Solid Physical Evidence of AGW.... Where is it?

The physical evidence of global warming are found in the parameters of the Earth's climate: GHG trends, temperature trends, sea level trends, snow cover trends, ice extents, sea surface temperatures, etc, etc, etc.
it is not possible for a body to warm itself with its own radiation..

It's not warming "with its own radiation", it's warming because the solar radiation escapes more slowly.

Does solar radiation emit from the surface of the earth? I was under the impression that solar radiation was mostly in the UV and visible wavelengths and earth emits that not true? Energy emitting from the surface of the earth is earth's radiation...

A body can not warm itself with its own radiation...not even a perfect black body...which earth isn't...

Does solar radiation emit from the surface of the earth?

Why, no. It's first absorbed and then re-emitted as LWIR.
LWIR which escapes more slowly than the speed of light, because GHGs.

A body can not warm itself with its own radiation..

That's a nice strawman you got there......
Paul raises a very serious question, where is the empirical evidence that AGW is happening and where is the proof that man is causing it...

The IPCC says it’s still possible to limit planetary warming to an additional 0.5 degrees C (0.9 F) “above pre-industrial levels” – but only if global CO2 emissions are halved by 2030 and zeroed out by 2050.

So climate alarmists intend to carbon-tax, legislate and regulate our energy, factories, livelihoods, living standards, liberties and lives to the max. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal would eliminate and replace US fossil fuels by 2030. It’s an unprecedented economic and political power grab.

We went to war with King George over far less serious abuses and usurpations. And yet today we seem to have few Patrick Henrys or other stalwart, principled leaders willing to defy this insanity.

Those accusing someone of a crime must prove his guilt; the accused need not prove his innocence. But not only are alarmists bringing what amount to criminal charges against fossil fuels; wiping out the fuels that provide over 80% of our energy would bring widespread chaos, poverty, misery, disease and death.

As I said just days ago, those who claim fossil fuels and greenhouse gases are causing dangerous global warming and climate change have the burden of proving their case. Not with allegations, computer models, headlines, mob rule and demands for instant sentencing. With solid, irrefutable evidence."

Saved by pseudo-renewable energy?

It is now time for the alarmists to provide SOLID, PHYSICAL, EMPIRICALLY observed and verified evidence.... Where is it?

You can go to town here... Evidence | Facts – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

You may need to wipe the oil off yer hands first.
point to one piece of the empirical evidence at that link. I'll wait. do, dee,do,dee,do,dee,do.
Paul raises a very serious question, where is the empirical evidence that AGW is happening and where is the proof that man is causing it...

The IPCC says it’s still possible to limit planetary warming to an additional 0.5 degrees C (0.9 F) “above pre-industrial levels” – but only if global CO2 emissions are halved by 2030 and zeroed out by 2050.

So climate alarmists intend to carbon-tax, legislate and regulate our energy, factories, livelihoods, living standards, liberties and lives to the max. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal would eliminate and replace US fossil fuels by 2030. It’s an unprecedented economic and political power grab.

We went to war with King George over far less serious abuses and usurpations. And yet today we seem to have few Patrick Henrys or other stalwart, principled leaders willing to defy this insanity.

Those accusing someone of a crime must prove his guilt; the accused need not prove his innocence. But not only are alarmists bringing what amount to criminal charges against fossil fuels; wiping out the fuels that provide over 80% of our energy would bring widespread chaos, poverty, misery, disease and death.

As I said just days ago, those who claim fossil fuels and greenhouse gases are causing dangerous global warming and climate change have the burden of proving their case. Not with allegations, computer models, headlines, mob rule and demands for instant sentencing. With solid, irrefutable evidence."

Saved by pseudo-renewable energy?

It is now time for the alarmists to provide SOLID, PHYSICAL, EMPIRICALLY observed and verified evidence.... Where is it?

You can go to town here... Evidence | Facts – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

You may need to wipe the oil off yer hands first.

I've read that circle jerk of alarmist clap trap... Real light on empirical evidence and facts but heavy on conjecture and assumptions not based in science..

How about you pony up some EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE an leave the hyperbole and failed modeling out of it..

And here I thought that you could comprehend a graph and the footnotes which show empirical evidence.

Science was not your strong point.
comprehend what? the made up graphs in the link? why would we want to comprehend false data?
it is not possible for a body to warm itself with its own radiation..

It's not warming "with its own radiation", it's warming because the solar radiation escapes more slowly.

Does solar radiation emit from the surface of the earth? I was under the impression that solar radiation was mostly in the UV and visible wavelengths and earth emits that not true? Energy emitting from the surface of the earth is earth's radiation...

A body can not warm itself with its own radiation...not even a perfect black body...which earth isn't...

Does solar radiation emit from the surface of the earth?

Why, no. It's first absorbed and then re-emitted as LWIR.
LWIR which escapes more slowly than the speed of light, because GHGs.

A body can not warm itself with its own radiation..

That's a nice strawman you got there......
LWIR which escapes more slowly than the speed of light, because GHGs.
then prove it. still waiting on that observed measurement.
it is not possible for a body to warm itself with its own radiation..

It's not warming "with its own radiation", it's warming because the solar radiation escapes more slowly.

Does solar radiation emit from the surface of the earth? I was under the impression that solar radiation was mostly in the UV and visible wavelengths and earth emits that not true? Energy emitting from the surface of the earth is earth's radiation...

A body can not warm itself with its own radiation...not even a perfect black body...which earth isn't...

Does solar radiation emit from the surface of the earth?

Why, no. It's first absorbed and then re-emitted as LWIR.
LWIR which escapes more slowly than the speed of light, because GHGs.

A body can not warm itself with its own radiation..

That's a nice strawman you got there......
A body can not warm itself with its own radiation..

That's a nice strawman you got there......

And all you have to do is prove a body can. go for it. why do you delay six years since I've been on the forum?
Paul raises a very serious question, where is the empirical evidence that AGW is happening and where is the proof that man is causing it...

The IPCC says it’s still possible to limit planetary warming to an additional 0.5 degrees C (0.9 F) “above pre-industrial levels” – but only if global CO2 emissions are halved by 2030 and zeroed out by 2050.

So climate alarmists intend to carbon-tax, legislate and regulate our energy, factories, livelihoods, living standards, liberties and lives to the max. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal would eliminate and replace US fossil fuels by 2030. It’s an unprecedented economic and political power grab.

We went to war with King George over far less serious abuses and usurpations. And yet today we seem to have few Patrick Henrys or other stalwart, principled leaders willing to defy this insanity.

Those accusing someone of a crime must prove his guilt; the accused need not prove his innocence. But not only are alarmists bringing what amount to criminal charges against fossil fuels; wiping out the fuels that provide over 80% of our energy would bring widespread chaos, poverty, misery, disease and death.

As I said just days ago, those who claim fossil fuels and greenhouse gases are causing dangerous global warming and climate change have the burden of proving their case. Not with allegations, computer models, headlines, mob rule and demands for instant sentencing. With solid, irrefutable evidence."

Saved by pseudo-renewable energy?

It is now time for the alarmists to provide SOLID, PHYSICAL, EMPIRICALLY observed and verified evidence.... Where is it?

You can go to town here... Evidence | Facts – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

You may need to wipe the oil off yer hands first.

I've read that circle jerk of alarmist clap trap... Real light on empirical evidence and facts but heavy on conjecture and assumptions not based in science..

How about you pony up some EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE an leave the hyperbole and failed modeling out of it..

And here I thought that you could comprehend a graph and the footnotes which show empirical evidence.

Science was not your strong point.

Care to enlighten us? Tell us what you think it proves and show us some observed, measured evidence to support it? Didn't think so. It appears that science really isn't on your radar at all.
talking point after talking point, and they keep coming out of the woodwork with the same old crap. funny stuff.A rehash for every newby that comes out of the parrot's cocoon.
Paul raises a very serious question, where is the empirical evidence that AGW is happening and where is the proof that man is causing it...

The IPCC says it’s still possible to limit planetary warming to an additional 0.5 degrees C (0.9 F) “above pre-industrial levels” – but only if global CO2 emissions are halved by 2030 and zeroed out by 2050.

So climate alarmists intend to carbon-tax, legislate and regulate our energy, factories, livelihoods, living standards, liberties and lives to the max. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal would eliminate and replace US fossil fuels by 2030. It’s an unprecedented economic and political power grab.

We went to war with King George over far less serious abuses and usurpations. And yet today we seem to have few Patrick Henrys or other stalwart, principled leaders willing to defy this insanity.

Those accusing someone of a crime must prove his guilt; the accused need not prove his innocence. But not only are alarmists bringing what amount to criminal charges against fossil fuels; wiping out the fuels that provide over 80% of our energy would bring widespread chaos, poverty, misery, disease and death.

As I said just days ago, those who claim fossil fuels and greenhouse gases are causing dangerous global warming and climate change have the burden of proving their case. Not with allegations, computer models, headlines, mob rule and demands for instant sentencing. With solid, irrefutable evidence."

Saved by pseudo-renewable energy?

It is now time for the alarmists to provide SOLID, PHYSICAL, EMPIRICALLY observed and verified evidence.... Where is it?

"It is now time for the alarmists to provide SOLID, PHYSICAL, EMPIRICALLY observed and verified evidence.... Where is it?"

I have it.

I keep it locked in a safe.

I will be perfectly happy to show you this SOLID, PHYSICAL and EMPIRICAL evidence....

right after YOU show me SOLID, PHYSICAL and EMPIRICAL evidence of your god.

or SOLID, PHYSICAL and EMPIRICAL evidence that global warming ISN'T happening.
There is no point in having this discussion with you. You make claims that have ZERO evidentiary support and reject out of hand thousands of published scientific studies and the conclusions held by over 98% of the experts in the field. You claim those scientists are all lying or incompetent yet have presented not one shred of evidence to support that insane charge. You have steadily ignored the FACT that your contentions violate numerous fundamental laws of nature. Speaking with you on this topic is like the battle with the Black Knight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
then why do you keep coming in here? dude, this post doesn't have any logic in it. oh wait, it's you.
The greenhouse effect warms the planet by slowing the release of IR, not trapping it forever. As you have noted, as the Earth's temperature has gone up, its OLR has increased. You seem to have missed the critical sup-phrase: " the Earth's temperature has gone up"
or not
Paul raises a very serious question, where is the empirical evidence that AGW is happening and where is the proof that man is causing it...

The IPCC says it’s still possible to limit planetary warming to an additional 0.5 degrees C (0.9 F) “above pre-industrial levels” – but only if global CO2 emissions are halved by 2030 and zeroed out by 2050.

So climate alarmists intend to carbon-tax, legislate and regulate our energy, factories, livelihoods, living standards, liberties and lives to the max. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal would eliminate and replace US fossil fuels by 2030. It’s an unprecedented economic and political power grab.

We went to war with King George over far less serious abuses and usurpations. And yet today we seem to have few Patrick Henrys or other stalwart, principled leaders willing to defy this insanity.

Those accusing someone of a crime must prove his guilt; the accused need not prove his innocence. But not only are alarmists bringing what amount to criminal charges against fossil fuels; wiping out the fuels that provide over 80% of our energy would bring widespread chaos, poverty, misery, disease and death.

As I said just days ago, those who claim fossil fuels and greenhouse gases are causing dangerous global warming and climate change have the burden of proving their case. Not with allegations, computer models, headlines, mob rule and demands for instant sentencing. With solid, irrefutable evidence."

Saved by pseudo-renewable energy?

It is now time for the alarmists to provide SOLID, PHYSICAL, EMPIRICALLY observed and verified evidence.... Where is it?

"It is now time for the alarmists to provide SOLID, PHYSICAL, EMPIRICALLY observed and verified evidence.... Where is it?"

I have it.

I keep it locked in a safe.

I will be perfectly happy to show you this SOLID, PHYSICAL and EMPIRICAL evidence....

right after YOU show me SOLID, PHYSICAL and EMPIRICAL evidence of your god.

or SOLID, PHYSICAL and EMPIRICAL evidence that global warming ISN'T happening.
I see you can't comprehend the OP. too bad, a good debate might have been possible. you wish to look for solid physical evidence of god, start a thread. until such time, just provide what the OP asked for. we'll wait why you get your combination for your safe.
The physical evidence of global warming are found in the parameters of the Earth's climate: GHG trends, temperature trends, sea level trends, snow cover trends, ice extents, sea surface temperatures, etc, etc, etc.
well all you have to do is show that CO2 is warm. I've been waiting. why don't you just post that empirical evidence?
The greenhouse effect warms the planet by slowing the release of IR, not trapping it forever. As you have noted, as the Earth's temperature has gone up, its OLR has increased. You seem to have missed the critical sup-phrase: " the Earth's temperature has gone up"

Actually it doesn't slow the release of IR because if it did, the predicted hot spot would be the inevitable result...there is no hot spot...and slowed cooling does not equal is not possible for a body to warm itself with its own radiation..if you believe it can, then show me the physical law that says as much.

Actually it doesn't slow the release of IR because if it did,

Every photon of IR that is absorbed by a GHG molecule, instead of instantly escaping into space, is slowed.

and slowed cooling does not equal warming


it is not possible for a body to warm itself with its own radiation..

The greenhouse effect warms the planet by slowing the release of IR, not trapping it forever. As you have noted, as the Earth's temperature has gone up, its OLR has increased. You seem to have missed the critical sup-phrase: " the Earth's temperature has gone up"

Actually it doesn't slow the release of IR because if it did, the predicted hot spot would be the inevitable result...there is no hot spot...and slowed cooling does not equal is not possible for a body to warm itself with its own radiation..if you believe it can, then show me the physical law that says as much.

Actually it doesn't slow the release of IR because if it did,

Every photon of IR that is absorbed by a GHG molecule, instead of instantly escaping into space, is slowed.

and slowed cooling does not equal warming


it is not possible for a body to warm itself with its own radiation..

. It's not warming "with its own radiation", it's warming because the solar radiation escapes more slowly. .

Come on Todd, anything that emits from CO2 is a neutral or COOLING process, then you say this confusion:

"it's warming because the solar radiation escapes more slowly. "

Not it means cooling down more slowly, there is no actual increase in warming at all since molecules don't generate any heat by itself. With an increase in CO2 molecules in the atmosphere is an increase in emission rate back to outer space.

I posted HERE that any increase in the postulated warm forcing of CO2 is more than countered by the system energy OUTFLOW from the planet. CO2 increase in the air isn't stopping the increased outflow of energy as clearly shown by Satellites.
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it is not possible for a body to warm itself with its own radiation..

It's not warming "with its own radiation", it's warming because the solar radiation escapes more slowly.

Does solar radiation emit from the surface of the earth? I was under the impression that solar radiation was mostly in the UV and visible wavelengths and earth emits that not true? Energy emitting from the surface of the earth is earth's radiation...

A body can not warm itself with its own radiation...not even a perfect black body...which earth isn't...

Does solar radiation emit from the surface of the earth?

Why, no. It's first absorbed and then re-emitted as LWIR.
LWIR which escapes more slowly than the speed of light, because GHGs.

A body can not warm itself with its own radiation..

That's a nice strawman you got there......
LWIR which escapes more slowly than the speed of light, because GHGs.
then prove it. still waiting on that observed measurement.

then prove it.

You need proof that IR, absorbed by a GHG, leaves the Earth more slowly than IR
which immediately escapes the Earth at the speed of light?

Have you always been a moron?
it is not possible for a body to warm itself with its own radiation..

It's not warming "with its own radiation", it's warming because the solar radiation escapes more slowly.

Does solar radiation emit from the surface of the earth? I was under the impression that solar radiation was mostly in the UV and visible wavelengths and earth emits that not true? Energy emitting from the surface of the earth is earth's radiation...

A body can not warm itself with its own radiation...not even a perfect black body...which earth isn't...

Does solar radiation emit from the surface of the earth?

Why, no. It's first absorbed and then re-emitted as LWIR.
LWIR which escapes more slowly than the speed of light, because GHGs.

A body can not warm itself with its own radiation..

That's a nice strawman you got there......
A body can not warm itself with its own radiation..

That's a nice strawman you got there......

And all you have to do is prove a body can. go for it. why do you delay six years since I've been on the forum?

And all you have to do is prove a body can.

Prove a body can what?
Imagine an empty water tank. Water goes in to the tank at a fixed rate. Water drains out at the bottom through a valve that can control the flow. The greater the depth of water in the tank, the greater the pressure and the faster water will flow out the drain. We let water flow in at its fixed rate and flow out through the valve at the bottom initially at a lesser rate.

Since water is coming in faster than it is leaving, the water level in the tank rises. But, as it rises, the rate of flow out the drain increases until at some specific depth, the pressure at the drain becomes great enough that the flow out equals the flow in and the level in the tank stabilizes.

Now we close the drain valve slightly. The rate of water leaving is once again less than the rate coming in. The water level in the tank begins to rise. As it rises, the flow out the drain increases until, once again, the flow out equals the flow in and the level of water in the tank stabilizes, now at a greater depth.

This is analogous to what happens in the Earth's atmosphere. Radiant energy from the sun enters the atmosphere. The Earth, like all matter, radiates infrared energy proportional to its temperature and this energy leaves the planet into space. In an equilibrium state, the power entering the atmosphere would equal the amount leaving. If we slow the rate at which energy leaves the planet, we will raise the equilibrium point; the planet will warm.
The greenhouse effect warms the planet by slowing the release of IR, not trapping it forever. As you have noted, as the Earth's temperature has gone up, its OLR has increased. You seem to have missed the critical sup-phrase: " the Earth's temperature has gone up"

Actually it doesn't slow the release of IR because if it did, the predicted hot spot would be the inevitable result...there is no hot spot...and slowed cooling does not equal is not possible for a body to warm itself with its own radiation..if you believe it can, then show me the physical law that says as much.

Actually it doesn't slow the release of IR because if it did,

Every photon of IR that is absorbed by a GHG molecule, instead of instantly escaping into space, is slowed.

and slowed cooling does not equal warming


it is not possible for a body to warm itself with its own radiation..

The greenhouse effect warms the planet by slowing the release of IR, not trapping it forever. As you have noted, as the Earth's temperature has gone up, its OLR has increased. You seem to have missed the critical sup-phrase: " the Earth's temperature has gone up"

Actually it doesn't slow the release of IR because if it did, the predicted hot spot would be the inevitable result...there is no hot spot...and slowed cooling does not equal is not possible for a body to warm itself with its own radiation..if you believe it can, then show me the physical law that says as much.

Actually it doesn't slow the release of IR because if it did,

Every photon of IR that is absorbed by a GHG molecule, instead of instantly escaping into space, is slowed.

and slowed cooling does not equal warming


it is not possible for a body to warm itself with its own radiation..

. It's not warming "with its own radiation", it's warming because the solar radiation escapes more slowly. .

Come on Todd, anything that emits from CO2 is a neutral or COOLING process, then you say this confusion:

"it's warming because the solar radiation escapes more slowly. "

Not it means cooling down more slowly, there is no actual increase in warming at all since molecules don't generate any heat by itself. With an increase in CO2 molecules in the atmosphere is an increase in emission rate back to outer space.

I posted HERE that any increase in the postulated warm forcing of CO2 is more than countered by the system energy OUTFLOW from the planet. CO2 increase in the air isn't stopping the increased outflow of energy as clearly shown by Satellites.

Not it means cooling down more slowly,

Well, cooling more slowly, assuming no change in input, means warming.

With an increase in CO2 molecules in the atmosphere is an increase in emission rate back to outer space.

It has to absorb before it can emit.
Imagine an empty water tank. Water goes in to the tank at a fixed rate. Water drains out at the bottom through a valve that can control the flow. The greater the depth of water in the tank, the greater the pressure and the faster water will flow out the drain. We let water flow in at its fixed rate and flow out through the valve at the bottom initially at a lesser rate.

Since water is coming in faster than it is leaving, the water level in the tank rises. But, as it rises, the rate of flow out the drain increases until at some specific depth, the pressure at the drain becomes great enough that the flow out equals the flow in and the level in the tank stabilizes.

Now we close the drain valve slightly. The rate of water leaving is once again less than the rate coming in. The water level in the tank begins to rise. As it rises, the flow out the drain increases until, once again, the flow out equals the flow in and the level of water in the tank stabilizes, now at a greater depth.

This is analogous to what happens in the Earth's atmosphere. Radiant energy from the sun enters the atmosphere. The Earth, like all matter, radiates infrared energy proportional to its temperature and this energy leaves the planet into space. In an equilibrium state, the power entering the atmosphere would equal the amount leaving. If we slow the rate at which energy leaves the planet, we will raise the equilibrium point; the planet will warm.

Good example.

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