In the U.S., only movie criminals have machine guns, in Europe, they are the weapon of choice for criminals..


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is a look at the propaganda on guns coming from hollywood. For hollywood, the only good guns are the ones they own and that their private security details use to keep them safe from stalkers.

This article looks at the television shows that have criminals using fully automatic it points out...the rarest of rare weapons for American criminals...but oddly enough, the weapon of choice for european criminals and terrorists...

A cultural difference you could say...

As the Crime Prevention Research Center has pointed out many times, television crime shows seem to think criminals are constantly using machine guns to shoot people. CBS again shows criminals using machine guns. The FBI (E3 S1 Nov 17 2020) has criminals using machine guns in a mass public shooting by neo-Nazis (and the show describes socialist types as right wingers).

In real life, despite claims frequently made in the news media, none of the mass public shootings have involved machine guns.

Criminals generally use machine guns so rarely that a 2016 survey of prison inmates only broke down the numbers for uses of handguns, rifles, and shotguns. The survey did not even mention fully automatic weapons. Since 1934, there are only two know uses ever of a machine gun being used in a murder. And even before 1934, they were very rare.

In last years’ season (2019-2020), we haven’t been keeping close track, but other recent examples include:

CBS’ SWAT (Season 3): E11 January 15, 2020; E21 May 20, 2020

CBS’ FBI (Season 2): E12 January 14, 2020; Episode 18, March 24, 2020

Fox’s Deputy (Season 1): E1 January 2, 2020

FBI: Most Wanted (Season 1): Episode 4, January 28, 2020; Episode 6, February 18, 2020, Episode 9, March 24, 2020

Chicago PD (Season 7): Episode 10 January 8, 2020; Episode 16, March 4, 2020; Season 7, Episode 17, March 18, 2020; Episode 20, April 15 2020

Hawaii Five-O, Season 10, Episode 18, February 28, 2020; Episode 20, March 13, 2020; Episode 21, March 27, 2020

Magnum PI, Season 2, Episode 18, May 1, 2020

Blue Bloods, Season 10, Episode 19, May 1, 2020

The Blacklist, Season 7, Episode 18, May 8, 2020

Here is a list of shows from the 2018-19 television season that showed criminals using machine guns.

The Rookie (Season1): E2, E4, E9, E17, E20

Magnum PI (Season 1): E1, E15

Chicago P.D. (Season 6): E14

Other examples of television media bias on this particular point can be found here.

Courtesy of the 2nd Amendment and the NRA

Courtesy of the 2nd Amendment and the NRA

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They broke the law to get those weapons....and please show where the NRA advocates for breaking the law.....

I can show you that the democrat party actively releases violent gun offenders over and over again, the ones who actually do 95% of the shootings in the U.S.....

So, blow it out your ass...
Why do you think machine guns are common in Europe? ...

They are the weapon of choice for criminals in Europe..

Keep in mind there have been no mass public shootings in the U.S. where fully automatic weapons were used...not even the Las Vegas shooting...

In Europe, the worst mass public shootings have been done with fully automatic military particular, the Bataclan attack and Charlie Hebdo....

Then you have these news stories....


Paris attacks highlight France's gun control problems

Military-grade guns are banned in France, and even people who want to own a handgun or hunting rifle have to go through strict checks on their background and mental health.

But in recent years a black market has proliferated. The number of illegal weapons has risen at a rapid rate – double-digit percentages – for several years, according to the National Observatory for Delinquency, a body created in 2003.
“In Marseille and the surrounding area almost all the score settling is carried out using weapons used in wars,” a police spokesman told Reuters after the Toulouse attacks, adding that Kalashnikovs were the weapon of choice: “If you don’t have a ‘Kalash’ you’re a bit of a loser.”
Paris attacks highlight France's gun control problems

The arsenal of weapons deployed by the eight attackers who terrorised Paris on Friday night underlined France’s gun control problems and raised the spectre of further attacks.

The country has extremely strict weapons laws, but Europe’s open borders and growing trade in illegal weapons
means assault rifles are relatively easy to come by on the black market.

ris attacks highlight France's gun control problems

The arsenal of weapons deployed by the eight attackers who terrorised Paris on Friday night underlined France’s gun control problems and raised the spectre of further attacks.

The country has extremely strict weapons laws, but Europe’s open borders and growing trade in illegal weapons
means assault rifles are relatively easy to come by on the black market.

France’s real gun problem

Despite these strict laws, France seems to be awash with guns. The guns used in high-profile terror attacks are really just the tip of the iceberg. In 2012, French authorities estimated that there were around 30,000 guns illegally in the country, many likely used by gangs for criminal activities. Of those guns, around 4,000 were likely to be "war weapons," Le Figaro reported, referring to items such as the Kalashnikov AK-variant rifles and Uzis. Statistics from the National Observatory for Delinquency, a government body created in 2003, suggest that the number of guns in France has grown by double digits every year.

But the main problem for police in Marseille when it comes to drug gangs is not their cars or the guns so much.

"These criminals do not fear the police or the justice system," he said.

Which means that among the police force in Marseille, a city where certain neighbourhoods have been blighted by gun violence in recent years, there is an increasing climate of fear.

"Of course I am scared," said the officer. "I am a police officer but I am also a human, a father with a family. Each day I ask myself if I am going to see my children tonight."
A policeman who was among the squad who responded to emergency calls from residents in the Busserine neighbourhood has spoken of how he and his colleagues live in fear of being killed
and how they stood no chance against the Kalashnikovs.

The officer, whose colleague had a gun pointed at him, said the gunmen were impossible to stop because there were so many members of the public around.

Reports of 'heavy gunfire' on the streets of French city of Nimes | Daily Mail Online

Machine-gun shots have been heard on the streets of a French city this evening as it was claimed a 'shootout' took place between rival gangs.

Repeated 'heavy gunfire' bursts were let off in the city of Nimes in southern France after armed men were seen in the area.

Social media videos showed several people running through the street as shots rang out at around 8.30pm.

Initial reports suggested the shooting could have been linked to gangs operating in the area.

Residents in a suburb of Pissevin district in the city claimed gang members shot at a building occupied by a rival group.

Reports of gunfire in the district have been on the rise in recent months, according to local media

Tourist killed in AK47 gang shooting in France as parents warned to ‘watch kids’

The woman was on a hired scooter when she and her husband were sprayed with bullets as they passed a gangland Kalashnikov shooting in which three people died.
The 57-year-old woman, whose nationality is not known, was among those killed in the bloodbath at a petrol station in Ollioules, near the Mediterranean – four miles from Toulon – on Sunday.

The vacationer's husband was injured in the shooting.


he men who died in the 8pm shooting were aged 29 and 30, and both had criminal records.

Other men were seen running away from the filling station, and police believe they were involved in the gunfight.

Detectives had today cordoned off the crime scene, where bullet holes could be seen everywhere.


Running guns to the heart of Europe: 'Need a Kalashnikov in Belgium? No problem'

But for all the new resolve of the European Union to tighten borders and close loopholes in laws that already effectively ban private ownership of rapid-fire assault weapons, Nemac, Milan and a jaded Serbian policeman doubt it can end the trade.

The Serbian police officer, who is involved in counter-trafficking operations, said investigators uncovered maybe a third of shipments at best. The problem was the sheer volume of weapons, he explained, recounting a tale of a man who told customs officers at Serbia's border with the EU that he was a musician and had nothing to declare but his old accordion.--


Indeed, there is some irony that Brussels, self-styled "capital" of the European Union and also home to the NATO military alliance, has become a marketplace for such hardware.

"If you have 500 to 1,000 euros you can get a military weapon within half an hour," said Bilal Benyaich, an expert on Islamist radicals at the city's Itinera Institute think-tank.

Unknown European country...

European Police Face Being Outgunned by Jihadists With Assault Rifles

But although the police quickly traced the weapons source in the Paris attacks, stopping criminals and other jihadist cells in Europe from acquiring assault weapons for further attacks might not be so easy, according to police officials.

French police believe rifles are on sale in French cities for between €1,000 and €1,500. Earlier this month, Philippe Capon, head of the French police union UNSA, told Bloomberg News, “The French black market for weapons has been inundated with eastern European war artillery and arms.” A French police source told TIME that the weapons from the Charlie Hebdoattack came from the Balkans.
That is not the only source of weaponry. Donald says he fears that the continent might be facing a fresh influx of weapons from North Africa in the wake of the Arab Spring revolts. In August, 2011, Libyan rebels looted large quantities of mortars, tank shells and other munitions when Moammar Gaddafi’s regime collapsed. Although most of those weapons are believed to have filtered across North and West Africa, some could also have made their way to Europe.
The arms traffickers have flourished in the absence of well-financed antiweapons units in Europe, where law enforcement has for years tended to plow money into stopping drug-dealing and other crimes. “We don’t fully understand the scale of the problem because we have not had specialized units,” says Donald, referring to law-enforcement agencies in different E.U. countries. “It is a question of priorities. Any police officer will tell you it [resources] is a constant struggle.”
The trade in illegal weapons can earn enormous profits for organized criminal gangs — enough to make the risk of capture worthwhile. Donald says recent investigations have found arms traffickers investing about €30,000 in a shipment of Balkan-era weapons, refurbishing them in their garages, then selling them for them for about 10 times the price. “That’s a huge mark-up,” he says.

As Europe struggles to crack down on illegal weapons, some police recruits face a new training exercise:

Go buy a Kalashnikov rifle. Donald says that in “a city in Europe,” which he would not name, “very young officers with no training or experience” were recently told to go find an assault weapon on the streets from an illegal arms dealer. “One came back two hours later with an AK-47,” Donald says. “He bought it for €1,000.”


In contrast with the free-firing United States, Europe is generally seen as a haven from serious gun violence. Here in Denmark, handguns and semiautomatic rifles are all but banned. Hunting rifles are legally available only to those with squeaky-clean backgrounds who have passed a rigorous exam covering everything from gun safety to the mating habits of Denmark’s wildlife.
“There’s a book about 1,000 pages thick,” said Tonni Rigby, one of only two licensed firearms dealers in Copenhagen. “You have to know all of it.”

But if you want an illicit assault rifle, such as the one used by a 22-year-old to rake a Copenhagen cafe with 28 bullets on Saturday, all it takes are a few connections and some cash.
“It’s very easy to get such a weapon,” said Hans Jorgen Bonnichsen, a former operations director for the Danish security service PET. “It’s not only a problem for Denmark. It’s a problem for all of Europe.”


Crime gangs in Sweden: What's behind the rise in the use of explosives?

The frequent use of explosives is a relatively recent phenomenon, and criminologists told The Local that the blasts can be seen as part of an overall rise in violence and growing recklessness in these criminal networks.

Amir Rostami, a police superintendent turned sociologist with a focus on criminal gangs, told The Local that so-called 'street gangs' are showing an increased tendency towards violence, and that this violence was becoming more severe when it took place.

"If previously they maybe fired one shot or shot someone in the legs, today it's more about AK47s, using more bullets, hand grenades and explosions that we didn't see before. I'd say that's the biggest shift we see – they're more reckless, they don't seem to care about the consequences," Rostami said.

Fatal shootings linked to criminal gangs have increased from around four per year in the early 1990s to over 40 in 2018. And while the blasts that have taken place in Sweden have caused no fatalities so far this year, they could be seen as a sign that the gangs are unafraid of causing damage and potentially harming people.
No, Sweden, hand grenade attacks aren’t an ‘image’ problem

In 2018 there were 162 bombings reported to police, and 93 reported in the first five months of this year, 30 more than during the same period in 2018. The level of attacks is “extreme in a country that is not at war,” Crime Commissioner Gunnar Appelgren told SVT last year.
The use of hand grenades is a purely Swedish phenomenon too, with no other country in Europe reporting their use on such a level, a police manager told Swedish Radio in 2016, a year after attacks first spiked.

The grenades used almost exclusively originate in the former Yugoslavia, and are sold in Sweden for around $100 per piece. But while only three hand grenades were thrown in Kosovo between 2013 and 2014, more than 20 have been used in Sweden every year since 2015.

More broadly, homicide has risen in Sweden, with more than 300 shootings reported last year, causing 45 deaths. Though homicide rates had been in decline since 2002, they again began trending upwards in 2015, as did rapes and sexual assaults, which more than tripled in the last four years.

Of course, 2015 was also the year in which Sweden flung open its doors to more than 160,000 asylum seekers, more per capita than any other European country.

Dagens Nyheter pointed out that 90 percent of shooting perpetrators in Sweden are either first or second generation immigrants.
Courtesy of the 2nd Amendment and the NRA

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That wasn't a "machine gun." Although I would expect that you don't really know the difference. Only one crime was committed in this country with a legally-owned full-auto weapon, since the NFA of 1934. There are also 3,656,034 registered NFA weapons in the US, including machine guns, short barreled rifles and shotguns, suppressors, and destructive devices, which could include grenades, bombs, explosive missiles, poison gas weapons, etc. Yes, you can legally own those as well, if you can afford them and are willing to pay the $200 tax.
This is a look at the propaganda on guns coming from hollywood. For hollywood, the only good guns are the ones they own and that their private security details use to keep them safe from stalkers.

This article looks at the television shows that have criminals using fully automatic it points out...the rarest of rare weapons for American criminals...but oddly enough, the weapon of choice for european criminals and terrorists...

A cultural difference you could say...

As the Crime Prevention Research Center has pointed out many times, television crime shows seem to think criminals are constantly using machine guns to shoot people. CBS again shows criminals using machine guns. The FBI (E3 S1 Nov 17 2020) has criminals using machine guns in a mass public shooting by neo-Nazis (and the show describes socialist types as right wingers).

In real life, despite claims frequently made in the news media, none of the mass public shootings have involved machine guns.

Criminals generally use machine guns so rarely that a 2016 survey of prison inmates only broke down the numbers for uses of handguns, rifles, and shotguns. The survey did not even mention fully automatic weapons. Since 1934, there are only two know uses ever of a machine gun being used in a murder. And even before 1934, they were very rare.

In last years’ season (2019-2020), we haven’t been keeping close track, but other recent examples include:

CBS’ SWAT (Season 3): E11 January 15, 2020; E21 May 20, 2020

CBS’ FBI (Season 2): E12 January 14, 2020; Episode 18, March 24, 2020

Fox’s Deputy (Season 1): E1 January 2, 2020

FBI: Most Wanted (Season 1): Episode 4, January 28, 2020; Episode 6, February 18, 2020, Episode 9, March 24, 2020

Chicago PD (Season 7): Episode 10 January 8, 2020; Episode 16, March 4, 2020; Season 7, Episode 17, March 18, 2020; Episode 20, April 15 2020

Hawaii Five-O, Season 10, Episode 18, February 28, 2020; Episode 20, March 13, 2020; Episode 21, March 27, 2020

Magnum PI, Season 2, Episode 18, May 1, 2020

Blue Bloods, Season 10, Episode 19, May 1, 2020

The Blacklist, Season 7, Episode 18, May 8, 2020

Here is a list of shows from the 2018-19 television season that showed criminals using machine guns.

The Rookie (Season1): E2, E4, E9, E17, E20

Magnum PI (Season 1): E1, E15

Chicago P.D. (Season 6): E14

Other examples of television media bias on this particular point can be found here.

Not unheard of here, either.
This is a look at the propaganda on guns coming from hollywood. For hollywood, the only good guns are the ones they own and that their private security details use to keep them safe from stalkers.

This article looks at the television shows that have criminals using fully automatic it points out...the rarest of rare weapons for American criminals...but oddly enough, the weapon of choice for european criminals and terrorists...

A cultural difference you could say...

As the Crime Prevention Research Center has pointed out many times, television crime shows seem to think criminals are constantly using machine guns to shoot people. CBS again shows criminals using machine guns. The FBI (E3 S1 Nov 17 2020) has criminals using machine guns in a mass public shooting by neo-Nazis (and the show describes socialist types as right wingers).

In real life, despite claims frequently made in the news media, none of the mass public shootings have involved machine guns.

Criminals generally use machine guns so rarely that a 2016 survey of prison inmates only broke down the numbers for uses of handguns, rifles, and shotguns. The survey did not even mention fully automatic weapons. Since 1934, there are only two know uses ever of a machine gun being used in a murder. And even before 1934, they were very rare.

In last years’ season (2019-2020), we haven’t been keeping close track, but other recent examples include:

CBS’ SWAT (Season 3): E11 January 15, 2020; E21 May 20, 2020

CBS’ FBI (Season 2): E12 January 14, 2020; Episode 18, March 24, 2020

Fox’s Deputy (Season 1): E1 January 2, 2020

FBI: Most Wanted (Season 1): Episode 4, January 28, 2020; Episode 6, February 18, 2020, Episode 9, March 24, 2020

Chicago PD (Season 7): Episode 10 January 8, 2020; Episode 16, March 4, 2020; Season 7, Episode 17, March 18, 2020; Episode 20, April 15 2020

Hawaii Five-O, Season 10, Episode 18, February 28, 2020; Episode 20, March 13, 2020; Episode 21, March 27, 2020

Magnum PI, Season 2, Episode 18, May 1, 2020

Blue Bloods, Season 10, Episode 19, May 1, 2020

The Blacklist, Season 7, Episode 18, May 8, 2020

Here is a list of shows from the 2018-19 television season that showed criminals using machine guns.

The Rookie (Season1): E2, E4, E9, E17, E20

Magnum PI (Season 1): E1, E15

Chicago P.D. (Season 6): E14

Other examples of television media bias on this particular point can be found here.

Not unheard of here, either.

Yes...the North Hollywood bank robbery and shootout....they used two illegally modified semi-auto 1997

Yes....the one time, and hollywood wants you to think that fully automatic military weapons are the norm among American criminals....when it is European criminals who actually use them. They didn't even use actual fully automatic weapons, they modified the civilian Europe, they use actual military rifles.

And notice....with all the rounds fired, no one was killed by the two robbers, while the two robbers were killed by the police......
In Europe, they only have 40-200 gun homicides a year, depending on country.

In the US, we have 14,500 gun homicides a year.

We're doing it wrong.

We had 10,258 actual gun murders in 2010....

The point, though, is that European criminals have access to guns....gun control in Europe does not stop them from getting guns....and grenades....they can get fully automatic military rifles....and grenades.......

The fact that their criminals do not commit murder has nothing to do with their access to guns...they choose not to use the illegal guns they actually possess, to commit murder.....

That is the difference you can't get through that tiny brain of yours.....
The fact that their criminals do not commit murder has nothing to do with their access to guns...they choose not to use the illegal guns they actually possess, to commit murder.....

That is the difference you can't get through that tiny brain of yours.....

You are right... they choose not to commit murder because they can't get guns as easily. They are a resource they don't want to waste.

We, on the other hand, have people shooting up schools, theaters, shopping malls, fast food places, "just because".
The fact that their criminals do not commit murder has nothing to do with their access to guns...they choose not to use the illegal guns they actually possess, to commit murder.....

That is the difference you can't get through that tiny brain of yours.....

You are right... they choose not to commit murder because they can't get guns as easily. They are a resource they don't want to waste.

We, on the other hand, have people shooting up schools, theaters, shopping malls, fast food places, "just because".

Dumb ass, I have shown you that criminals all across Europe can get particular fully automatic military weapons.....which are illegal across the entire European continent and in every country I listed.........but they don't use them to commit murder as often...yet. Different cultures......not access to guns, drives the murder dope.
The fact that their criminals do not commit murder has nothing to do with their access to guns...they choose not to use the illegal guns they actually possess, to commit murder.....

That is the difference you can't get through that tiny brain of yours.....

You are right... they choose not to commit murder because they can't get guns as easily. They are a resource they don't want to waste.

We, on the other hand, have people shooting up schools, theaters, shopping malls, fast food places, "just because".

Dumb ass.....2019....10 mass public shootings in a country of over 330 million people......10 people who did that.......

Out of 330 million dope.

600 million guns in private hands. Over 19.4 million people who can carry guns for self defense in public......

10 people committed mass public shootings in 2019....

You are an idiot....

On the other side of the ledger...those Americans with legal guns used those legal guns on average 1.1 million times a year to save lives......

1.1 million vs. 10

You are an idiot.
Dumb ass, I have shown you that criminals all across Europe can get particular fully automatic military weapons.....which are illegal across the entire European continent and in every country I listed.........but they don't use them to commit murder as often...yet. Different cultures......not access to guns, drives the murder dope.

So how many inicidents with criminals with guns in Europe. Put a fucking number on it, stupid.

The problem in America is we have 400,000 gun crimes, including 33,000 gun deaths and 70,000 gun injuries. We don't report the incidents because we have so fucking many of them. Meanwhile, the RARE incident involving guns in Europe are so rare that they are newsworthy, even if no one gets shot.

It's kind of like in Chicago, that one time that a puma got into a neighborhood, or when they had that alligator in Humboldt Park Lagoon... This wouldn't make news in places where pumas or alligators are common.

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