So....What Do You Think The Democrats Are Setting Up In The ACB Hearings? A Rape? A Racist Statement In Her Childhood?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
The Democrats are acting like they always act, like classless jackasses.

But we all know that they're setting something up.
They probably will bring up some former classmate that will swear on a stack of Korans that ACB tried to rape her....or said something about black people that is considered racist. I just know it.
So far all that has happened is they've been made a fool of.....but all of these silly questions are a setup for what comes later. I'm just waiting to see what lie they're got ready to hatch on us.

My guess is that they will bring out someone who claims to have been pimping out Ms. Barrett during here youth, and make some fellow in full pimp regalia the "victim" here. But we'll have to wait until the end of the hearing, right before the vote, to hear from the sympathetic pimp..
This is the second post I've seen on this nonsense. Again, do all right wingers read from the same talking points sheet?

Democrats are handling ACB's confirmation in the way I hoped they would. There's nothing they can do to stop it so try and draw out her views (which I didn't figure she'd divulge). Let the American people know what the stakes
are with her confirmation. And we'll go from there. To all the right wingers, what goes around, comes around.
This is the second post I've seen on this nonsense. Again, do all right wingers read from the same talking points sheet?

Democrats are handling ACB's confirmation in the way I hoped they would. There's nothing they can do to stop it so try and draw out her views (which I didn't figure she'd divulge). Let the American people know what the stakes
are with her confirmation. And we'll go from there. To all the right wingers, what goes around, comes around.

Maybe not.
It's like I said in the other threads... the Democrats can count on the fact that:
1) The vast majority of Americans will not watch 5 seconds of the hearing
2) Those that even have what little interest they do - will obediently believe whatever brand of news they watch.

Go to CNN and read their lead article. EXACTLY like predicted. They write about the "concerns" rose by Democrats without including her answer that obliterated their twisted sand pounding.
The Democrats are acting like they always act, like classless jackasses.

But we all know that they're setting something up.
They probably will bring up some former classmate that will swear on a stack of Korans that ACB tried to rape her....or said something about black people that is considered racist. I just know it.
So far all that has happened is they've been made a fool of.....but all of these silly questions are a setup for what comes later. I'm just waiting to see what lie they're got ready to hatch on us.

They are going to accuse her of one, being a practicing Satanist or two, a sexual predator. They'll try to kill two birds with one stone—destroy her and the Catholic Church in one go. Of course, it will backfire spectacularly in their commie faces.
It's like I said in the other threads... the Democrats can count on the fact that:
1) The vast majority of Americans will not watch 5 seconds of the hearing
2) Those that even have what little interest they do - will obediently believe whatever brand of news they watch.

Go to CNN and read their lead article. EXACTLY like predicted. They write about the "concerns" rose by Democrats without including her answer that obliterated their twisted sand pounding.
The point is that they want to delay the vote. That means bringing up an issue that must be investigated before they can hold a vote to move out of committee and hold a vote on the floor. No matter how frivolous, the gutless GOP members must indulge the lying minority or be accused of rushing the vote. The anonymous source has to be recognized.
She is a member of a cult in which she took a slave oath of obedience, and she has hid her activism, not listing it on the forms that she was required to fill out. She is not worthy of any place on the Supreme Court. If she wants to kiss a penis, that's her right, her sex life is her own, but she should not be in any position to review the rights of Americans as a whole.

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