So... Whos Angry Now??


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2004
Who Are You Calling Angry?
By Michelle Malkin
November 30, 2005

Editor's Note: Today's column contains offensive language in quotes from liberals.

Janeane Garofalo, left-wing actress-turned-Air America radio host, is a miserable woman. Last week before the holidays, she turned up on cable TV. No, not to count her blessings -- but to rant against conservative journalist Bob Novak, author Ann Coulter, and the Fox News Channel. She didn't have anything better to do for Thanksgiving?

Accessorized by a permanent scowl (hard to believe she was once considered a comedienne), Ms. Garofalo accused conservatives of having "an anger management problem." Without a trace of irony, the frowning Garofalo griped about "right-wing partisan hacks" who "are always on the verge of punching somebody or always behave as if they've just been cut off in traffic."

This, dear readers, is a classic case of liberal projection. Like CNN executive Jonathan Klein, who derided Fox's audience as full of "angry white men, and those men tend to be rabid," and liberal comedian Bill Maher, who also railed that "Republicans need anger management" and are possessed with a "vein-popping, gut-churning rage that consumes the entire right wing," Ms. Garofalo crossly blames the Right while denying the pathological wrath and fury that characterize the unhinged Left.

Who are you calling angry, Ms. Garofalo? You want political road rage? Let's start with Al. Take your pick: Sharpton. Gore. Franken. Yearrghh!

Now, open your eyes:

It isn't out-of-control conservatives tossing Molotov cocktails at police officers in San Francisco, burning American soldiers in effigy, and smearing pig's blood and feces on the walls and windows of military recruitment centers across the country to protest on behalf of peace.

It isn't rage-blinded conservative professors who embrace fragging (the murder of American soldiers by their fellow soldiers on the battlefield) as a legitimate anti-war tactic.

It isn't vengeful conservatives torching SUVs, condo developments, and research facilities, and targeting biotech and pharmaceutical company employees and their families to protest on behalf of the environment.

It wasn't mad conservatives sporting "F--- Bush" license plates, punching cardboard cutouts of the president, and vowing to secede after losing the 2004 presidential election.

It wasn't rabid conservatives who gloated over Ronald Reagan's death or John Ashcroft's pancreatitis.

It wasn't a gut-busting conservative journalist who vowed to kill herself if Dick Cheney ran for president. (That would be the perpetually aggrieved Helen Thomas.)

It wasn't hate-filled Republican officials who reportedly screamed "faggot" and "fruitcake" and "I'll break your nose" at their political opponents. (Those were all Democrats: Pennsylvania state legislator Vincent Fumo, California Rep. Pete Stark, and Virginia Rep. Jim Moran, respectively.)

It isn't fanatical conservatives joking about the assassination of President Bush and the execution of his Republican aides. (That, Ms. Garofalo, would include your Air America colleagues. But I'll forgive you if you weren't tuned in to them. Few are.)

Beware of those angry, angry conservatives, everyone!!! :funnyface: Michelle sure does take the fight to the libs. She doesn't let them get by with much. The Bush Administration should hire her to write daily columns showing liberal propaganda for what it is.
Adam's Apple said:
Beware of those angry, angry conservatives, everyone!!! :funnyface: Michelle sure does take the fight to the libs. She doesn't let them get by with much. The Bush Administration should hire her to write daily columns showing liberal propaganda for what it is.

Yes they should!!!!!!!!!!!! Or better yet head up their PR dept...
You know the fact that she doesn't realize she is the angry one is just really sad. I hate the fact that I am pitying people like her.
Avatar4321 said:
You know the fact that she doesn't realize she is the angry one is just really sad. I hate the fact that I am pitying people like her.

For me I used to feel pity, now however Im getting pissed at them :(
Bonnie said:
For me I used to feel pity, now however Im getting pissed at them :(

I figure if they get me as angry at them as they are at me then they won.
Avatar4321 said:
I figure if they get me as angry at them as they are at me then they won.

True but a healthy dose of pissy keeps those loons in check :teeth: :bat:

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