So it begins


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Jul 7, 2004
Northeast US
North Korea Threatens to Fire Nuclear Missile if U.S. Won't Commit to Talks
Tuesday, October 10, 2006

SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea stepped up its threats aimed at Washington, saying it could fire a nuclear nuclear-tipped missile unless the United States acts to resolve its standoff with Pyongyang, the Yonhap news agency reported Tuesday from Beijing.,2933,219121,00.html

North Korea begins its blackmailing in earnest.
North Korea Threatens to Fire Nuclear Missile if U.S. Won't Commit to Talks
Tuesday, October 10, 2006

SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea stepped up its threats aimed at Washington, saying it could fire a nuclear nuclear-tipped missile unless the United States acts to resolve its standoff with Pyongyang, the Yonhap news agency reported Tuesday from Beijing.,2933,219121,00.html

North Korea begins its blackmailing in earnest.
At this point Bush reminds North Korea that we outnumber their missiles 3000 to 1 and that, if we started bombing their country at breakfastime, we'd have annihilated that festering excuse of a country by lunchtime.:dev3: :dev3: :dev3:
At this point Bush reminds North Korea that we outnumber their missiles 3000 to 1 and that, if we started bombing their country at breakfastime, we'd have annihilated that festering excuse of a country by lunchtime.:dev3: :dev3: :dev3:

Instead of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) we move to MAYD...Mutually Assuring YOUR Destruction!
Coming soon to a dictatorship near you!!!!!

Interestingly enough, I think China will be the one that steps in eventually. The Korean penninsula is just a touch too close to home for them to allow insanity to run rampant and China is striving very hard to become an economic power. They know full well that North Korea could just as easily turn on them as the West. Such a scenario is most certainly feasible, particularly if North Korea sees itself as on equal footing with other world powers (that would be dellusional but we are talking some truly crazy folks here) and starts making unreasonable demands (the only kind they have!) of their former masters!
OH MAN!!! If this is true then the U.S should move fast.Really fast. Start bombing N.K silos,sealing Kim's bunkers and blast his airforce bases into oblivion. I am actually wondering wether this is true. Bring the matter to the SC in the useless U.N. Start drafting a war plan and take action on it.

I agree with what Karl Marx has posted. Tell Kim that if he fires even 1 teensy weensy weapon across the DMZ then N.K will be wiped from the wordl map!!!:dev1:

I say again if this piece of fact is true about n.K threatening to fire a missile then the U.S along with Japan and S.K should invade N.K via air,sea and land.

Enough of sanctions and diplomacy. If China interefers we tell the Communist buggers to back off as this is our WAR!!!

Easy fix:

The President should issue this statement:

"As of 0800 WA DC Time, the US Government official places 8 Nuclear Warheads in the custody of the Japanese Government, and 4 Nuclear Warheads in the custody of the South Korean Government. Okay North Korea...what's your plan to dismantle ALL your nuclear efforts?"
North Korea Threatens to Fire Nuclear Missile if U.S. Won't Commit to Talks
Tuesday, October 10, 2006

SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea stepped up its threats aimed at Washington, saying it could fire a nuclear nuclear-tipped missile unless the United States acts to resolve its standoff with Pyongyang, the Yonhap news agency reported Tuesday from Beijing.,2933,219121,00.html

North Korea begins its blackmailing in earnest.
It is no accident that this threat was released from Beijing. Contrary to the belief of some on this message board, NK is behaving exactly as China wishes. China's media propaganda has been very successful (there is no underestimating the stuipidity of the American media and its desire to blame everything on Bush), and it is clear that with economic pressure (which it refused to exercise), China could have prevented the NK nuke detonation. But it did not even try. Why? Because China supports NK's attempt to extort diplomatic recognition and security guarantees from the US. China seeks to block the reunification of Korea because it does not want a military and economic competitor, aligned with the US, on its NE border. The totalitarians in Beijing have calculated that America will do nothing with regard to increased military pressure from NK and they are probably right. The last thing that China wants is a democratic, reunified, American influenced, economic Korean powerhouse on its NE border. In order for America to control Pyongyang, it is time to apply pressure in the correct place: Beijing.
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It is no accident that this threat was released from Beijing. Contrary to the belief of some on this message board, NK is behaving exactly as China wishes. China's media propaganda has been very successful (there is no underestimating the stuipidity of the American media and its desire to blame everything on Bush), and it is clear that with economic pressure (which it refused to exercise), China could have prevented the NK nuke detonation. But it did not even try. Why? Because China supports NK's attempt to extort diplomatic recognition and security guarantees from the US. China seeks to block the reunification Korea because it does not want a military and economic competitor, aligned with the US, on its NE border. The totalitarians in Beijing have calculated that America will do nothing with regard to increased military pressure from NK and they are probably right. The last thing that China wants is a democratic, reunified, American influenced, economic Korean powerhouse on its NE border. In order for America to control Pyongyang, it is time to apply pressure in the correct place: Beijing.

Great assessment and obviously I agree.
Easy fix:

The President should issue this statement:

"As of 0800 WA DC Time, the US Government official places 8 Nuclear Warheads in the custody of the Japanese Government, and 4 Nuclear Warheads in the custody of the South Korean Government. Okay North Korea...what's your plan to dismantle ALL your nuclear efforts?"
I understand why you are upset. But it is America that provides the nuclear defense for our allies in NE Asia. And the fewer nuke equipped countries, the better. But if you really want to apply pressure, apply it in the right place. We could privately tell China that unless it reigns in its NK proxy, America will open a naval base in Taiwan and forward deploy naval assets to within a few miles of the Chinese coast. We can turn Taiwan into a fortress that will be able to resist any totalitarian threats from Beijing. Two can play China's game. Do not believe the media bs, the UNSC baloney, and the Chinese propaganda that it was upset that NK exploded its nuke. NK cannot do anything without the tacit agreement of China. Where would NK get its fuel, food, and cash from if China decided to apply economic pressure? The NK criminal regime would quickly collaspe without Chinese support. Yet China did zero to block the NK nuke test. Why? See the post above. To further apply pressure America could shoot down the next NK missile test flight. Moreover, the US could accelerate its 747 mounted anti-missile laser system and fly the planes 24/7 up and down the coasts of China and NK.
It is becoming clear. I used to live in China, and from my conversations with Chinese, I though that all they wanted was economic prosperity. I was dismayed that they could care less about democracy, but I did not then (2002) perceive them as a threat. It is disturbing to realize that no Chinese has ever voted for any politician, or referendum, in their lives. The people that actually run China are the guys with the most guns, the PLA. You can see them deployed on the streets of major cites like Shanghai and Beijing. Now, however, I realize that China wants a lot more than economic prosperity. Beyond the obvious, like absorbing Taiwan as they did Tibet, China wants to dominate the Pacific, which they view as an American lake. It is ironic, to say the least, that they are accomplishing their task with American money infused by US consumers through Chinese economic proxies like Wal-Mart and Target. This threat is very real and will be America’s greatest foreign policy challenge in the coming decades. If you do not believe that China is really a threat, check this out:

China Attempted To Blind U.S. Satellites With Laser

China has fired high-power lasers at U.S. spy satellites flying over its territory in what experts see as a test of Chinese ability to blind the spacecraft, according to sources. It remains unclear how many times the ground-based laser was tested against U.S. spacecraft or whether it was successful. But the combination of China’s efforts and advances in Russian satellite jamming capabilities illustrate vulnerabilities to the U.S. space network are at the core of U.S. Air Force plans to develop new space architectures and highly classified systems, according to sources.
The rest of the article:

Also see:
I'm not upset.

No - the fewer dicator-lead nuke-equppied countries, the better. ;)
What? That does not make any sense. Clearly anyone who wants to give nukes to other countries is upset in some way. You want to increase proliferation by giving nukes to Japan and SK? Why? By treaty, it is the responsibility of the US to provide nuclear security for its allies in NE Asia. Your suggestion about giving nukes to allies would accomplish zero except multiply the countries that possess weapons of mass destruction, thereby making everyone less safe. Bad suggestion.
As posted by OneDomino about making Taiwan a fortress and applying pressure on China , I agree to that. But will China listen?? I mean c'mon the U.S has been trying to seek intell. on N.K via the CHinese and they don't give a shit about it. The Communist buggers are likely to sign a new treaty with Kim in N.K in defiance. The U.S should just give an ultimatum to China. Either you are with us or with them. That's where it will hurt the most. China will be confused since it cannot attack the U.S now. Not now when its trying to compete with Japan and India to become an economic superpower.

China is waiting. Waiting for the time when countries like Iran and N.K have a sophisticated military and then it can think about attacking America.


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