CDZ So we have seen what happens when a Virus comes out of China, and lets say President Biden is now in office. What if next year China lets go another?

If China releases another Virus next year, will the country have to close down again?

  • I never thought about it.

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • That would be bad, for the US cannot close every time a virus comes out.

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Who cares, as long as i get mine, everyone else can be damned.

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Is this a war through biological warfare that China is learning how to defeat US?

    Votes: 1 25.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
So we have shut down the economy for almost 3 months now, trying to spare people from getting infected with a virus that came from Wuhan China. So lets say, by the end of August, the economy has tanked, the DOW Jones is under 8,000 and 1/2 the country is out of work, and Joe Biden is elected president. In December of 2020 another virus comes out of China, more deadly than this one, do we shut down the country again, or do like Obama did, which was to go golfing and allowed 10's of thousands of people to die, many of the young American children? Seems that no liberal media pundits said anything bad about Obama's handling of that virus, will the same be applied to the forgetful one?

If Sleepy Joe slept through the entire pandemic, he’d likely do a better job than El Blobo since he wouldn’t be spreading lies, misinformation, contradicting experts, and making a fool of himself
If Sleepy Joe slept through the entire pandemic, he’d likely do a better job than El Blobo since he wouldn’t be spreading lies, misinformation, contradicting experts, and making a fool of himself
the only people spreading lies are leftist ... in leftist i mean the chicoms and the democratic party .
If Sleepy Joe slept through the entire pandemic, he’d likely do a better job than El Blobo since he wouldn’t be spreading lies, misinformation, contradicting experts, and making a fool of himself
the only people spreading lies are leftist ... in leftist i mean the chicoms and the democratic party .

Any word on when the blob’s promised miracle is going to arrive?


Heres a funny for you.

Same as the Governor of NY. was told in 2015 to get more respirators but.. but... he refused to listen to science.

You know what? Demorats are being quite hypocritical in a real time of crisis. Looking for semantics here and there to pin on Trump... because they want him out of office. I'm a registered Democrat but i have been disillusioned by them for a long long time. Their use and partnership of the News media turns my stomach. Trump is far from perfect, however, he's trying to do well for the American people.
The World Health Organization, themselves tweeted in mid January that there was no evidence Corona Virus was transmittable by humans to each other, Was that the science Trump was supposed to listen to?
Pelosi on Feb 14th, was telling people not to worry,.. come on down and be with us in China town for the celebration..... now she and Schiff want to lead another inquiry into Trumps response... hypocrites all of them... they need to get their asses working together WITH Trump instead of taking him down.. once again they are looking to the next election. F' them.
So we have shut down the economy for almost 3 months now, trying to spare people from getting infected with a virus that came from Wuhan China. So lets say, by the end of August, the economy has tanked, the DOW Jones is under 8,000 and 1/2 the country is out of work, and Joe Biden is elected president. In December of 2020 another virus comes out of China, more deadly than this one, do we shut down the country again, or do like Obama did, which was to go golfing and allowed 10's of thousands of people to die, many of the young American children? Seems that no liberal media pundits said anything bad about Obama's handling of that virus, will the same be applied to the forgetful one?

I never thought about it. Obama lied about 4 already dead men in an election year. Yes it was politics. Trump lied about the coronavirus because he wanted a good economy, in an election year.

and trumps lie has cost lives.

never thought of it that way till now thanks
Heres a funny for you.

Same as the Governor of NY. was told in 2015 to get more respirators but.. but... he refused to listen to science.

You know what? Demorats are being quite hypocritical in a real time of crisis. Looking for semantics here and there to pin on Trump... because they want him out of office. I'm a registered Democrat but i have been disillusioned by them for a long long time. Their use and partnership of the News media turns my stomach. Trump is far from perfect, however, he's trying to do well for the American people.
The World Health Organization, themselves tweeted in mid January that there was no evidence Corona Virus was transmittable by humans to each other, Was that the science Trump was supposed to listen to?
Pelosi on Feb 14th, was telling people not to worry,.. come on down and be with us in China town for the celebration..... now she and Schiff want to lead another inquiry into Trumps response... hypocrites all of them... they need to get their asses working together WITH Trump instead of taking him down.. once again they are looking to the next election. F' them.
Why did Trump cut the budgets for the CDC and other such departments we're desperately in need of now?
If Sleepy Joe slept through the entire pandemic, he’d likely do a better job than El Blobo since he wouldn’t be spreading lies, misinformation, contradicting experts, and making a fool of himself
Works for trump. Not exactly been mister intelligence, as far as I can tell. Joe would have turned to the experts much sooner. After this, much much sooner.
Guys, you are showing your partisanship in flying colors. I asked a very concerning question, what happens to the US if China decides to let loose another biological virus upon the world? Does the US shut down for a second year, thus having more people out of work? Who will make the food, who will process it, how will it get delivered, and all you idiots can do is complain and call people names. Wake up, are you ready for next year if China does it again?
Heres a funny for you.

Same as the Governor of NY. was told in 2015 to get more respirators but.. but... he refused to listen to science.

You know what? Demorats are being quite hypocritical in a real time of crisis. Looking for semantics here and there to pin on Trump... because they want him out of office. I'm a registered Democrat but i have been disillusioned by them for a long long time. Their use and partnership of the News media turns my stomach. Trump is far from perfect, however, he's trying to do well for the American people.
The World Health Organization, themselves tweeted in mid January that there was no evidence Corona Virus was transmittable by humans to each other, Was that the science Trump was supposed to listen to?
Pelosi on Feb 14th, was telling people not to worry,.. come on down and be with us in China town for the celebration..... now she and Schiff want to lead another inquiry into Trumps response... hypocrites all of them... they need to get their asses working together WITH Trump instead of taking him down.. once again they are looking to the next election. F' them.
Why did Trump cut the budgets for the CDC and other such departments we're desperately in need of now?

Like I said Trump isn't perfect, and why? exactly? i don't know why as I don't have whatever information he or his advisers were looking at. My guess it was because of his attempt to reduce beaurocratic inefficiencies. As i understand it, departments were merged. Was it completely correct? I don't know, and unfortunately I cant trust the news media to inform me on that because
they are completely biased, time and time again.
DO we really need those federal offices at the moment? or do we more so need respirators and face masks that were never replaced? None of the top Democrats were ahead of this one but they are now pretending they never made public comments about things being ok. Trump had already called for flight restrictions on China before they started to change their tune. And honestly, the real culprit here is China.. had they been truthful Thousands of lives would have been saved. They confused the experts by the data they were giving out. THAT is the problem.Everyone here is just fighting with each other playing Sunday morning quarter back.
In hindsight Trump could have done things differently, so could have everyone... which is why I call them damn hypocrites for playing politics. I damn well know Schiff and Pelosi are looking at an opportunity here. its the way their entrenched minds operate but this is not the time for that.
THings that really "retail politics" discussions should NEVER be CDZ topics.. It's only here while everyone keeps this free of personal exchanges and wirty dords.

If it does have to move -- folks will still get deleted and warned before the move...
If Sleepy Joe slept through the entire pandemic, he’d likely do a better job than El Blobo since he wouldn’t be spreading lies, misinformation, contradicting experts, and making a fool of himself
the only people spreading lies are leftist ... in leftist i mean the chicoms and the democratic party .
Thank you for the good belly laugh in this time of crisis.

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