Some more about the 5g debacle


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
“The bureaucrats inside the Pentagon don’t want to give up anything,” Gingrich said. “So they’re playing rope-a-dope with very small projects that are totally irrelevant but make it look like they’re doing something.”

With overseas threats from Huawei looming large in the news, there are signs that the Pentagon and its private-sector spectrum rivals are trying to make nice. Pentagon officials have met with wireless carriers, investors and equipment makers like Nokia and Ericsson, with an eye toward developing a broader strategy aimed at global 5G dominance. Defense Secretary Mark Esper convened a 5G-focused dinner with top telecommunications executives on Nov. 25. Undersecretary Ellen Lord said during one event last year that the Pentagon plans “almost a national industrial policy for 5G.”

The Pentagon Is Sitting on a Chunk of Valuable Airwaves. Why?
Fat assed generals supported by traitors in the FBI and the CIA, think they are independent of elected administrations. It's time to take a pension and fade away before President Trump finishes draining the swamp in the next go round.

Why? Honest I want to know?
Because the tech based on it will become ubiquitous. Almost necessary, even, like cell phones are now, or DVD players were.

4G LTE, which is available almost everywhere, is capable of 50+mbps down and up. We don't need faster than that right now. I use an unrestricted hotspot. I parked about a 1/4 mile from a tower one time. 99mbps up and down and the ping was 6. Now this is not what you'll get everywhere, but the fact that you can get that shows it's not slow.
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4G LTE, which is available almost everywhere, is capable of 50+mbps down and up. We don't need faster than that right now.
"Right now"os

You will. Or your kids will.

Yea right. I remember when I got high speed DSL in 1998. It was 1.2mbps and was the fastest known internet connection. In 2000 cable came along with about 3mbps. Here we are 22 years later and we can easily stream HD tv with a 4-5mbps connection. That's only 1.5 times what it was 20 years ago. So if we can do 50+ now with the safe technology already installed on towers around the country why not just keep what we have? There is no way that in 20 years 50mbps will not be fast enough. So we are well ahead of the technology curve. 99% of web browsing uses less than 2mbps with even streaming netflix at 5. Maybe.

4K streaming which is in its infancy uses 15mbps. Less than 1/3 the capacity of our current system.
So far, most of the arguments against 5G is stupid...

I bet if someone was able to pitch how 5G tech will make our military stronger and powerful -- there will be less opposition to it
“The bureaucrats inside the Pentagon don’t want to give up anything,” Gingrich said. “So they’re playing rope-a-dope with very small projects that are totally irrelevant but make it look like they’re doing something.”

With overseas threats from Huawei looming large in the news, there are signs that the Pentagon and its private-sector spectrum rivals are trying to make nice. Pentagon officials have met with wireless carriers, investors and equipment makers like Nokia and Ericsson, with an eye toward developing a broader strategy aimed at global 5G dominance. Defense Secretary Mark Esper convened a 5G-focused dinner with top telecommunications executives on Nov. 25. Undersecretary Ellen Lord said during one event last year that the Pentagon plans “almost a national industrial policy for 5G.”

The Pentagon Is Sitting on a Chunk of Valuable Airwaves. Why?
The battle for 5g dominance began during the bush and obama years

We were far behind when trump took office
So far, most of the arguments against 5G is stupid...

I bet if someone was able to pitch how 5G tech will make our military stronger and powerful -- there will be less opposition to it

If you consider safety "stupid" well then I guess you're pretty stupid.

Cancer is the leading cause of early death in the USA. We don't need MORE things that can give you cancer.

We Have No Reason to Believe 5G Is Safe

In Belgium the gov't ceased all testing of 5G due to health concerns.

Is 5G hazardous to your health?

I'm not against 5G hell I was one of the very first subscribers to high speed internet back in 1997. But NOTHING is worth cancer causing radiation.
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Due to its incredibly high radio frequency, 5G is going to require far more cells (infrastructure) than 4G.

A daunting task.
I am not sure I want to hold a millimeter-wave device up against my head.

The arguments are not stupid. There have been no toxicology studies of the effects of holding a millimeter-wave emitting device up against your brainpan.
The effects of microwaves on the body have been extensively studied. This is how we got safe microwave ovens. For example:

The idea of "holding it up to your brain case" is somewhat irrelevant, as the effects are the same as a higher power emitter held at a larger distance.

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