So, when Obama says climate change is a fact.....


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Is that his way of admitting man made global warming isn't?

Why then the change in terminology among these left wing piles of shit?

Make your explanations brief if possible.

Oh and btw. Everyone knows climate change is a fact.

Hey! Water is wet everyone!

Lol at liberals and their bullshit.
They transitioned into "climate change" gradually. I started hearing it used regularly a couple years back, and they made the swithceroo because they knew how retarded the claims of warming were becoming.

Fact- Climtae Change exists

Fact- It always has

Fact- It is statistically impossible for man to have a significant effect versus the solar system and natural occurrences (erupting volcanos etc.)
Is that his way of admitting man made global warming isn't?

Why then the change in terminology among these left wing piles of shit?

Make your explanations brief if possible.

Oh and btw. Everyone knows climate change is a fact.

Hey! Water is wet everyone!

Lol at liberals and their bullshit.

What about the right wing piles of shit who also believe that climate change is a fact?
Is that his way of admitting man made global warming isn't?

Why then the change in terminology among these left wing piles of shit?

Make your explanations brief if possible.

Oh and btw. Everyone knows climate change is a fact.

Hey! Water is wet everyone!

Lol at liberals and their bullshit.

What about the right wing piles of shit who also believe that climate change is a fact?
I don't know of any right wing pile of shit who has argued that climate doesn't change or hasn't hanged.
Weather in the US south is BRUTAL!!!! Is was 4 degrees in Nashville. Atlanta roads closed due to ice, same in Alabama

Man this climate change sucks!
What brilliance it takes to point out the climate changes and that's a fact, as if we all didn't already know that CLIMATE CHANGES...yeah, winter, summer, fall and spring

the man's an idiot and you have to wonder who is pulling his strings to make his mouth move
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There is NO repeatable experiment that proves CO2 raised the temp during the 80's and 90's. In fact established science states that as CO2 goes up it has a DIMINISHING effect on temperature and further that CO2 FOLLOWS rising temps.

No one can explain how if rising CO2 caused the warming why it stopped in 1998 all the while the CO2 keeps going up.
Cool. So liberals all agree then that man made global warming is a myth.

Right? Right?

Has a conservative ever said on these boards that climate change is not a fact?

Who? When was this?

I have never seen that claim. When was this?

Oh, is anyone going to explain why there was a concerted effort to change the terminology to climate change?

LOL at liberals. You gotta love how they go about admitting they are wrong. In this case, they claim they were right all along, and they actually equate climate change to man made global warming.

Like the demented piles of steaming shit they are, they will some how claim they were right all along.

Right about what? Man made global warming? were wrong about that. Just face it. We were right, and you were wrong.

I will be waiting for one of you steaming piles to give me your best explanation why there is a concerted effort to change the terminology, if indeed man made global warming was true.

Let the obtuse postings begin.

That's all that statement by the dummy I mean "brilliant" Dear leader deserves

for crying out loud why didn't he say it's a fact there are stars in the heavens above
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First we had global warming but when we started getting cold snaps it had to be changed to global cooling then when the heatwaves came back they couldn't go back to global warming again so we got climate change all the bull shit now under one title.

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