So Why All the Lying About Russia?

The lies about Russia was the filthy dishonest Democrats not willing to admit that they had a terrible Presidential candidate.

They wanted America to be a socialist shithole and Crooked Hillary was going to further that agenda. Lying about Russia was a way to put the blame on somebody else for having an agenda that America rejected.
Supposedly the Mueller Report says that there was no "collusion".

So why did all those people lie...about Russia and meetings with Russians?

Don Jr
Trump himself
I'm sure I missed a few...

Russia is a third rate economic power run by a Mafia cartel that has a second rate military and nukes. Putin is desperately trying to foment social discord and political discord, trying to break up the EU, backed right wing fascist groups in France, Eastern Europe, Spain, and throughout the world...

These people didn't lie about meetings with France. They didn't even lie about meetings with China (that we know of). They lied about Russia.


Some have said that these people are simply liars. They lie about everything. That in ITSELF is a problem but more than's always Russia


Hopefully the Mueller report answers that question
Your post is a lie.
All of the folks that plead guilty to lying were simply trying to cooperate. They could have plead the fifth or claimed that they couldn't recall specific facts, the way Obama Administration officials did, or Hillary did. Instead they made the mistake of trying to answer questions to the best of their recollections. Turns out their recollections were sometimes inaccurate or different from previous testimony. It's a textbook prosecutorial tactic. Then some of them were asked to offer perjured testimony by Mueller and Hillary's lawyer Lanny Davis. Most of them refused. Only Michael Cohen agreed.
Seems the lefty loons don't like the truth. They think Mueller is dishonest and both he and AG Barr are shielding Trump. Gotta laugh at their stupidity and dishonesty.

If his report said what they all wished it would say those two would be hero's.

They will now have to find a new reason to live.

Sucks to be them.
Supposedly the Mueller Report says that there was no "collusion".

So why did all those people lie...about Russia and meetings with Russians?

Don Jr
Trump himself
I'm sure I missed a few...

Russia is a third rate economic power run by a Mafia cartel that has a second rate military and nukes. Putin is desperately trying to foment social discord and political discord, trying to break up the EU, backed right wing fascist groups in France, Eastern Europe, Spain, and throughout the world...

These people didn't lie about meetings with France. They didn't even lie about meetings with China (that we know of). They lied about Russia.


Some have said that these people are simply liars. They lie about everything. That in ITSELF is a problem but more than's always Russia


Hopefully the Mueller report answers that question
To hide their cooperation with them.

The Mueller report is a shame, the investigation a fake at least in the end. I suppose it's possible Barr shut it down and dictated the conclusions, but I really think it was never meant to go anywhere to start with.

Oh so NOW the investigation is a sham??

When it was in progress all you could talk about was how Trump colluded with the Russians and the Mueller report would get Trump impeached. Hell his investigation was the greatest thing you'd ever heard of.


Now all I see is rants about how the investigation was a sham.

You really need new material. What you have is old and just about as stupid as you are.
Let's see the report so we know.

How bout that?
How about, since they weren't committing any crimes, it wasn't anybody's business...

People don't lie for no reason. People don't expose themselves to legal jeopardy for no reason. This many people don't all lie about the same thing for no reason.

We need to know what that reason
Supposedly the Mueller Report says that there was no "collusion".

I don't understand why you repeat that crap. Really, I don't.

Not once, not one eff'n single time, does Barr's letter so much as mention "collusion". Nowhere does the letter say, there was "no collusion". Just that a criminal conspiracy couldn't be "established", meaning, proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

... and you even put "collusion" in quotation marks. It's a disgrace.
Process crimes and people's past that had nothing to do with the investigation.
you mean, a process crime like Bill Clinton's? Or Scooter Libby's? Or Martha Stewart's?

Did you answer the question of why did they all, including Trump, hundreds of times, lie about their contacts with Russians, and why didn't they report this to the FBI when they had been briefed that the Russians were attacking our democratic election process?
Supposedly the Mueller Report says that there was no "collusion".

I don't understand why you repeat that crap. Really, I don't.

Not once, not one eff'n single time, does Barr's letter so much as mention "collusion". Nowhere does the letter say, there was "no collusion". Just that a criminal conspiracy couldn't be "established", meaning, proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

... and you even put "collusion" in quotation marks. It's a disgrace.

Because collusion isn't a crime.
Collusion to commit a crime is criminal conspiracy.
There wasn't any crime, so there wan't any criminal conspiracy.
Well naturally. The only Russian collusion that took place during the 2016 election was between Hillary Clinton and the Russians.

Well, Ms. Ayn Rand wanna-be.......

Ignorant Trump ass you, certainly.......should know that Putin HATED Hillary Clinton......If you want, I'll provide you and other morons within your ilk with DOZENS of stories as to why Vlad despised Hillary because she was tough on his fraudulent tactics on Russian "elections."

But, since you are a Trump ass kisser..........the very "best" way to defend your orange clown is to DIVERT to attacking Clinton because.......well, simply because you ARE a fucking moron.
Do think Sessions 5 second encounter with a Russian at a huge event was proof of collusion?

Not for're too far up Trump's ass.......but for others

First and most obviously, if Sessions did indeed meet Kislyak three times in 2016, why did he only admit two meetings? That omission was either deliberate or accidental. We need to know which, in order to know why. This also resurrects the question of why Sessions did not admit to meeting the Russian ambassador on his attorney general background investigation forms. The Department of Justice says Sessions was advised not to do so by the FBI investigator. But did Sessions tell that investigator he had three meetings with Kislyak or two?

Second, if there was a third meeting, we need to know what Kislyak and Sessions discussed.

The Russian ambassador has been openly outed by U.S. officials as the effective station chief of Russian SVR/GRU intelligence operations in the United States. Any off-the-books meetings with senior Trump campaign/administration officials are thus concerning. As I've noted before, Russia's intelligence-operation strategy is exceptionally aggressive. Even if Sessions discussed the weather at a third meeting, the Russians may have had other reasons for being there.

Ultimately, if a third meeting did indeed take place, it raises questions as to what Sessions was thinking. It strains the imagination to believe Sessions was unaware that the Russian ambassador is closely monitored by the FBI. That has been standard practice since the beginning of the Cold War. And again: When they did meet, what were Sessions and Kislyak talking about?

How many times did Attorney General Jeff Sessions meet with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak?
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Process crimes and people's past that had nothing to do with the investigation.
you mean, a process crime like Bill Clinton's? Or Scooter Libby's? Or Martha Stewart's?

Did you answer the question of why did they all, including Trump, hundreds of times, lie about their contacts with Russians, and why didn't they report this to the FBI when they had been briefed that the Russians were attacking our democratic election process?

I never agreed with the impeachment of clinton. Libby was set up and stewart was quilty of insider trading. O had already reported it to the FBI......remember.
Why are you still not getting it?

It's over, he had two years, and nothing was found. You must find a new conspiracy theory now.

It's not illegal to speak with Russians

That's the point. It's NOT illegal to speak to Russians. Why lie and expose yourself to legal jeopardy?

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