So progressives want “sanctuary cities”, uh?


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
MOre idiots who don’t Understand the legal justification of sanctuary cities.
Deport the illegals and give the jobs to Americans.

Build our economy bigger and stronger.
Want to do that? Go learn a skill so you don’t have to compete with desperate 3rd worlders who will do your job for crumbs.

We can kick out the third worlders, fine the hell out of businesses that bring in cheap labor and raise tariffs on countries that are third world. That's how you even the playing field for the American worker. And also why Trump is right!
Deport the illegals and give the jobs to Americans.

Build our economy bigger and stronger.
Want to do that? Go learn a skill so you don’t have to compete with desperate 3rd worlders who will do your job for crumbs.
And mainly get the GOP to fund training programs for 6 million technical jobs going begging. Anything to save the rich...
Deport the illegals and give the jobs to Americans.

Build our economy bigger and stronger.
Want to do that? Go learn a skill so you don’t have to compete with desperate 3rd worlders who will do your job for crumbs.

We can kick out the third worlders, fine the hell out of businesses that bring in cheap labor and raise tariffs on countries that are third world. That's how you even the playing field for the American worker. And also why Trump is right!
Trump’s an idiot. And if you grew up in the wealthiest, most powerful nation in the world, and you’re so unskilled that a homeless 3rd worlder can take your job, then you’re just lazy. Take some personal responsibility for yourself.
MOre idiots who don’t Understand the legal justification of sanctuary cities.

There is no legal justification under immigration law for sanctuary cities.

Yes there is . Immigration is civil law and under complete control of the feds . No one is stopping the Feds from doing their thing . BUT you can’t force the city to do your bidding and jail some guy for a minor offenses until the ins feels like showing up.

The op article basically says that counties are straight up ignoring state laws .
MOre idiots who don’t Understand the legal justification of sanctuary cities.

There is no legal justification under immigration law for sanctuary cities.

Yes there is . Immigration is civil law and under complete control of the feds . No one is stopping the Feds from doing their thing . BUT you can’t force the city to do your bidding and jail some guy for a minor offenses until the ins feels like showing up.

Complete agreement. I would send ICE into the sanctuary cities in numbers sufficient disruptive to cause those state and municipal governments to rethink their positions.

The op article basically says that counties are straight up ignoring state laws .

Well, we did that to the British. We can certainly do it to our own.
Immigration is civil law and under complete control of the feds .
Yep...and per the U.S. Constitution, it trumps state and local law. So any state providing sanctuary is violating the law in a major way. Idiot.
Seems like a fair trade :thup:
Of course if does for a progressive. In one instance (Illinois), all they are doing is upholding the law by protecting constitutional rights. In the instance of progressive sanctuary cities, they are violating the law.
Straighf out of the “careful what you wish for” pages... :laugh:
Several conservative Illinois lawmakers have a taken a page from the progressive’s playbook to protect gun rights by creating “sanctuary” counties for gun owners.
The left was adamant about having a lawless society. Well, they are getting it.

More Illinois counties join Effingham County; pass ‘sanctuary’ resolutions to protect gun rights
no need to take those counties seriously about drug laws, either.
MOre idiots who don’t Understand the legal justification of sanctuary cities.

There is no legal justification under immigration law for sanctuary cities.

Yes there is . Immigration is civil law and under complete control of the feds . No one is stopping the Feds from doing their thing . BUT you can’t force the city to do your bidding and jail some guy for a minor offenses until the ins feels like showing up.

Complete agreement. I would send ICE into the sanctuary cities in numbers sufficient disruptive to cause those state and municipal governments to rethink their positions.

The op article basically says that counties are straight up ignoring state laws .

Well, we did that to the British. We can certainly do it to our own.

Yep...if I was running ICE I'd leak fake info on coming raids left and right.
Ya cant run a business when all of your employees are in hiding.

When they catch on to that gambit you nail the shit out of em with massive raids.
MOre idiots who don’t Understand the legal justification of sanctuary cities.
Timmy literally just said “you don’t understand the legal justification for criminal activity”. :eusa_doh:

What criminal activity ? There’s nothing criminal about NOT helping the ins .

Indeed. But if in not helping the INS you actually give aid to illegals, you could be up Shit's Creek without a paddle and a hole in the boat.

Judges can be funny about stuff like that.

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