So is it Liberal or Progressive this week?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
I can't keep track of the new names you libtards keep inventing for yourselves. Does the fact that you are proven wrong nearly 100% of the time have any effect on your thought processes? Or are they merely reflections of your need for emotional therapy?
I can't keep track of the new names you libtards keep inventing for yourselves. Does the fact that you are proven wrong nearly 100% of the time have any effect on your thought processes? Or are they merely reflections of your need for emotional therapy?
Are there conservatives or real conservatives, I can't keep track of the new names you far righties keep inventing for yourselves. Does the fact that you are proven wrong nearly 100% of the time have any effect on your thought processes? Or are they merely reflections of your need for emotional therapy?

Funny, see how that works? Pretty stupid generalities ain't it.........

I would take the time to explain the differences but you'd just call anyone who even remotely disagrees with you a libtard wouldn't you SYTF....... Ummmm, what was your name again?
Leftists. But a leftists by any other name is still a Marxist or a Communist.

They don't even try to deny it any more.
A quick classification guide:

Is it truthful and moral and pro-freedom? Then it's liberal.

Is it butthurt and stupid and pro-fascist? Then it's conservative.

For example, look at this thread. The OP is majorly butthurt, therefore you can instantly classify the OP as conservative.
PS -- You've never "proven a liberal wrong" even once in your paint chip eating, conservative fuckboy life.
That's not true. All you need do is look and see when someone refutes your lies you simply go off on a tangent calling them a "fuckboy", or some other regressive homosexual slang.
PS -- You've never "proven a liberal wrong" even once in your paint chip eating, conservative fuckboy life.
That's not true. All you need do is look and see when someone refutes your lies you simply go off on a tangent calling them a "fuckboy", or some other regressive homosexual slang.

Nothing "homosexual" about the slang, gramps.

Urban Dictionary: fuck boy
Libtards once again rise to the occasion: They either deflect to a false comparison (eg., conservative/real conservative) or resort to vulgarity, which reveals the shallow depth of their cognitive abilities. Without constantly adopting new labels to distinguish friend from foe, they would be lost in a forest of contradictory emotions.

P.S. For those demanding examples of their disproven ideas, let's start with unilateral nuclear disarmament...
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