So, Jesus Is Offensive

Americans think highly of Jesus, but they reject his followers | Terry Mattingly​

Terry Mattingly
Thu, March 24, 2022, 4:00 AM

When it comes to exploring what Americans think about Jesus, a new study offers Christian leaders both good news and bad news.
The good news is that 76% of Americans affirm the "historical existence" of "Jesus of Nazareth," although it's also interesting to note that if 89% of self-identified Christians embraced that statement, the implication is that 11% are not sure.
Meanwhile, 84% of participants in a new "Jesus in America" study – conducted by the global Ipsos research company for the Episcopal Church – agreed that "Jesus was an important spiritual figure."
Jesus died so we could have Peeps and hunt colored eggs.
I know one thing, one irrefutable thing, that being this, you should bend your knees to whatever evil thing it is you worship, and pray to it fervently, that indeed there is no God, no Jesus, or the Prophet of Allah, because if there is, you are not gonna be a happy little fascist if they are in fact real, and incoming! :omg:
I know one thing, one irrefutable thing, that being this, you should bend your knees to whatever evil thing it is you worship, and pray to it fervently, that indeed there is no God, no Jesus, or the Prophet of Allah, because if there is, you are not gonna be a happy little fascist if they are in fact real, and incoming! :omg:
I never said a god or gods don't exist. Only that I have not been convinced that is the case, and I would be easy to be convinced.
gotten erased
This nation had the ideal of freedom of religion. Instead of religion being erased from the public square, schools, etc, we should see the public square and schools being the hallmark where all religions of goodness shine forth.
Isn't there even something in the Bible about calling good evil and evil good? With Easter Sunday coming up, I keep thinking about how each year less and less people are repenting and turning to Christ even though Easter signifies the single best gift in the whole entire history of mankind and it's truly sad and concerning to me and probably even more so to God.

What is sad is that there are billions of Christians out there who profess a deep and abiding love for Jesus yet accept the absurd and patently false notion that Jesus, an innocent man, suffered and died a horrible death as a "perfect sacrifice" so that all of you believers can sin with impunity for the rest of your delusional lives without ever suffering any consequense as long as you celebrate his death, defy the law of God, and desecrate the teachings of Jesus (the Actual Body of Christ) every other sunday and high holiday. Its flat out reprehensible.

If Jesus saying ,"eat my flesh" was a test, you all failed miserably. No worries, you have faith.

And I'm sure that Jesus is very impressed by your love and devotion.

I am.
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What is sad is that there are billions of Christians out there who profess a deep and abiding love for Jesus yet accept the absurd and patently false notion that Jesus, an innocent man, suffered and died a horrible death as a "perfect sacrifice" so that all of you believers can sin with impunity for the rest of your delusional lives without ever suffering any consequense as long as you celebrate his death, defy the law of God, and desecrate the teachings of Jesus (the Actual Body of Christ) every other sunday and high holiday. Its reprehensible.
This is not what "billions of Christians" believe. Yes, there are some smaller denomination that do, but for the majority do not. Read the Gospels. Jesus' message was "Sins are forgiven." It wasn't, Sins will be forgiven after I suffer and die. The religious leaders of the day demanded to know by what authority Jesus could announce, "Sins are forgiven" because sins are forgiven only by God.

If this was to be a new Covenant (Testament) between mankind and God, where were the signs? (Prior Covenants with God had blood being shed.) Jesus gave his own blood--not the blood of another animal--as a sign of this New Testament, and we have further signs of Jesus rising from the dead and ascending into heaven.

There is nothing in this New Covenant between God and mankind that says we may sin with impunity. The Covenant is that when one turns away from that sin and to God, the sin is forgiven.

While I understand Jesus is, in fact, considered the sacrifice for our sins, it is more accurately stated that Jesus was the sacrifice that instituted the New Covenant/Testament between God and mankind that sins are forgiven/repentance for the forgiveness of sins.
I never said a god or gods don't exist. Only that I have not been convinced that is the case, and I would be easy to be convinced.
I don't think it works that way killer, I don't think you just get to hop on board the "salvation ship" any ol time you so wish to, I do not think they are gonna go easy on you baby murdering fascists for also openly mocking and deriding the religious views and convictions of the people whom worship and honor them and their commandments, and who do not support or condone all of that child sacrifice you folks engage in, or openly support!
This is not what "billions of Christians" believe. Yes, there are some smaller denomination that do, but for the majority do not. Read the Gospels. Jesus' message was "Sins are forgiven." It wasn't, Sins will be forgiven after I suffer and die. The religious leaders of the day demanded to know by what authority Jesus could announce, "Sins are forgiven" because sins are forgiven only by God.

Yes, but by teaching and demonstrating the only right way to understand and fulfill the demands of the law that leads to eternal life Jesus gave all who listened the keys to actually obtain forgiveness from God for their learning what is right and choosing to not sin.

Jesus said, "your sins are forgiven" only to those who received his teaching and acted on it.

Forgiveness is for the repentant. Unless you conform to the law the way that Jesus taught and did, unless you eat his flesh (internalize his teaching) and drink his blood (do it) you can have no life in you. Life is the promise for fulfilling the law. Death is the inescapable alternative.

Thats why so many of you believe that is impossible not to sin. Your guilt remains unforgiven no matter how much you grovel on your knees blubbering about how sorry you are for sinning right before you celebrate the death of Jesus, defy the law of God and worship Jesus in the form of a lifeless matzo (made by human hands), and then solemnly eat him for spiritual life.

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I don't think it works that way killer, I don't think you just get to hop on board the "salvation ship" any ol time you so wish to, I do not think they are gonna go easy on you baby murdering fascists for also openly mocking and deriding the religious views and convictions of the people whom worship and honor them and their commandments, and who do not support or condone all of that child sacrifice you folks engage in, or openly support!
Wow. You're tough. How long have you been advising god on the decisions that Christianity believes are his, and only his to make?
Your guilt remains unforgiven no matter how much you grovel on your knees blubbering about how sorry you are for sinning
Jesus did not teach "Being sorry for the forgiveness of sins" but REPENTANCE (meaning turning away from sin) and turning to God. He taught discerning the will of God and obedience to God's will.

When someone tells us Christians we "grovel and blubber" it sends a clear message that they haven't a clue as to our beliefs, but that will make up anything just for the pleasure of saying, "Wrong." We already know it's wrong, which is why we are not doing it.. Move on. Go find a basketball player and tell them that it is wrong to put points on the basketball scoreboard when they kick the ball through the uprights.
Jesus did not teach "Being sorry for the forgiveness of sins" but REPENTANCE (meaning turning away from sin) and turning to God. He taught discerning the will of God and obedience to God's will.

Exactly. So when are you going to get around to doing it?
When someone tells us Christians we "grovel and blubber" it sends a clear message that they haven't a clue as to our beliefs, but that will make up anything just for the pleasure of saying, "Wrong." We already know it's wrong, which is why we are not doing it.. Move on. Go find a basketball player and tell them that it is wrong to put points on the basketball scoreboard when they kick the ball through the uprights.


You openly profess what you believe. Jesus died so that your sins can be forgiven. You believe the body of Christ is edible. You believe in a trinity, one part fully human.

What you do is openly defy the law of God, deliberately desecrate the teachings of Jesus, and religiously worship and eat the lifeless work of human hands for spiritual life, pretending to be sorry for your sins while deliberately sinning. Do you think that God is stupid? Blind? Sleeping?

If you don't believe me stay awake during the next mass you attend. If that's even possible.
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