So now the social media fascists are censoring antifa and the leftists.


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
I will start this off by modifying Martin Niemöller's "First they came for the Jews" poem to reflect the current status in America. Keep in mind, the "I" in this poem represents today's leftist and antifa.

First they came for the Christians
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Christian.

Then they came for the conservatives
and I did not speak out
because I was not a conservative.

Then they came for the President Trump and his voters
and I did not speak out
because I hated President Trump and his voters.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.

While I completely disagree with the antics and views of antifa and the far-left, I am completely against their right to free speech being censored. I only wish that they had the same sentiment in regards to the right to free speech for those whom they disagree with. The social media fascists like Jackoff Dorsery and Mark Fuckingterd have a major war on the right, but now they are expanding on that war, they are beginning to come after the left. While they left was cheering their war on the right instead of protesting this fascism, they never thought the big tech fascists would come after them, and now they are. Oh, big tech will use smoke and mirrors, trying to convince people how they are being fair by going after the left as well. What is fair about silencing the free speech of both sides? This is nothing more than a scheme by big tech and the rich global elite to eliminate free speech. Where will this go after they silence the right, then finish off silencing the left? Nothing good will follow to say the least. Just remember, it was President Trump who wanted to reign in big tech. Who is doing anything now outside of Tulsi Gabbard who correctly stated big tech is a domestic enemy of the United States.

What we need to do is refresh some Voltaire: "I disagree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it". While both the right and the left have many disagreements, we need to follow this quote and fight for each others rights for freedom. It should be apparent - either you are on the side of freedom or you are on the side of tyranny. This is no longer Republican vs Democrat, right vs. left, we can have those battles after we fight for our right to have the freedom to disagree with each other.

I will start this off by modifying Martin Niemöller's "First they came for the Jews" poem to reflect the current status in America. Keep in mind, the "I" in this poem represents today's leftist and antifa.

First they came for the Christians
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Christian.

Then they came for the conservatives
and I did not speak out
because I was not a conservative.

Then they came for the President Trump and his voters
and I did not speak out
because I hated President Trump and his voters.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.

While I completely disagree with the antics and views of antifa and the far-left, I am completely against their right to free speech being censored. I only wish that they had the same sentiment in regards to the right to free speech for those whom they disagree with. The social media fascists like Jackoff Dorsery and Mark Fuckingterd have a major war on the right, but now they are expanding on that war, they are beginning to come after the left. While they left was cheering their war on the right instead of protesting this fascism, they never thought the big tech fascists would come after them, and now they are. Oh, big tech will use smoke and mirrors, trying to convince people how they are being fair by going after the left as well. What is fair about silencing the free speech of both sides? This is nothing more than a scheme by big tech and the rich global elite to eliminate free speech. Where will this go after they silence the right, then finish off silencing the left? Nothing good will follow to say the least. Just remember, it was President Trump who wanted to reign in big tech. Who is doing anything now outside of Tulsi Gabbard who correctly stated big tech is a domestic enemy of the United States.

What we need to do is refresh some Voltaire: "I disagree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it". While both the right and the left have many disagreements, we need to follow this quote and fight for each others rights for freedom. It should be apparent - either you are on the side of freedom or you are on the side of tyranny. This is no longer Republican vs Democrat, right vs. left, we can have those battles after we fight for our right to have the freedom to disagree with each other.

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I agree. However, before we can fight for our rights we need to agree on who we must fight against to defend and preserve them. Who is the prime enemy of our constitutional rights? Big Tech? Political Correctness? Postmodernism? No matter who is named prime enemy of our rights that entity will be embedded deeply within one or the other of our two primary political parties. In the end we very likely could end up back to the beginning, back to fighting against ourselves.
I will start this off by modifying Martin Niemöller's "First they came for the Jews" poem to reflect the current status in America. Keep in mind, the "I" in this poem represents today's leftist and antifa.

First they came for the Christians
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Christian.

Then they came for the conservatives
and I did not speak out
because I was not a conservative.

Then they came for the President Trump and his voters
and I did not speak out
because I hated President Trump and his voters.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.

While I completely disagree with the antics and views of antifa and the far-left, I am completely against their right to free speech being censored. I only wish that they had the same sentiment in regards to the right to free speech for those whom they disagree with. The social media fascists like Jackoff Dorsery and Mark Fuckingterd have a major war on the right, but now they are expanding on that war, they are beginning to come after the left. While they left was cheering their war on the right instead of protesting this fascism, they never thought the big tech fascists would come after them, and now they are. Oh, big tech will use smoke and mirrors, trying to convince people how they are being fair by going after the left as well. What is fair about silencing the free speech of both sides? This is nothing more than a scheme by big tech and the rich global elite to eliminate free speech. Where will this go after they silence the right, then finish off silencing the left? Nothing good will follow to say the least. Just remember, it was President Trump who wanted to reign in big tech. Who is doing anything now outside of Tulsi Gabbard who correctly stated big tech is a domestic enemy of the United States.

What we need to do is refresh some Voltaire: "I disagree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it". While both the right and the left have many disagreements, we need to follow this quote and fight for each others rights for freedom. It should be apparent - either you are on the side of freedom or you are on the side of tyranny. This is no longer Republican vs Democrat, right vs. left, we can have those battles after we fight for our right to have the freedom to disagree with each other.

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Nobody gets a free ride on a private company's vehicle if the private company says no. That's not "censorship", that's business.

Anyone who insults their audience by floating their crackpot agendas on antisocial media like Fecesbook and Twatter, deserves the repercussions. Fuckem.
I will start this off by modifying Martin Niemöller's "First they came for the Jews" poem to reflect the current status in America. Keep in mind, the "I" in this poem represents today's leftist and antifa.

First they came for the Christians
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Christian.

Then they came for the conservatives
and I did not speak out
because I was not a conservative.

Then they came for the President Trump and his voters
and I did not speak out
because I hated President Trump and his voters.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.

While I completely disagree with the antics and views of antifa and the far-left, I am completely against their right to free speech being censored. I only wish that they had the same sentiment in regards to the right to free speech for those whom they disagree with. The social media fascists like Jackoff Dorsery and Mark Fuckingterd have a major war on the right, but now they are expanding on that war, they are beginning to come after the left. While they left was cheering their war on the right instead of protesting this fascism, they never thought the big tech fascists would come after them, and now they are. Oh, big tech will use smoke and mirrors, trying to convince people how they are being fair by going after the left as well. What is fair about silencing the free speech of both sides? This is nothing more than a scheme by big tech and the rich global elite to eliminate free speech. Where will this go after they silence the right, then finish off silencing the left? Nothing good will follow to say the least. Just remember, it was President Trump who wanted to reign in big tech. Who is doing anything now outside of Tulsi Gabbard who correctly stated big tech is a domestic enemy of the United States.

What we need to do is refresh some Voltaire: "I disagree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it". While both the right and the left have many disagreements, we need to follow this quote and fight for each others rights for freedom. It should be apparent - either you are on the side of freedom or you are on the side of tyranny. This is no longer Republican vs Democrat, right vs. left, we can have those battles after we fight for our right to have the freedom to disagree with each other.

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Dude. It’s a private platform. They make the rules and can moderate as they see fit. Perhaps it’s not as political as you think. People break the rules they get booted.

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