So Why All the Lying About Russia?

Process crimes and people's past that had nothing to do with the investigation.
you mean, a process crime like Bill Clinton's? Or Scooter Libby's? Or Martha Stewart's?

Did you answer the question of why did they all, including Trump, hundreds of times, lie about their contacts with Russians, and why didn't they report this to the FBI when they had been briefed that the Russians were attacking our democratic election process?

I never agreed with the impeachment of clinton. Libby was set up and stewart was quilty of insider trading. O had already reported it to the FBI......remember.

stewart was quilty of insider trading

So why didn't she get convicted of insider trading?
If $145 million in "charitable donations" is not proof of collusion then what is?

The above Trump ass kisser reverts to Clinton......How "original"....LMAO

Well naturally. The only Russian collusion that took place during the 2016 election was between Hillary Clinton and the Russians.

I thought everyone knew this by now.
Wait...Hillary colluded to get Putin to help her LOSE the election?
Supposedly the Mueller Report says that there was no "collusion".

I don't understand why you repeat that crap. Really, I don't.

Not once, not one eff'n single time, does Barr's letter so much as mention "collusion". Nowhere does the letter say, there was "no collusion". Just that a criminal conspiracy couldn't be "established", meaning, proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

... and you even put "collusion" in quotation marks. It's a disgrace.

Because collusion isn't a crime.
Collusion to commit a crime is criminal conspiracy.
There wasn't any crime, so there wan't any criminal conspiracy.
Ahhh, so there WAS collusion, but NOT to the level of being Criminal, a Conspiracy???

So you are saying they could have been useful idiots for the Russians, and not conspiring criminals?? Unwitting vs witting colluders? :D
Process crimes and people's past that had nothing to do with the investigation.
you mean, a process crime like Bill Clinton's? Or Scooter Libby's? Or Martha Stewart's?

Did you answer the question of why did they all, including Trump, hundreds of times, lie about their contacts with Russians, and why didn't they report this to the FBI when they had been briefed that the Russians were attacking our democratic election process?

I never agreed with the impeachment of clinton. Libby was set up and stewart was quilty of insider trading. O had already reported it to the FBI......remember.

stewart was quilty of insider trading

So why didn't she get convicted of insider trading?

I believe it was obstruction wasn't it?
To summarize the scene thus far, there seems to be a lot of armchair detective work going on here, along with some Monday morning quarterbacking. Do any of you REALLY think you have superior investigatory skills to Mueller and his band of merry men who had virtually unlimited time and resources to dig up something on which to "get" Trump and give us President Pence?

Seriously, y'all sound like ex-highschool athletes, frustrated that your glory days are behind you, calling a sports radio talk show to blast a coach's decision, as if you knew better.
They lied to Congress

They lied to the FBI

They lied to the American people.

They risked JAIL for these lies.

Why would they do that?
I agree - Hillary, Obama, Rosenstein, Holder, Lynch, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Baker, Strzok....

They sure did!
They lied to Congress

They lied to the FBI

They lied to the American people.

They risked JAIL for these lies.

Why would they do that?
Perhaps some zanax would help you and stop watching cnn the lying network .
Supposedly the Mueller Report says that there was no "collusion".

So why did all those people lie...about Russia and meetings with Russians?

Don Jr
Trump himself
I'm sure I missed a few...

Russia is a third rate economic power run by a Mafia cartel that has a second rate military and nukes. Putin is desperately trying to foment social discord and political discord, trying to break up the EU, backed right wing fascist groups in France, Eastern Europe, Spain, and throughout the world...

These people didn't lie about meetings with France. They didn't even lie about meetings with China (that we know of). They lied about Russia.


Some have said that these people are simply liars. They lie about everything. That in ITSELF is a problem but more than's always Russia


Hopefully the Mueller report answers that question
To hide their cooperation with them.

The Mueller report is a shame, the investigation a fake at least in the end. I suppose it's possible Barr shut it down and dictated the conclusions, but I really think it was never meant to go anywhere to start with.
Supposedly the Mueller Report says that there was no "collusion".

So why did all those people lie...about Russia and meetings with Russians?

Don Jr
Trump himself
I'm sure I missed a few...

Russia is a third rate economic power run by a Mafia cartel that has a second rate military and nukes. Putin is desperately trying to foment social discord and political discord, trying to break up the EU, backed right wing fascist groups in France, Eastern Europe, Spain, and throughout the world...

These people didn't lie about meetings with France. They didn't even lie about meetings with China (that we know of). They lied about Russia.


Some have said that these people are simply liars. They lie about everything. That in ITSELF is a problem but more than's always Russia


Hopefully the Mueller report answers that question
To hide their cooperation with them.

The Mueller report is a shame, the investigation a fake at least in the end. I suppose it's possible Barr shut it down and dictated the conclusions, but I really think it was never meant to go anywhere to start with.
Your really butt hurt my my lets face it you wouldnt be happy unless a judge wearing a kangaroo costume with a jury all wearing hillary costumes found trump guilty of spitting on the side walk and he was sentenced to hanging in public on the white house lawn on election day.and steele was the hangemen and only cnn was allowed to report
People thought the snowflakes were BUTT-HURT after Hillary's loss...

That was NOTHING compared to them now after Mueller reported









You LOSE ... AGAIN! :p
what answers are you looking for? why won't you accept the answers in the report?
In WHAT report? We haven't seen the Mueller report?
Did I say we had? I want the entire thing out. let's see it. I merely asked what answer she needed.
here are just some of the loose ends that I would like answers to...

Why did Manafort give the secret inside Trump polling data to Kilimnic and lie about it? Did he pass it on to the Russians? What did he need it for....?

Why did Roger Stone lie about his PROVEN contact with Wikileaks Julian Assange during the campaign on the stolen emails? Did he give this info to Trump? Did he help direct the stolen email drops?

Why did Manafort change the Republican platform to favor Russia over the Ukraine? Was Candidate Trump aware of it?

Why did Eric Prince try to set up a back channel for the Russians and the Trump campaign?

Why did Jarod Kushner try to set up a back channel for communications between the Trump campaign and the Russians at the Russian embassy? :eek:

Why did papadopoulis lie about his contacts with the Russians that told him the russians had the clinton and dnc emails?

Why did Donny junior lie before congress?

Why did Flynn lie to the FBI and Vice president Pence about his talks with the Russian Ambassador about relieving them of sanctions?

How did Cambridge Analytica illegally affect the election?

Why did President Trump make up a big ass lie about the Trump tower meeting with Donny junior?

Why did Donny junior meet with the Russian operative and illegal donor to the NRA, at an NRA meet up/dinner?

How much money did the Russians in total, illegally contribute to the NRA?

Why did Trump and Donny junior and Cohen all LIE about the Trump tower Moscow proposal they were pursuing with Russia during the entire campaign?

Why did Trump ease sanctions on Deripaska?

What exactly took place in the meeting in the Seychelles with the Russians and United Emirates and Trump team member and brother of Betsy Devos?

WHY did President Trump say the near traitorous things he said, in the press conference in Helsinki with Putin? Basically, why does Trump lick Putin's ass?

those are just a few of the questions that I have and am certain Mueller tried to get the facts on....

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