socialist congress members. WOW 70 Dems

No, I haven't. What I have done is to say that we are going to have to come up with a different way to distribute wealth besides wages paid for work. Advances in automation mean that wages won't do the job anymore. Nationalizing big business would be one way to do that; I don't claim it's the only one, and I'd be happy to entertain alternative suggestions.

Either private industry pays your wage or the government pays it. There is no third alternative. You simply refuse to admit the obvious.

What we have hear is a failure of the imagination.

Suppose you can't get a job because all the work is being done by machines. Then neither private industry nor the government pays your wages. You just plain don't have any wages and can't get them. What happens then?

This is what we need to be thinking about. If you don't like the idea of nationalizing publicly-traded corporations, find an alternative.

Notice that you failed to name the alternative to government or private industry paying your wage.

I'll do it for you. She begins by saying "This liberal will be all about, we will take over all of your companies.."

She's advocating openly the expropriation of private enterprise into the hands of government. That is socialism. She''s dumb, buut so are most socialists as they clearly are "going on a feeling" and not using any logical basis in reality of what exactly it is she means.

There are more like her too. Many more. I could go on and on. But the point is clear, Brussels. Socialism is alive, well and thriving in the democrat party.

My request for a translation did not concern the incoherent rambling of Maxine Waters - who is a stupid hypocrite but hardly a socialist - but the grammatically challenged rejoinder of politicalchick.

Are you really this thick? I just posted 2 minutes of her advocating socialism openly and you say sh'e just stupid and not a socialist? :cuckoo:

She is both. As is many others inside the democrat party.

Maxine Waters wouldn't know what socialism is even if it was standing in front of her.
Yet she can articulate it quite well.....You're trying to dodge the obvious and the attempt is feeble.
Either private industry pays your wage or the government pays it. There is no third alternative. You simply refuse to admit the obvious.

What we have hear is a failure of the imagination.

Suppose you can't get a job because all the work is being done by machines. Then neither private industry nor the government pays your wages. You just plain don't have any wages and can't get them. What happens then?

This is what we need to be thinking about. If you don't like the idea of nationalizing publicly-traded corporations, find an alternative.

Notice that you failed to name the alternative to government or private industry paying your wage.

Not true. The alternative is not having a wage.
Yet she can articulate it quite well.....You're trying to dodge the obvious and the attempt is feeble.

Socialists seldom admit who they are. Notice that Maxine Waters started to use the word "socialization" but then thought better of it in midstream. That's because she knew that terminology wouldn't go over well with the American public who still correctly percieve socialism as something bad.

Lying about socialism is a fundamental part of the socialist modus operandi.
What we have hear is a failure of the imagination.

Suppose you can't get a job because all the work is being done by machines. Then neither private industry nor the government pays your wages. You just plain don't have any wages and can't get them. What happens then?

This is what we need to be thinking about. If you don't like the idea of nationalizing publicly-traded corporations, find an alternative.

Notice that you failed to name the alternative to government or private industry paying your wage.

Not true. The alternative is not having a wage.

So you propose for everyone to starve?
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so·cial·ism noun \ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm\
Definition of SOCIALISM
1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods 2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

She advocated socialism with good articulation. It is you that is beyond clueless.
so·cial·ism noun \ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm\
Definition of SOCIALISM
1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods 2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

She advocated socialism with good articulation. It is you that is beyond clueless.

Try to get out and about in the real world from time to time.

So we are all agreed this was a hoax, right? The Socialist Party of America did not release a list of who belong to the fictitious Socialist Party of America Caucus.

Are there socialists in Congress? Sure! Sanders is an avowed socialist.

As for Maxine Waters, there's only about three operating brain cells in that head, so she can't help it if she sounds like one.

That does not change the fact the OP is a hoax.
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Ad hominem because you lose? That's so clever, Beaver.

You're saying I'm getting personal? Man, you're funny.

Yawn. Just shooting for the last word now? Go ahead, have at it. I certainly wont waste another moment going forward pointing out how WRONG you are. You did a good job on your own.

Maxine is a dumb socialist that openly advocated for it in front of everyone and there are plenty more like her. Plenty.
I think they have some desperation, and are trying every scheme they think worked in the past. Soon we'll be hearing how FDR bombed Pearl Harbor, Truman was a Republican, Truman was a communist, how Reagan paid off the debt and balanced the budget, how Bush destroyed Iraqi's WMD's, how Nixon was framed, and how Hoover brought us out of the Great Depression with his apple sellers.

Isnt just terrible those horrible righties forced the socialists of America to release the names of their reps in government, I bet they did it at gun point too huh?

It's a fabrication, just because something sounds likely (to you) does not mean it's true.

So why are you liberals so defensive. Isnt socialism good? shouldnt it be looked at as positive? Or does it blow their cover, since they pretend they're not, even if their policies are socialist.
Notice that you failed to name the alternative to government or private industry paying your wage.

Not true. The alternative is not having a wage.

So you propose for everyone to starve?

No, i think that would more likely be your proposal.

We approach a separation of labor from the production of wealth. That means we must also separate labor from income. If we don't need people to work in order to produce wealth, it makes no sense anymore to demand that people work in order to receive an income. Like it or not, that's the future, in one form or another.
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Not true. The alternative is not having a wage.

So you propose for everyone to starve?

No, i think that would more likely be your proposal.

We approach a separation of labor from the production of wealth. That means we must also separate labor from income. If we don't need people to work in order to produce wealth, it makes no sense anymore to demand that people work in order to receive an income. Like it or not, that's the future, in one form or another.

so people will work just for the hell of it? Or do you propose to force them to work then? and then we'll get the some animals are more important than others. yeah no thanks! work for yourself, it's been the best system ever designed. Socialism is crap.
so people will work just for the hell of it? Or do you propose to force them to work then?

I know it's hard to get your mind around the concept, but try. We approach a situation in which most of the work is done by machines. We are already in the shallows of that situation, which is why this recovery sucks so badly in terms of employment. It will get worse.

Considerations of how people can be made to work don't matter when it's possible to produce wealth without people working. Or with much less work, which is more the reality.

Another possibility besides completely separating work from income is to pay people full-time incomes for part-time work. We will still need some labor for the foreseeable future.

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