Solving the mystery of Chronic fatigue syndrome


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Also called: CFS, myalgic encephalomyelitis
was something that plagued us a few years back that people assumed was work burnout.
I think I solved this mystery a number of years ago, and my conclusion was "in most cases"
this is a result of an over active Pineal gland that causes excess Serotonin- Melatonin.
This would explain the always tired feeling and a minor case of Serotonin Syndrom which has the same symptoms to a certain degree.

The irony is that Chronic fatigue syndrome probably saved many people from suffering severity or death from Covid.
1) because many sufferers thinking it was big city life work burnout left that life style for more healthy diets and living in rural less congested towns=less covid risk.
2) because increased melatonin seems to decrease severity and affects of covid-19, bats themselves are a perfect example.
Bats do not get severly sick from covid, they are nocturnal which in retracting of light stimulates the pineal gland that secretes more Melatonin.
The NIH already knows this, but do you?
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Dunno if this is just a variation but they called it CFS and "Post Viral Syndrome" twenty five years ago. A Doc suggested treating it with injections of B12. After being off work for over a year I was able to get back to work full time within a week. The one that worked in my case was Cytamen 1000. It was the natural form extracted from horse serum I think. It lasted about a month before I started getting the symptoms back. Worked well for years until it stopped being available. No idea why but I now use the Neo-Cytamen. It does the job but not as well as the Natural form and only lasts a week. I don't want to sound dramatic but when "the fog lifted" I asked the Doc point blank; what the hell did you just give me????? All the fog and muscle fatigue was literally just gone. So was the sensitivity to sound, odd taste and the "flushing" that was a feature of the condition.

Dunno if this is just a variation but they called it CFS and "Post Viral Syndrome" twenty five years ago. A Doc suggested treating it with injections of B12. After being off work for over a year I was able to get back to work full time within a week. The one that worked in my case was Cytamen 1000. It was the natural form extracted from horse serum I think. It lasted about a month before I started getting the symptoms back. Worked well for years until it stopped being available. No idea why but I now use the Neo-Cytamen. It does the job but not as well as the Natural form and only lasts a week. I don't want to sound dramatic but when "the fog lifted" I asked the Doc point blank; what the hell did you just give me????? All the fog and muscle fatigue was literally just gone. So was the sensitivity to sound, odd taste and the "flushing" that was a feature of the condition.

Yes being deficient in B vitamins like with anaemia, can cause lack of energy.
Did you work in farming or lawns or as a firefighter or use Cassava Flour?
(=Elevated Cyanide can cause this and what the DR gave you would resolve this)

Serotonin Syndrom has muscle twitching and fatigue and put people in a fog as well.
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Yes being deficient in B vitamins like with anaemia, can cause lack of energy.
Did you work in farming or lawns or as a firefighter or use Cassava Flour?
(=Elevated Cyanide can cause this and what the DR gave you would resolve this)

Serotonin Syndrom has muscle twitching and fatigue and put people in a fog as well.
Not that I know of; I was disgustingly fit and 38 yo. Evidently I had CMV, Glandular Fever and EBV close together or at the same time; never worked that one out. I also had a lot of blood transfusions in my early twenties; blood clots went nasty.

BUT the B12 injections keep the symptoms in check...and I HATE needles. I have no idea why they work.

PS: Blood tests showed Liver Function anomalies. Docs kept asking me if I was an alcoholic; I rarely drink and seldom smoked.....though I did like my pipe; Balkan Sobraine.......similar to Navy Mixture.

Not that I know of; I was disgustingly fit and 38 yo. Evidently I had CMV, Glandular Fever and EBV close together or at the same time; never worked that one out. I also had a lot of blood transfusions in my early twenties; blood clots went nasty.

BUT the B12 injections keep the symptoms in check...and I HATE needles. I have no idea why they work.

PS: Blood tests showed Liver Function anomalies. Docs kept asking me if I was an alcoholic; I rarely drink and seldom smoked.....though I did like my pipe; Balkan Sobraine.......similar to Navy Mixture.

Cyanide affects the liver.
It's possible to get low levels from pipe smoking and smoke from inhalation of other things burning like nearby paper mills and chemical plants etc.
But also traces can be found in our diet, especially if your spouse hates you. *L*
The medicine the Dr prescribed is known to combat and reverse the affects of Cyanide.
Cyanide affects the liver.
It's possible to get low levels from pipe smoking and smoke from inhalation of other things burning like nearby paper mills and chemical plants etc.
But also traces can be found in our diet, especially if your spouse hates you. *L*
The medicine the Dr prescribed is known to combat and reverse the affects of Cyanide.
Hmm...but 25 years later? I did a fair bit of fencing (creosote) but that was 15 - 20 years before I developed symptoms. I had office type work from about the age of 33 though I worked in Quality Control at a brewery while going through Uni.

Hmm...but 25 years later? I did a fair bit of fencing (creosote) but that was 15 - 20 years before I developed symptoms. I had office type work from about the age of 33 though I worked in Quality Control at a brewery while going through Uni.

The barley, hops, and yeast can kick up a nice particle/dust cloud floating around the air system there and once again that's fertilizer farmed items that carry minute traces of cyanide.
It's supposed to be a mild and short-lived side affect. Can you just take it at night or at dinner then at night if twice daily?
I take it in the morning, 1 pill 100 mg.
I have had an aortic aneurysm for about 15 years.
They want my blood pressure to be lower than normal on purpose, as well as lowered heart rate.
It sucks. I am very used to it though. I get tired very easily when doing something active. That high of a dose won't allow the heart to beat very I get tried easy.
Then there are days where I just feel fatigued the whole day. Blood pressure doesn't stay the same everyday. For a variety of reasons it fluctuates. So on a day where it naturally wants t be lower... it is really lower.
The barley, hops, and yeast can kick up a nice particle/dust cloud floating around the air system there and once again that's fertilizer farmed items that carry minute traces of cyanide.
I will check it out but I've had the office job for thirty years..........and the condition started seven years into that. Could have been the ex I suppose.

I take it in the morning, 1 pill 100 mg.
I have had an aortic aneurysm for about 15 years.
They want my blood pressure to be lower than normal on purpose, as well as lowered heart rate.
It sucks. I am very used to it though. I get tired very easily when doing something active. That high of a dose won't allow the heart to beat very I get tried easy.
Then there are days where I just feel fatigued the whole day. Blood pressure doesn't stay the same everyday. For a variety of reasons it fluctuates. So on a day where it naturally wants t be lower... it is really lower.
Ask your DR if you can take it at Night if that's when you sleep. That's how people solve the day sleep or sleepiness throughout the day problem.
Ask your DR if you can take it at Night if that's when you sleep. That's how people solve the day sleep or sleepiness throughout the day problem.
Has to be during the day when I am active. At night your heart rate is of course lower by as much as 30% than during the day, as well as your blood pressure is lower.
It is during the day when I need the "guard" of beta blocking.
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Also called: CFS, myalgic encephalomyelitis
was something that plagued us a few years back that people assumed was work burnout.
I think I solved this mystery a number of years ago, and my conclusion was "in most cases"
this is a result of an over active Pineal gland that causes excess Serotonin- Melatonin.
This would explain the always tired feeling and a minor case of Serotonin Syndrom which has the same symptoms to a certain degree.

The irony is that Chronic fatigue syndrome probably saved many people from suffering severity or death from Covid.
1) because many sufferers thinking it was big city life work burnout left that life style for more healthy diets and living in rural less congested towns=less covid risk.
2) because increased melatonin seems to decrease severity and affects of covid-19, bats themselves are a perfect example.
Bats do not get severly sick from covid, they are nocturnal which in retracting of light stimulates the pineal gland that secretes more Melatonin.
The NIH already knows this, but do you?
‘Bats themselves are a perfect example.’ Yes, the reservoir of Marburg virus is the fruit bat Rousettus. This bat gets cholangiocarcinoma. The Mengla filovirus reservoir is also a Rousettus. Mengla is not far from the Mojiang copper mine in Yunnan, site of SARS-CoV-2’s closest relative, RaTG13, from the bat Rhinolophus affinis.

Cholangiocarcinoma is a problem in Thailand due to the parasite, Opisthorchis, the proven cause of cholangicarcinoma. Thus, this report showing that melatonin induces apoptosis in cholangiocarcinoma cells:

Thailand: Melatonin-Induced Apoptosis / Cholangiocarcinoma

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