So this clown is People's Magazine Person of the Year??? LOL

They won't...until they see how the liberal media exploited an only moderately dangerous virus with the help of DNC "plants" at the CDC and other agencies. As long as we have as many people as we do buying into reality TV shows, we are doomed.

Do you know we've got 200,000 new cases in the last 24 hours alone?

What the fuck else do we have 200k new cases of in one day?

I read we broke our own record for deaths in one day yesterday. You be careful out there, Pogo.
..and the US mortality rate dropped to 1.9% so what's your point? 200 million tests gives you lots of cases but reducing death rates.

Your claim made me curious so I just checked the latest figures. The mortality rate is 3.3%, not "1.9".
Divide 282,089 deaths into 14,482,575 total cases and tell me what you get....right, 1.9%. You are either dead or you are alive, and deaths and total cases along with tests are the only metrics updated as they occur.

You divided the wrong numbers. You don't count cases that are PENDING as cases RECOVERED because you don't know that yet.
So Pending cases are alive or dead? Of course they are alive, so I am NOT dividing the wrong numbers I am dividing the only correct numbers. Deaths divided by total cases(alive and dead). Who cares if they are pending, if they die they are counting immediately and if they dont they are already factored in. Think for yourself!

You must be a professional moron. Let's dumb it down to your level.

If Dick and Jane both get sick, but they're still alive, you don't have a mortality rate (and it's NOT zero).

If Dick dies and Jane is still sick, you STILL don't have a mortality rate, because you don't yet know what will happen to Jane.

If Jane recovers, NOW you have a mortality rate (50%), because you know BOTH outcomes.

You COULD NOT HAVE KNOWN THAT until you knew how both Dick and Jane would result.

Not sure it gets any simpler than that.

Maybe an analogy?
If your baseball team wins its first four games of the season, you can't say "my team went undefeated this year" because you DON'T KNOW how the rest of the games will result. If they win 158 more games, THEN you can say that.

Maybe stats just isn't your thing.
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It’s like Christmas every day around here.

View attachment 424763

We've been pretty much breaking (our own) records DAILY for the last month or so. Fatter o' mact if somebody were to compile a list of record COVID deaths in one day, the US would hold at least the top twenty records I have no doubt.
But you are ALSO testing record levels each day and 7% of all tests are positive, some days the number of deaths means nothing by itself, and when the other statistics are considered the daily mortality rate of 1% continues to drive the overall lower and not higher.

I ain't talking about "testing". I'm talking mortalities.
And you are wrong to do that because you misinform yourself and others about the severity of the virus.

You're actually trying to tell me what stats I can cite?

Dafuck is wrong with you?
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They won't...until they see how the liberal media exploited an only moderately dangerous virus with the help of DNC "plants" at the CDC and other agencies. As long as we have as many people as we do buying into reality TV shows, we are doomed.

Do you know we've got 200,000 new cases in the last 24 hours alone?

What the fuck else do we have 200k new cases of in one day?

I read we broke our own record for deaths in one day yesterday. You be careful out there, Pogo.
..and the US mortality rate dropped to 1.9% so what's your point? 200 million tests gives you lots of cases but reducing death rates.

Your claim made me curious so I just checked the latest figures. The mortality rate is 3.3%, not "1.9".
Divide 282,089 deaths into 14,482,575 total cases and tell me what you get....right, 1.9%. You are either dead or you are alive, and deaths and total cases along with tests are the only metrics updated as they occur.

You divided the wrong numbers. You don't count cases that are PENDING as cases RECOVERED because you don't know that yet.
So Pending cases are alive or dead? Of course they are alive, so I am NOT dividing the wrong numbers I am dividing the only correct numbers. Deaths divided by total cases(alive and dead). Who cares if they are pending, if they die they are counting immediately and if they dont they are already factored in. Think for yourself!

You must be a professional moron. Let's dumb it down to your level.

If Dick and Jane both get sick, but they're still alive, you don't have a mortality rate (and it's NOT zero).

If Dick dies and Jane is still sick, you STILL don't have a mortality rate, because you don't yet know what will happen to Jane.

If Jane recovers, NOW you have a mortality rate (50%), because you know BOTH outcomes.

You COULD NOT HAVE KNOWN THAT until you knew how both Dick and Jane would result.

Not sure it gets any simpler than that.
Why complicate a simple statistic with additional factors.....the mortality rate IS zero until someone dies and makes it something else. People are alive until they die...I know these facts are confusing....deaths into cases is simple and correct and updated constantly. Recovered cases are reported weeks behind and have no real bearing if they continue to be alive.
They won't...until they see how the liberal media exploited an only moderately dangerous virus with the help of DNC "plants" at the CDC and other agencies. As long as we have as many people as we do buying into reality TV shows, we are doomed.

Do you know we've got 200,000 new cases in the last 24 hours alone?

What the fuck else do we have 200k new cases of in one day?

I read we broke our own record for deaths in one day yesterday. You be careful out there, Pogo.
..and the US mortality rate dropped to 1.9% so what's your point? 200 million tests gives you lots of cases but reducing death rates.

Your claim made me curious so I just checked the latest figures. The mortality rate is 3.3%, not "1.9".
Divide 282,089 deaths into 14,482,575 total cases and tell me what you get....right, 1.9%. You are either dead or you are alive, and deaths and total cases along with tests are the only metrics updated as they occur.

You divided the wrong numbers. You don't count cases that are PENDING as cases RECOVERED because you don't know that yet.
So Pending cases are alive or dead? Of course they are alive, so I am NOT dividing the wrong numbers I am dividing the only correct numbers. Deaths divided by total cases(alive and dead). Who cares if they are pending, if they die they are counting immediately and if they dont they are already factored in. Think for yourself!

You must be a professional moron. Let's dumb it down to your level.

If Dick and Jane both get sick, but they're still alive, you don't have a mortality rate (and it's NOT zero).

If Dick dies and Jane is still sick, you STILL don't have a mortality rate, because you don't yet know what will happen to Jane.

If Jane recovers, NOW you have a mortality rate (50%), because you know BOTH outcomes.

You COULD NOT HAVE KNOWN THAT until you knew how both Dick and Jane would result.

Not sure it gets any simpler than that.
It is simple you are the one who complicates it.
It’s like Christmas every day around here.

View attachment 424763

They won't...until they see how the liberal media exploited an only moderately dangerous virus with the help of DNC "plants" at the CDC and other agencies. As long as we have as many people as we do buying into reality TV shows, we are doomed.

Do you know we've got 200,000 new cases in the last 24 hours alone?

What the fuck else do we have 200k new cases of in one day?

I read we broke our own record for deaths in one day yesterday. You be careful out there, Pogo.
..and the US mortality rate dropped to 1.9% so what's your point? 200 million tests gives you lots of cases but reducing death rates.
We had more deaths from Covid yesterday than ever before in one day is my only point. You'd don't care, fine.

We've been pretty much breaking (our own) records DAILY for the last month or so. Fatter o' mact if somebody were to compile a list of record COVID deaths in one day, the US would hold at least the top twenty records I have no doubt.
But you are ALSO testing record levels each day and 7% of all tests are positive, some days the number of deaths means nothing by itself, and when the other statistics are considered the daily mortality rate of 1% continues to drive the overall lower and not higher.

I ain't talking about "testing". I'm talking mortalities.
And you are wrong to do that because you misinform yourself and others about the severity of the virus.

You're actually trying to tell me what stats I can cite?

Dafuck is wrong with you?
Well no you can do whatever you want. You already misinform by picking and choosing things to accomodate your storyline. I couldn't care less what you believe or continue to lie about.
..and the US mortality rate dropped to 1.9% so what's your point? 200 million tests gives you lots of cases but reducing death rates.

Your claim made me curious so I just checked the latest figures. The mortality rate is 3.3%, not "1.9".
Divide 282,089 deaths into 14,482,575 total cases and tell me what you get....right, 1.9%. You are either dead or you are alive, and deaths and total cases along with tests are the only metrics updated as they occur.

You divided the wrong numbers. You don't count cases that are PENDING as cases RECOVERED because you don't know that yet.
So Pending cases are alive or dead? Of course they are alive, so I am NOT dividing the wrong numbers I am dividing the only correct numbers. Deaths divided by total cases(alive and dead). Who cares if they are pending, if they die they are counting immediately and if they dont they are already factored in. Think for yourself!

You must be a professional moron. Let's dumb it down to your level.

If Dick and Jane both get sick, but they're still alive, you don't have a mortality rate (and it's NOT zero).

If Dick dies and Jane is still sick, you STILL don't have a mortality rate, because you don't yet know what will happen to Jane.

If Jane recovers, NOW you have a mortality rate (50%), because you know BOTH outcomes.

You COULD NOT HAVE KNOWN THAT until you knew how both Dick and Jane would result.

Not sure it gets any simpler than that.
Why complicate a simple statistic with additional factors.....the mortality rate IS zero until someone dies

If you claim "the mortality rate is zero" you're saying "no one dies from this" -- ever. And clearly that's not the case.

Again from post 81 above:
>>If Dick and Jane both get sick, but they're still alive, you don't have a mortality rate (and it's NOT zero).​
----- if you said "the mortality rate is zero" then the next sentence would be impossible:
If Dick dies and Jane is still sick, you STILL don't have a mortality rate, because you don't yet know what will happen to Jane.
---- you had just declared it's impossible to die, yet Dick just died, didn't he.
If Jane recovers, NOW you have a mortality rate (50%), because you know BOTH outcomes. <<​

What does "mortality rate" mean? It means "what percentage of victims die from (cause)".

You cannot count those who have not yet resolved whether they're going to die or not. That would require you to keep changing your rate. If your rate keeps changing --- it doesn't mean anything.
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They won't...until they see how the liberal media exploited an only moderately dangerous virus with the help of DNC "plants" at the CDC and other agencies. As long as we have as many people as we do buying into reality TV shows, we are doomed.

Do you know we've got 200,000 new cases in the last 24 hours alone?

What the fuck else do we have 200k new cases of in one day?

I read we broke our own record for deaths in one day yesterday. You be careful out there, Pogo.
..and the US mortality rate dropped to 1.9% so what's your point? 200 million tests gives you lots of cases but reducing death rates.

Your claim made me curious so I just checked the latest figures. The mortality rate is 3.3%, not "1.9".
Divide 282,089 deaths into 14,482,575 total cases and tell me what you get....right, 1.9%. You are either dead or you are alive, and deaths and total cases along with tests are the only metrics updated as they occur.

You divided the wrong numbers. You don't count cases that are PENDING as cases RECOVERED because you don't know that yet.
So Pending cases are alive or dead? Of course they are alive, so I am NOT dividing the wrong numbers I am dividing the only correct numbers. Deaths divided by total cases(alive and dead). Who cares if they are pending, if they die they are counting immediately and if they dont they are already factored in. Think for yourself!

You must be a professional moron. Let's dumb it down to your level.

If Dick and Jane both get sick, but they're still alive, you don't have a mortality rate (and it's NOT zero).

If Dick dies and Jane is still sick, you STILL don't have a mortality rate, because you don't yet know what will happen to Jane.

If Jane recovers, NOW you have a mortality rate (50%), because you know BOTH outcomes.

You COULD NOT HAVE KNOWN THAT until you knew how both Dick and Jane would result.

Not sure it gets any simpler than that.
Why complicate a simple statistic with additional factors.....the mortality rate IS zero until someone dies

If you claim "the mortality rate is zero" you're saying "no one dies from this" -- ever. And clearly that's not the case.
You are saying that not me. It changes with every case and with every death. The simple point here is the mortality rate was very high and now it gets lower and lower each day. The increased testing and high number of cases ensures that since most everyone is asymptomatic.
They won't...until they see how the liberal media exploited an only moderately dangerous virus with the help of DNC "plants" at the CDC and other agencies. As long as we have as many people as we do buying into reality TV shows, we are doomed.

Do you know we've got 200,000 new cases in the last 24 hours alone?

What the fuck else do we have 200k new cases of in one day?

I read we broke our own record for deaths in one day yesterday. You be careful out there, Pogo.
..and the US mortality rate dropped to 1.9% so what's your point? 200 million tests gives you lots of cases but reducing death rates.

Your claim made me curious so I just checked the latest figures. The mortality rate is 3.3%, not "1.9".
Divide 282,089 deaths into 14,482,575 total cases and tell me what you get....right, 1.9%. You are either dead or you are alive, and deaths and total cases along with tests are the only metrics updated as they occur.

You divided the wrong numbers. You don't count cases that are PENDING as cases RECOVERED because you don't know that yet.
So Pending cases are alive or dead? Of course they are alive, so I am NOT dividing the wrong numbers I am dividing the only correct numbers. Deaths divided by total cases(alive and dead). Who cares if they are pending, if they die they are counting immediately and if they dont they are already factored in. Think for yourself!

You must be a professional moron. Let's dumb it down to your level.

If Dick and Jane both get sick, but they're still alive, you don't have a mortality rate (and it's NOT zero).

If Dick dies and Jane is still sick, you STILL don't have a mortality rate, because you don't yet know what will happen to Jane.

If Jane recovers, NOW you have a mortality rate (50%), because you know BOTH outcomes.

You COULD NOT HAVE KNOWN THAT until you knew how both Dick and Jane would result.

Not sure it gets any simpler than that.
Why complicate a simple statistic with additional factors.....the mortality rate IS zero until someone dies

If you claim "the mortality rate is zero" you're saying "no one dies from this" -- ever. And clearly that's not the case.
Pogo, can you do me a favor and use a selective quote in your next response to jbrown? I'm getting a pile of alerts everytime you answer him.
They won't...until they see how the liberal media exploited an only moderately dangerous virus with the help of DNC "plants" at the CDC and other agencies. As long as we have as many people as we do buying into reality TV shows, we are doomed.

Do you know we've got 200,000 new cases in the last 24 hours alone?

What the fuck else do we have 200k new cases of in one day?

I read we broke our own record for deaths in one day yesterday. You be careful out there, Pogo.
..and the US mortality rate dropped to 1.9% so what's your point? 200 million tests gives you lots of cases but reducing death rates.

Your claim made me curious so I just checked the latest figures. The mortality rate is 3.3%, not "1.9".
Divide 282,089 deaths into 14,482,575 total cases and tell me what you get....right, 1.9%. You are either dead or you are alive, and deaths and total cases along with tests are the only metrics updated as they occur.

You divided the wrong numbers. You don't count cases that are PENDING as cases RECOVERED because you don't know that yet.
So Pending cases are alive or dead? Of course they are alive, so I am NOT dividing the wrong numbers I am dividing the only correct numbers. Deaths divided by total cases(alive and dead). Who cares if they are pending, if they die they are counting immediately and if they dont they are already factored in. Think for yourself!

You must be a professional moron. Let's dumb it down to your level.

If Dick and Jane both get sick, but they're still alive, you don't have a mortality rate (and it's NOT zero).

If Dick dies and Jane is still sick, you STILL don't have a mortality rate, because you don't yet know what will happen to Jane.

If Jane recovers, NOW you have a mortality rate (50%), because you know BOTH outcomes.

You COULD NOT HAVE KNOWN THAT until you knew how both Dick and Jane would result.

Not sure it gets any simpler than that.
Why complicate a simple statistic with additional factors.....the mortality rate IS zero until someone dies

If you claim "the mortality rate is zero" you're saying "no one dies from this" -- ever. And clearly that's not the case.
Pogo, can you do me a favor and use a selective quote in your next response to jbrown? I'm getting a pile of alerts everytime you answer him.
Just ignore me since you among other libbers hates to accept facts.
..and the US mortality rate dropped to 1.9% so what's your point? 200 million tests gives you lots of cases but reducing death rates.

Your claim made me curious so I just checked the latest figures. The mortality rate is 3.3%, not "1.9".
Divide 282,089 deaths into 14,482,575 total cases and tell me what you get....right, 1.9%. You are either dead or you are alive, and deaths and total cases along with tests are the only metrics updated as they occur.

You divided the wrong numbers. You don't count cases that are PENDING as cases RECOVERED because you don't know that yet.
So Pending cases are alive or dead? Of course they are alive, so I am NOT dividing the wrong numbers I am dividing the only correct numbers. Deaths divided by total cases(alive and dead). Who cares if they are pending, if they die they are counting immediately and if they dont they are already factored in. Think for yourself!

You must be a professional moron. Let's dumb it down to your level.

If Dick and Jane both get sick, but they're still alive, you don't have a mortality rate (and it's NOT zero).

If Dick dies and Jane is still sick, you STILL don't have a mortality rate, because you don't yet know what will happen to Jane.

If Jane recovers, NOW you have a mortality rate (50%), because you know BOTH outcomes.

You COULD NOT HAVE KNOWN THAT until you knew how both Dick and Jane would result.

Not sure it gets any simpler than that.
Why complicate a simple statistic with additional factors.....the mortality rate IS zero until someone dies

If you claim "the mortality rate is zero" you're saying "no one dies from this" -- ever. And clearly that's not the case.
You are saying that not me. It changes with every case and with every death. The simple point here is the mortality rate was very high and now it gets lower and lower each day. The increased testing and high number of cases ensures that since most everyone is asymptomatic.

Just explained this, but if your number "keeps changing" --- THEN YOU NEVER HAD A NUMBER TO BEGIN WITH.

A rate doesn't "keep changing" absent some agent that compels it to change. A rate is a rate.
May be it was a toss up between the two clowns......and the Person of the Year title went to Dr. 666 :laugh:

awww.....poor China Sniffer Biden.:laugh:

View attachment 424450

He's leading the parade in this one...

View attachment 424452

And here too! :laugh:

And yet...schools are continuing to reopen...when 6 months ago they were freaking the fuck out over number which were supposedly much less. Being that teacher's unions are joined to the hip with the DNC, they probably know the truth behind the things the media lies to the rest of us about. They began to talk about reopening schools three days before the election. Surprise surprise.
Dr. Dickhead LOL

Dr. Anthony Fauci is a poisonous snake!

Watch this 7 minute video. At the end you will be invited to watch the entire

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Dr. 666 person of the year? :auiqs.jpg:

What the fuck does THAT mean?

It means that People Magazine selected Dr. 666 person of the year! :laughing0301:

So ---- you're parroting somebody and you don't know what THEY were talking about either, is that it?

Makes no sense.

Makes a lot of sense......Dr.666 ......death and destruction......get it?

and they name him Person of the Year?

What the fuck is '666' supposed to signify?
And how the fuck do you get 'death and destruction" out of a fucking doctor?

Do you actually not know what a doctor IS?

If you continue to say fuck .....I am not going to respond to you anymore.

You ok??

Skye, however if you say "fuck" , I will respond. In fact, something in my pants right now is responding just thinking about that.

ok, I shouldn't have gone there!
If Fauci wasnt half retarded he would never posed for a magazine

How do you know he posed for a magazine?

Sooooooooooo only "half-retarded" people pose for magazines?

Well you may be right there.,,

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