So, I Have the Impeachment score card at Republicans 8, Dems 0

These hearings have as much to do with impeachment as those on Benghazi had about the 4 dead Americans. After awhile one gets quite use to the fake concern, especially the garbage emanating from the House.
These hearings have as much to do with impeachment as those on Benghazi had about the 4 dead Americans. After awhile one gets quite use to the fake concern, especially the garbage emanating from the House.

Yea because Trump was really concerned about the corruption in the Ukraine.

Trump is only concerned about corruption in Ukraine if he can somehow imply it is related to his political rival. He hasn't said or done anything concerning Ukrainian corruption in any other context.
I just love it when political nutters like you write asinine shit like that...

Senate at this time will not Convict and let me be very clear Democrats are hurting themselves in Swing States because when the 2020 election rolls in and Warren is your candidate Trump will win the Electoral College, Republicans will retain the Senate and the House will fall and why?

Swing voters view impeachment a waste of time when it is over shit like the Ukraine!

Actually, I remember 2008 was supposed to be Rudy vs. Hillary... how did that turn out again?

I remember predictions that the GOP would pay for the Clinton Impeachment, but Bush won the next election.

I remember when people said, "No way would America elect this black guy with the funny name! Barack Hussein Obama?"

The thing is, Warren actually stands for something, that's why I think she'd actually be a stronger candidate than Biden.

Did Truml do something that was stupid?

What day of the week is it?


The fact still remains Trump will not be impeached over the stupid call and House Democrats wasted their silver bullet!

It's more than the call... It's that his entire government was trying to shake down the Ukraine...

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