So we finally get to see why Generals hate Trump....


Diamond Member
Jan 19, 2010
They don't like Trumps America first policy....they don't like Americans being put first...they want a global economy where other nations get rich and we do the fighting for those nations....they want us to die for China and they want us to fight in the middle east...and the libtards voted for them......

They don't like Trumps America first policy....they don't like Americans being put first...they want a global economy where other nations get rich and we do the fighting for those nations....they want us to die for China and they want us to fight in the middle east...and the libtards voted for them......

No they don’t like that he’s ignorant a d psycho.
Former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis is urging Joe Biden to dump President Trump’s “America first” foreign policy for a more “cooperative” approach with the country’s allies around the globe.

Unbelievable that he said this openly....but I'm glad he did because if we return to war we will know who encouraged it......
Former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis is urging Joe Biden to dump President Trump’s “America first” foreign policy for a more “cooperative” approach with the country’s allies around the globe.

Unbelievable that he said this openly....but I'm glad he did because if we return to war we will know who encouraged it......
Good approach. Trump does not have an America first policy. Its just bullshit. You are not a single step further than you were in 2016.
Can anyone say Treason?...Puppy dog Mattis should be publicly humiliated over this....but the media won't even report the media must not like America first either....turn them off break their financial backs....
Wasn´t he a Trumper back then?
He was never a Trumper...Trump placed him in his administration as an attempt to get along with the Never Trumpers....he should never have done that....the armchair Generals want us back in the nation rebuilding game and back to war....and they hate Trump for pulling us out.....
So now we are 2nd???? 3rd?????4th????5th????...what will please Maddog?...just what will make the puppy dog happy?...more limbs left in the desert sands?.....more dollars to swipe off the top?....
Can anyone say Treason?...Puppy dog Mattis should be publicly humiliated over this....but the media won't even report the media must not like America first either....turn them off break their financial backs....
Wasn´t he a Trumper back then?
He was never a Trumper...Trump placed him in his administration as an attempt to get along with the Never Trumpers....he should never have done that....the armchair Generals want us back in the nation rebuilding game and back to war....and they hate Trump for pulling us out.....
How many soldiers did he bring home so far?
They don't like Trumps America first policy....they don't like Americans being put first...they want a global economy where other nations get rich and we do the fighting for those nations....they want us to die for China and they want us to fight in the middle east...and the libtards voted for them......

No they don’t like that he’s ignorant a d psycho.

What is your evidence for that, fake attorney?
Can anyone say Treason?...Puppy dog Mattis should be publicly humiliated over this....but the media won't even report the media must not like America first either....turn them off break their financial backs....
Wasn´t he a Trumper back then?
He was never a Trumper...Trump placed him in his administration as an attempt to get along with the Never Trumpers....he should never have done that....the armchair Generals want us back in the nation rebuilding game and back to war....and they hate Trump for pulling us out.....
How many soldiers did he bring home so far?

Trump is the first POTUS since the 1870's to NOT embroil us in foreign wars.
They don't like Trumps America first policy....they don't like Americans being put first...they want a global economy where other nations get rich and we do the fighting for those nations....they want us to die for China and they want us to fight in the middle east...and the libtards voted for them......

Don't be ridiculous.
All you tards have to do is to read Puppy Dogs own words...and remember you voted for them.....
They don't like Trumps America first policy....they don't like Americans being put first...they want a global economy where other nations get rich and we do the fighting for those nations....they want us to die for China and they want us to fight in the middle east...and the libtards voted for them......

You didn't read that, did you.
They don't like Trumps America first policy....they don't like Americans being put first...they want a global economy where other nations get rich and we do the fighting for those nations....they want us to die for China and they want us to fight in the middle east...and the libtards voted for them......

No they don’t like that he’s ignorant a d psycho.

What war did Trump get us into? He only demanded a little accountability from our allies instead of the U.S. footing the bill. He never turned his back on international affairs, only wanted it to be a little better for the U.S...... he helped broker peace in the M.E. I can just imagine how Biden and Kamala will fuck that up
They don't like Trumps America first policy....they don't like Americans being put first...they want a global economy where other nations get rich and we do the fighting for those nations....they want us to die for China and they want us to fight in the middle east...and the libtards voted for them......

Reminds me of when kennedy was in office and Generals and the top military and pentagon brass considered him a traiter to America and that he was a danger to it. same thing going on now.

You just KNOW if he gets a second term,they are going to plot to kill him as well. they left him alone this term because they are sure he will be out the door in the second term.I wish that was not true but our court system is so corrupt with the most corrupt court system in the world,i just cant be optimistic about it.

speaking of that,this is on par with that sense LBJ unlike Kennedy,was a puppet for them willing to do whatever they asked and he totally reversed his major policys.
“Former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis says Biden should toss all of Trump's 'America First' policies” ibid

And appropriately so.

‘America first’ was a failed, inane, wrongheaded policy that rendered America last.

Attacking our allies, coddling dictators, and isolating America from the world is an untenable foreign policy strategy.

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