So If You Encountered a Business Being Picketed By Gays...

Would you cross that picket line?

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If you encountered a business being picketed by gays who were denied service, would you cross the picket line to do business with that biz?

Not only would I cross the queer picket line, I'd recomend that business to all my friends.
What made you think Taco Bell was Mexican? I have a great clue what LA is like. I've been there hundreds of times. So I guess I'm supposed to believe that Mexican restaurants discriminate against whites huh? I've been in plenty of them in LA with white girls. My guess is you smelled bad and they dont put up with that.

I think (know) that you are an ignorant fool spewing racist bullshit, and you have not a fucking clue about reality.
You dont think or know much. Now youre mad because I dont believe your bullshit story. What an asshat!
You are calling someone else an asshat? Priceless you are asshat.
Are you jealous I didnt call you an asshat? Too bad you idiot.
No, dipshit.
You dont think or know much. Now youre mad because I dont believe your bullshit story. What an asshat!

No one gives a shit what you pretend to believe or not, Asslips. You're just a troll, a fat white kid sitting in moms basement spewing racist shit to get your jollies.
Of course you give a shit. Thats why you try your best to talk to me. So far I dont believe much you say.
Just like I wouldnt spend my money at an establishment that discriminated against Blacks, Mexicans, women etc
You need to explain the context of 'Mexican'.
Otherwise your attempted analogy is illogical. Black and women are not behavior.
Whats confusing you about Mexican and what did my post have to do with behavior?
The Mexican thing could have connotations of diplomatic issues so it needs to be made clearer. The entire issue of homosexuality is about behavior and nothing else. Duh.
I dont know how to make it any clearer for you than Mexican. The question I answered didnt ask if they were behaving like a homosexual. It simple said if gays were picketing.
Homosexuality is a behavior.
Just like I wouldnt spend my money at an establishment that discriminated against Blacks, Mexicans, women etc
You need to explain the context of 'Mexican'.
Otherwise your attempted analogy is illogical. Black and women are not behavior.
Whats confusing you about Mexican and what did my post have to do with behavior?
The Mexican thing could have connotations of diplomatic issues so it needs to be made clearer. The entire issue of homosexuality is about behavior and nothing else. Duh.
I dont know how to make it any clearer for you than Mexican. The question I answered didnt ask if they were behaving like a homosexual. It simple said if gays were picketing.
Homosexuality is a behavior.
Thats great. Now can you explain what that had to do with the question and my answer?
Would you boycott a place that discriminated against whites, like Waffle House in certain 'hoods?
I dont know a place that discriminates against whites.
Carolina Kitchen. Employs black only and is a black centrist establishment. Otherwise by the entire government and most colleges discriminate against whites with affirmative action programs. Duh.
Do you have a link proving Carolina Kitchen discriminates? You do realize Black centrist doesnt = discriminate right? AA isnt discrimination. Its making up for white AA enjoyed for centuries.
You go with your attempted rationalizations.
So you dont have a link for your claim? I thought so.
He doesn't need a link to prove you are a retard, asshat.
You need to explain the context of 'Mexican'.
Otherwise your attempted analogy is illogical. Black and women are not behavior.
Whats confusing you about Mexican and what did my post have to do with behavior?
The Mexican thing could have connotations of diplomatic issues so it needs to be made clearer. The entire issue of homosexuality is about behavior and nothing else. Duh.
I dont know how to make it any clearer for you than Mexican. The question I answered didnt ask if they were behaving like a homosexual. It simple said if gays were picketing.
Homosexuality is a behavior.
Thats great. Now can you explain what that had to do with the question and my answer?
Obviously you are too stupid to figure it out asshat.
I dont know a place that discriminates against whites.
Carolina Kitchen. Employs black only and is a black centrist establishment. Otherwise by the entire government and most colleges discriminate against whites with affirmative action programs. Duh.
Do you have a link proving Carolina Kitchen discriminates? You do realize Black centrist doesnt = discriminate right? AA isnt discrimination. Its making up for white AA enjoyed for centuries.
You go with your attempted rationalizations.
So you dont have a link for your claim? I thought so.
He doesn't need a link to prove you are a retard, asshat.
He does need a link to prove Carolina Kitchen discriminates since he is trying to tell me they do.
Whats confusing you about Mexican and what did my post have to do with behavior?
The Mexican thing could have connotations of diplomatic issues so it needs to be made clearer. The entire issue of homosexuality is about behavior and nothing else. Duh.
I dont know how to make it any clearer for you than Mexican. The question I answered didnt ask if they were behaving like a homosexual. It simple said if gays were picketing.
Homosexuality is a behavior.
Thats great. Now can you explain what that had to do with the question and my answer?
Obviously you are too stupid to figure it out asshat.
Or you and he both are too stupid to know it had nothing to do with the question.
The Mexican thing could have connotations of diplomatic issues so it needs to be made clearer. The entire issue of homosexuality is about behavior and nothing else. Duh.
I dont know how to make it any clearer for you than Mexican. The question I answered didnt ask if they were behaving like a homosexual. It simple said if gays were picketing.
Homosexuality is a behavior.
Thats great. Now can you explain what that had to do with the question and my answer?
Obviously you are too stupid to figure it out asshat.
Or you and he both are too stupid to know it had nothing to do with the question.
You are too stupid to figure out you lose, asshat.
I dont know how to make it any clearer for you than Mexican. The question I answered didnt ask if they were behaving like a homosexual. It simple said if gays were picketing.
Homosexuality is a behavior.
Thats great. Now can you explain what that had to do with the question and my answer?
Obviously you are too stupid to figure it out asshat.
Or you and he both are too stupid to know it had nothing to do with the question.
You are too stupid to figure out you lose, asshat.
If one has this much trouble explaining what his comment had to do with the question we all know you are probably stupid and unable to understand the question.
Just like I wouldnt spend my money at an establishment that discriminated against Blacks, Mexicans, women etc
Would you boycott a place that discriminated against whites, like Waffle House in certain 'hoods?
I dont know a place that discriminates against whites.
Carolina Kitchen. Employs black only and is a black centrist establishment. Otherwise by the entire government and most colleges discriminate against whites with affirmative action programs. Duh.
Do you have a link proving Carolina Kitchen discriminates? You do realize Black centrist doesnt = discriminate right? AA isnt discrimination. Its making up for white AA enjoyed for centuries.

not even a good strawman this time
To me, this whole thing is getting to be rather a bit too much. Depending on the situation, like the making of a gay wedding cake for example, I can understand why service is denied, but to strip them of every day normal things, if that is what certain people want to see happen, in my opinion, is over the line. I will never be a cheerleader for the homosexual lifestyle, but those who live it are still people like the rest of us and in my opinion they shouldn't be punished in such a way when what is to be done about them is really to be up to the Lord.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I wouldn't like it if my rights were taken from me because of where I have decided to stand on things, so I can not say that I am for what certain people may be trying to have happen.
To me, this whole thing is getting to be rather a bit too much. Depending on the situation, like the making of a gay wedding cake for example, I can understand why service is denied, but to strip them of every day normal things, if that is what certain people want to see happen, in my opinion, is over the line. I will never be a cheerleader for the homosexual lifestyle, but those who live it are still people like the rest of us and in my opinion they shouldn't be punished in such a way when what is to be done about them is really to be up to the Lord.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I wouldn't like it if my rights were taken from me because of where I have decided to stand on things, so I can not say that I am for what certain people may be trying to have happen.
Nobody is depriving them of any chance for a wedding. They can find plenty who will accommodate. This is more about homos denying others their religious freedom.
^^^ I am just saying that if the rest of us were stripped of the rights that we already have, we would be just as upset, wouldn't we? I know that I would be.

God bless you always!!!

Define, refused service...since for example, one of the bakeries in question sold cakes,and cookies and everything else to gays for every other event...and only said they could not sell a wedding cake........define denied service...

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