a few days before. Still, knowing I could get it, I am triple vaxxed, as I like to give myself any edge I can over the average sucker on the street, in all things.

I'm shocked that the media would even publish THE TRUTH about anything, much less people being completely, naturally immune from COVID!!!

I'm one of those "high risk" people.....over 50, overweight, low immune system, blah, blah, blah........and I've been in the hospital for NON-COVID related problems, I was in a COVID ward because they were short on rooms, I was handled by nurses and Dr.s that were also handling COVID patients, I've had to go to specialty Dr.s because of medical issues I had........where I was also handled by nurses that also had to handle COVID patients.

That was two years ago. I have never gotten COVID. And I go to the stores once or twice a week. And I don't always wear a mask......much less nowadays when most people don't. And there are millions of POS out there that cough, sneeze, and spew their germs and shit all in the air for others to breath while NOT wearing masks.

And I'm fine. And I take the COVID test once a month, and I come out clear and clean each time!!


So, is the medical community finally cowering down to THE TRUTH about COVID?
Is the medical community realizing how WRONG they have been all along, while licking the Democrats ass cracks?
Are they now playing both sides of this like the Demon Fauci has been all along?

Yet the regime is still telling this lie:

I think it's worth noting that most people did not seem to contract COVID or at least get a case serious enough to debilitate them. This stands in stark contrast to this regime's insistence that COVID is an existential threat to all humanity.

All the people I've known that have contracted COVID have all said THE SAME THING!!!!
It's no worse than a head cold. After about 3 weeks, they were all fine and dandy, and no side effects from it either. None of them took any "vaccines" for it either. They all self medicated as they would a cold or flu. Nobody had to go to a doctors office, and nobody had to go to the hospital. And all of them turned out fine......including several kids.
All the people I've known that have contracted COVID have all said THE SAME THING!!!!
It's no worse than a head cold. After about 3 weeks, they were all fine and dandy, and no side effects from it either. None of them took any "vaccines" for it either. They all self medicated as they would a cold or flu. Nobody had to go to a doctors office, and nobody had to go to the hospital. And all of them turned out fine......including several kids.
Yep, it's all been an overblown 'epidemic' foisted on the American people by the Democrats and Fauci. The original intent was to harm Donald Trump but, Trump actually came up with a vaccine in record time which the Democrats tried to take credit for. Democrats ruined our economy, negatively impacted our supply chains, kept our kids out of school, shut down our economy and made everybody paranoid of everyone else with their fake 'scamdemic.'

Today we read that hospitals have way over counted their 'Covid' deaths. We also find out that basically 0 healthy children died of Covid. Democrats have a LOT to answer for.

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