So, Bill O'Reilly is toast @ Fox

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Speak of "The Factor", I have a "crush" on Gillian. She is SO cute and SO beautiful.
Gillian is a total fox. She's hawt!!!
Ouch! That's gonna leave a mark, slow Joe....LMAO!!! So you wish that I would be carted off to a "re-education camp" so I could become a good little marxist such as yourself? Ain't gonna happen, slow Joe. When you have looked into the whole set of circumstances surrounding Sandy Hoax and all the lies, redacted information and the stonewalling of FOIA requests on things that should be simple to comply with? It's only then that I would ever weigh your opinion on this....capiche'?

Again, only a complete asshole would believe that thousands of people were in on a conspiracy.

A country that could do that would have eliminated guys like you and Alex Jones by now. The fact they haven't prove you're wrong.

Occam's razor buddy. Simplest solution is true.

1) Crazy guy shoots kids.

2) Government stages a drill, the media takes it wrong, then they proceed to involve thousands of people in a conspiracy to pretend a lot of people died. Everyone in the town would have to be in on it, as well as dozens of state, local and federal agencies and the media.

Which one is simpler?

ROTFLMAO! Look up Operation Gladio and Operation Gladio B. It wouldn't take thousands of people to pull this off but if you have a few hundred people that are in lock-step about gun control and pre-screening children for mental illness could EASILY pull this off and then you throw in the monetary incentives? It's a slam dunk. Anyone that questions the official story and wants what should be easily provided data are marginalized and demonized and all the holes in this ridiculous story are NEVER addressed. Keep wearing that cloak of stupidity because it fits you well.
The economy self corrects. Under Obama, it look longer than usual.
Fair enough, and what's your analysis of GWB's handling of the economy.

How did it do under his reign?

How did it do under GWB ?

I can't say for sure.....

But I believe it could have done a lot better.

GWB had a republican congress and could have done some really good things.

Instead he chose to take us to a couple of stupid wars and ran up huge deficits.

Then Pelosi and Reid got in...and it continued.
ROTFLMAO! Look up Operation Gladio and Operation Gladio B.

You mean the actual operations, or whatever you loons have imagined about them when the drugs aren't kicking in?

So your argument for a paranoid fantasy is to cite another paranoid fantasy.

On involving Trilateralists, Bilderburgers, Bohemian Grove and the Lizard People, no doubt.

It wouldn't take thousands of people to pull this off but if you have a few hundred people that are in lock-step about gun control and pre-screening children for mental illness could EASILY pull this off and then you throw in the monetary incentives?

except these hundreds of people would have to live in lock step with thousands of people who know that Sandy Hook wasn't an active school and these kids didn't live in their community.


Again, seriously, Fuck you, Dale.

Anyone that questions the official story and wants what should be easily provided data are marginalized and demonized and all the holes in this ridiculous story are NEVER addressed.

No, you are demonized because you are a fucking asshole with a dark place in your soul.
ROTFLMAO! Look up Operation Gladio and Operation Gladio B.

You mean the actual operations, or whatever you loons have imagined about them when the drugs aren't kicking in?

So your argument for a paranoid fantasy is to cite another paranoid fantasy.

On involving Trilateralists, Bilderburgers, Bohemian Grove and the Lizard People, no doubt.

It wouldn't take thousands of people to pull this off but if you have a few hundred people that are in lock-step about gun control and pre-screening children for mental illness could EASILY pull this off and then you throw in the monetary incentives?

except these hundreds of people would have to live in lock step with thousands of people who know that Sandy Hook wasn't an active school and these kids didn't live in their community.


Again, seriously, Fuck you, Dale.

Anyone that questions the official story and wants what should be easily provided data are marginalized and demonized and all the holes in this ridiculous story are NEVER addressed.

No, you are demonized because you are a fucking asshole with a dark place in your soul.

I see that Lily Gaubert's picture isn't on there but it was in the original story. Lily is very much alive and the pic that they used was one of her that was taken in 2009 and get this! She doesn't live anywhere close to Newtown! BTW, I don't have the slightest clue about the elementary schools around where I live since I have no school aged children.

Check out the pictures of this alleged "functioning" school....would you let your kids go to one like this?

Exterior Photo #65.png
Exterior Photo #65.png
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Exterior Photo #65.png
Screen Shot 2015-04-22 at 7.17.18 AM.png
I see that Lily Gaubert's picture isn't on there but it was in the original story. Lily is very much alive and the pic that they used was one of her that was taken in 2009 and get this! She doesn't live anywhere close to Newtown!

It isn't on there because the story isn't true.

Pictures of Lily

To summarize, a scummy attention seeker stole young Lily’s photo and posted it to a Facebook memorial site. Other memorial sites followed suite. The media, needing a face to go with Allison’s name and having no picture provided by the family, turned to the social media sites and found that image. It was labeled “Allison” through the process of elimination.

So there you have it. My theory as to how the Gaubert photo got hijacked by the media.

BTW, I don't have the slightest clue about the elementary schools around where I live since I have no school aged children.

Well, yes, the fact that you aren't breeding should be a relief to us all...

I'm sure the people in your town all know to keep clear of your house.

In the real world, most of us know where the active schools are in our towns because we know where the traffic slows down and they have all the warning signs.

Check out the pictures of this alleged "functioning" school....would you let your kids go to one like this?

There's no evidence those are actually pictures of Sandy Hook...

Here's the thing. Once more, thousands of people live in Sandy Hook, and none of them support your whacky theories.

So either it really happened.

Or there was a vast conspiracy by the Jesuit Bilderberger-Lizardman conspiracy to silence them.

Seriously, how does one get as fucking nuts as you are?
I see that Lily Gaubert's picture isn't on there but it was in the original story. Lily is very much alive and the pic that they used was one of her that was taken in 2009 and get this! She doesn't live anywhere close to Newtown!

It isn't on there because the story isn't true.

Pictures of Lily

To summarize, a scummy attention seeker stole young Lily’s photo and posted it to a Facebook memorial site. Other memorial sites followed suite. The media, needing a face to go with Allison’s name and having no picture provided by the family, turned to the social media sites and found that image. It was labeled “Allison” through the process of elimination.

So there you have it. My theory as to how the Gaubert photo got hijacked by the media.

BTW, I don't have the slightest clue about the elementary schools around where I live since I have no school aged children.

Well, yes, the fact that you aren't breeding should be a relief to us all...

I'm sure the people in your town all know to keep clear of your house.

In the real world, most of us know where the active schools are in our towns because we know where the traffic slows down and they have all the warning signs.

Check out the pictures of this alleged "functioning" school....would you let your kids go to one like this?

There's no evidence those are actually pictures of Sandy Hook...

Here's the thing. Once more, thousands of people live in Sandy Hook, and none of them support your whacky theories.

So either it really happened.

Or there was a vast conspiracy by the Jesuit Bilderberger-Lizardman conspiracy to silence them.

Seriously, how does one get as fucking nuts as you are?

All three of my kids are are grown and fortunately I was able to teach them critical thinking skills and they don't suffer from cognitive dissonance. As far as those pictures go? Yeah, they are of the shut down Sandy Hook school and they were one of the things that Wolfgang Halbig used in the FOIA in order to get maintenance records of which the Newtown, Connecticut city council refuses to comply with and why is that? Because they don't have any......and then there is the fact that the Sandy Hook school was not in compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act that mandated handicapped parking spots had to have blue and white markings and a 60 inch high sign designating as such and must say "Van Accessible" and yet they are nowhere to be found on the school grounds....but the old handicapped parking posts are visible in CNN footage....why is that?

Why are all the cars in the TV footage of the Sandy Hook parking lot all facing the same direction? So many questions and anyone that asks them are shouted down.....interesting, no? Am I "nuts"? Nope, I simply have a lot of questions that no one is willing to answer because sheeple like you run interference for them and defend them. You are either a shill or simply stupid....either way? You can't take me on in a debate which is why you use these lame tactics. No one died at Sandy Hoax, "slow Joe", it was a DHS "live shooter/mass casualty event" that was used as a real time event for at least three reasons....make the people fear, use it as a way to screen children for mental health issues and prescribe them medications and gun control. I have seen the lame stream media interview "witnesses" that claim that they showed up on the scene (which is impossible since the roads were blocked) that claimed that they saw child after child being taken out by the police when we know that the alleged "victims" were left in the building until three in the morning on Saturday and whisked away in refrigerated vans....and you really believe that? And you claim that I am "nuts"? You and reality don't have even a nodding acquaintance with each other.
Good to see he's being held accountable. Really, personal accountability is SUPPOSED to be what the conservatives stand for. I didn't think for a second he was innocent. He's obviously got a problem with his penis & status................ But I will miss his show. While he's an arrogant fuck, he generally has keen insight, at least portrays a level head & good ethics, & offers a fair analysis as compared to his peers.
Oh good. Perhaps you can share the evidence of his sexual harassment. Seems no one has been able to find it.
As far as those pictures go? Yeah, they are of the shut down Sandy Hook school and they were one of the things that Wolfgang Halbig used in the FOIA in order to get maintenance records of which the Newtown, Connecticut city council refuses to comply with and why is that? Because they don't have any......and then there is the fact that the Sandy Hook school was not in compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act that mandated handicapped parking spots had to have blue and white markings and a 60 inch high sign designating as such and must say "Van Accessible" and yet they are nowhere to be found on the school grounds....but the old handicapped parking posts are visible in CNN footage....why is that?

Except you don't really know any of that, you just read that shit on some nutter website....

again, I have to wonder what kind of dark place your sick mind has to be in to really even believe that sort of shit.

You need help.

Why are all the cars in the TV footage of the Sandy Hook parking lot all facing the same direction? So many questions and anyone that asks them are shouted down.....interesting, no? Am I "nuts"?

Yes, you are completely fucking nuts.

I'm sorry to be the one who keeps having to break this to you.

One more time. If there is this VAST CONSPIRACY, why hasn't the NRA broken it wide open?

Jesus Christ, man, if what you said was true, then Obama should have been impeached for it.

For that matter, if what you said was true, then why hasn't Trump, who is a devotee of Alex Jones, the peice of human excrement who repeats shit like this to the crazies like you, ordered an investigation to get to the bottom of it?

So you would not only have to believe that thousands of people staged this conspiracy to fake this incident, but you'd have to believe that the people who would benefit the most from exposing it aren't.

No one died at Sandy Hoax, "slow Joe", it was a DHS "live shooter/mass casualty event" that was used as a real time event for at least three reasons....make the people fear, use it as a way to screen children for mental health issues and prescribe them medications and gun control.

Except none of those things happened and no one pushed for them very hard.

Oh, they screen kids for mental health issues now, and they should. But never mind...
As far as those pictures go? Yeah, they are of the shut down Sandy Hook school and they were one of the things that Wolfgang Halbig used in the FOIA in order to get maintenance records of which the Newtown, Connecticut city council refuses to comply with and why is that? Because they don't have any......and then there is the fact that the Sandy Hook school was not in compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act that mandated handicapped parking spots had to have blue and white markings and a 60 inch high sign designating as such and must say "Van Accessible" and yet they are nowhere to be found on the school grounds....but the old handicapped parking posts are visible in CNN footage....why is that?

Except you don't really know any of that, you just read that shit on some nutter website....

again, I have to wonder what kind of dark place your sick mind has to be in to really even believe that sort of shit.

You need help.

Why are all the cars in the TV footage of the Sandy Hook parking lot all facing the same direction? So many questions and anyone that asks them are shouted down.....interesting, no? Am I "nuts"?

Yes, you are completely fucking nuts.

I'm sorry to be the one who keeps having to break this to you.

One more time. If there is this VAST CONSPIRACY, why hasn't the NRA broken it wide open?

Jesus Christ, man, if what you said was true, then Obama should have been impeached for it.

For that matter, if what you said was true, then why hasn't Trump, who is a devotee of Alex Jones, the peice of human excrement who repeats shit like this to the crazies like you, ordered an investigation to get to the bottom of it?

So you would not only have to believe that thousands of people staged this conspiracy to fake this incident, but you'd have to believe that the people who would benefit the most from exposing it aren't.

No one died at Sandy Hoax, "slow Joe", it was a DHS "live shooter/mass casualty event" that was used as a real time event for at least three reasons....make the people fear, use it as a way to screen children for mental health issues and prescribe them medications and gun control.

Except none of those things happened and no one pushed for them very hard.

Oh, they screen kids for mental health issues now, and they should. But never mind...

Big pharma benefits, the commies benefit by more anti-gun legislation and the players in this ruse rake in millions, "slow Joe". If this had actually happened, they would have GLADLY shown the bloody bodies and the carnage. The Sandy Hook Hoax followed almost verbatim the fake Dunblane school shooting in the U.K in 1996. Same bad crisis acting, same claims of acts of alleged "heroism" which led to the disarming of the people in the U.K in 1997. Australia had a false flag shooting known as the "Port Arthur Massacre". It was meant to look like the work of a lone gunman but like Sandy Hoax, his "kill rate" far exceeded even the expectations of an experience hit team. The patsy had an I.Q of about 73, held in solitary confinement until he "confessed".......just WAAAY too many anomalies to list. Why was this perpetrated? It was to guilt the gun owners of Australia to surrender their means to protect themselves, their loved ones and their property. That is EXACTLY what happened for all intent and practical purposes, Australians were "disarmed". The "Port Arthur Massacre" worked just like they hoped it would. Why is it that access to evidence is forbidden to view? Kinda like Sandy Hoax? The JFK public murder, OKC, etc, etc? Because there is a hidden agenda that those like you can't see. Are you one of the sheeple that is willing to be sheared and then slaughtered? Maybe so..........good luck with all that.

I haven't decided if you are just an idiot that believes in "da gubermint" or a paid troll that tries to disrupt debate and conversation......either way? I am right and "dead on" with my assertions and you have nothing but insults. You cast aspersions, I post real questions.......and that is a HUGE difference between me and you.....just one of many.

Hope this helps!!!
Big pharma benefits, the commies benefit by more anti-gun legislation and the players in this ruse rake in millions, "slow Joe". If this had actually happened, they would have GLADLY shown the bloody bodies and the carnage.

Really, when have they ever shown gruesome crime footage on TV?


Frankly, I wish they would. Maybe we wouldn't have these nuts saying shit about "Founding fathers" and "Second amendment" if we started showing pictures of slaughtered kids on TV.

The Sandy Hook Hoax followed almost verbatim the fake Dunblane school shooting in the U.K in 1996. Same bad crisis acting, same claims of acts of alleged "heroism" which led to the disarming of the people in the U.K in 1997. Australia had a false flag shooting known as the "Port Arthur Massacre". It was meant to look like the work of a lone gunman but like Sandy Hoax, his "kill rate" far exceeded even the expectations of an experience hit team. The patsy had an I.Q of about 73, held in solitary confinement until he "confessed".......just WAAAY too many anomalies to list.

Right. so those were "fake", too... got it. All these "fakes", with hundreds of people in on the gag, and no one ever broke bad on them?

Because there is a hidden agenda that those like you can't see. Are you one of the sheeple that is willing to be sheared and then slaughtered? Maybe so..........good luck with all that.

No, guy, the real problem is nuts like you see a violent world and you think there is a conspiracy. It's an interesting psychological thing in that you have to think everything is plot against you, but you just aren't that important.

Stuff happens. Bad stuff happens when you let mentally ill people wander the streets and get easy access to guns. I see the problem as being the exact opposite than you do. The problem isn't that we have too much government intervention, it's that we don't have enough.

I frankly get sick of playing "dodge the stew-bum" because some stupid liberals decided it was inhumane to institutionalize them and some stupid conservative decided that we really needed to give tax breaks for dancing horses than paying good money to have outpatient programs for these people.

That's the kind of thing that you ought to be upset about, because given how mentally ill you clearly are, you are probably only a few turns away from screaming at a lamp post because you think the CIA is spying on you with it.

I haven't decided if you are just an idiot that believes in "da gubermint" or a paid troll that tries to disrupt debate and conversation......either way? I am right and "dead on" with my assertions and you have nothing but insults. You cast aspersions, I post real questions.......and that is a HUGE difference between me and you.....just one of many.

Guy, i've made it pretty simple who I am. I'm a middle class guy trying to get by in this world. I don't think there's a vast conspiracy. I think that I live in a world were people are stupid enough to elect Donald Trump because he's done got him a TV show.

I have nothing but insults for you because I have nothing but contempt for you. Only a true cocksucking scumbag would look at a parent who just had a child slaughtered by a crazy person who had no business ever having a military grade weapon, and say, "That person must be a crisis actor trying to get me to take my meds!"

Dude. Take you fucking meds!

Hope this helps!!!

No, what would help is if you took your fucking meds. Dude, this in an intervention. What I notice is that most people here ignore you. Even the other right wingers who really hate gun control don't want to be associated with your level of nuttiness.
Big pharma benefits, the commies benefit by more anti-gun legislation and the players in this ruse rake in millions, "slow Joe". If this had actually happened, they would have GLADLY shown the bloody bodies and the carnage.

Really, when have they ever shown gruesome crime footage on TV?


Frankly, I wish they would. Maybe we wouldn't have these nuts saying shit about "Founding fathers" and "Second amendment" if we started showing pictures of slaughtered kids on TV.

The Sandy Hook Hoax followed almost verbatim the fake Dunblane school shooting in the U.K in 1996. Same bad crisis acting, same claims of acts of alleged "heroism" which led to the disarming of the people in the U.K in 1997. Australia had a false flag shooting known as the "Port Arthur Massacre". It was meant to look like the work of a lone gunman but like Sandy Hoax, his "kill rate" far exceeded even the expectations of an experience hit team. The patsy had an I.Q of about 73, held in solitary confinement until he "confessed".......just WAAAY too many anomalies to list.

Right. so those were "fake", too... got it. All these "fakes", with hundreds of people in on the gag, and no one ever broke bad on them?

Because there is a hidden agenda that those like you can't see. Are you one of the sheeple that is willing to be sheared and then slaughtered? Maybe so..........good luck with all that.

No, guy, the real problem is nuts like you see a violent world and you think there is a conspiracy. It's an interesting psychological thing in that you have to think everything is plot against you, but you just aren't that important.

Stuff happens. Bad stuff happens when you let mentally ill people wander the streets and get easy access to guns. I see the problem as being the exact opposite than you do. The problem isn't that we have too much government intervention, it's that we don't have enough.

I frankly get sick of playing "dodge the stew-bum" because some stupid liberals decided it was inhumane to institutionalize them and some stupid conservative decided that we really needed to give tax breaks for dancing horses than paying good money to have outpatient programs for these people.

That's the kind of thing that you ought to be upset about, because given how mentally ill you clearly are, you are probably only a few turns away from screaming at a lamp post because you think the CIA is spying on you with it.

I haven't decided if you are just an idiot that believes in "da gubermint" or a paid troll that tries to disrupt debate and conversation......either way? I am right and "dead on" with my assertions and you have nothing but insults. You cast aspersions, I post real questions.......and that is a HUGE difference between me and you.....just one of many.

Guy, i've made it pretty simple who I am. I'm a middle class guy trying to get by in this world. I don't think there's a vast conspiracy. I think that I live in a world were people are stupid enough to elect Donald Trump because he's done got him a TV show.

I have nothing but insults for you because I have nothing but contempt for you. Only a true cocksucking scumbag would look at a parent who just had a child slaughtered by a crazy person who had no business ever having a military grade weapon, and say, "That person must be a crisis actor trying to get me to take my meds!"

Dude. Take you fucking meds!

Hope this helps!!!

No, what would help is if you took your fucking meds. Dude, this in an intervention. What I notice is that most people here ignore you. Even the other right wingers who really hate gun control don't want to be associated with your level of nuttiness.

"Guy, i've made it pretty simple who I am. I'm a middle class guy trying to get by in this world. I don't think there's a vast conspiracy"

Aren't we all just "trying to get by"? But what you do not understand is that there is a massive conspiracy by those pulling the strings on this debt based, fiat currency system.It's not a "theory" but a fact of how this system works.

" I think that I live in a world were people are stupid enough to elect Donald Trump because he's done got him a TV show"
And the sheeple were stupid enough to elect the Barrypuppet, Bill "drop trou" Clinton and two members of the Skull and Bones society that we know as GH and GW why are you even slightly surprised?

"I have nothing but insults for you because I have nothing but contempt for you".

Swing that cyber purse all you want and to your heart's content because it's not going to stop me from stating "what is" or prevent me from questioning the official narrative and bullshit that we are fed. I have more evidence that calls this whole alleged event into question than you do evidence that it actually did....and that is what pisses you off.

"Only a true cocksucking scumbag would look at a parent who just had a child slaughtered by a crazy person who had no business ever having a military grade weapon, and say, "That person must be a crisis actor trying to get me to take my meds!"

These alleged grieving parents took up a new career by starting a "gun grab" road show. I have seen more grieving of people from losing a pet than these alleged parents showed. I find it odd that the official story that Adam Lanza bypassed other schools in order to do this....and how crisis actors claimed that Nancy Lanza was a teacher there and was well loved which also turned out to be bullshit. Eric Holder ( a commie leftard) meets up with Governor Malloy (another commie leftard) discuss "gun control" three weeks before Sandy Hoax called "Project Longevity".The initiative was about pushing gun control.......then Sandy Hoax happens? Just a coinkydink? BTW, save your queer talk for the Chicago bath-houses you no doubt frequent.

"No, what would help is if you took your fucking meds. Dude, this in an intervention. What I notice is that most people here ignore you. Even the other right wingers who really hate gun control don't want to be associated with your level of nuttiness"

What "meds" are those, Slow Joe? the ones that you take that keeps you dumbed down? No, thanks. I have plenty of people here that are awake that know exactly of what I speak. Why don't you create a thread asking "right-wingers" if they believe that my contentions are baseless? Let's see you "put up" lest I make you have no game, Slow are more to be pitied than scolded.

Hope this helps!!!!
Aren't we all just "trying to get by"? But what you do not understand is that there is a massive conspiracy by those pulling the strings on this debt based, fiat currency system.It's a "theory" but a fact of how this system works.

No, you see, only crazy people believe stuff like that. we have debt because we want stuff (either for ourselves or having the government do them) and we don't want to pay for it. That's why we have a debt problem. That you think it's the Illuminati Lizard People who are turning Frogs Gay or some such shit just shows you have an unbalanced mind.


And the sheeple were stupid enough to elect the Barrypuppet, Bill "drop trou" Clinton and two members of the Skull and Bones society that we know as GH and GW why are you even slightly surprised?

Well, you see, all those guys were QUALIFIED to be president, that's the thing. They had all been senators or governors... and they know how government works and they had popular elections where people voted for them.

Unlike Trump.

I have more evidence that calls this whole alleged event into question than you do evidence that it actually did....and that is what pisses you off.

no, what pisses me off is that you aren't being locked up in a mental institution where you belong.

These alleged grieving parents took up a new career by starting a "gun grab" road show.

You mean people who lost their children because a crazy person was able to get his hands on a gun are actually lobbying to keep crazy people from getting guns?

Do you think that MADD is a conspiracy against the alcohol industry? I bet all those ladies made up their kids, too. Oh, wait, you are such an evil deranged fuckwad that you actually would believe that.

What "meds" are those, Slow Joe? the ones that you take that keeps you dumbed down? No, thanks. I have plenty of people here that are awake that know exactly of what I speak. Why don't you create a thread asking "right-wingers" if they believe that my contentions are baseless? Let's see you "put up" lest I make you have no game, Slow are more to be pitied than scolded.

No, you see, Dale Cocksucker, the other Right Wingers ignore you because YOU MAKE THEM LOOK BAD. You really make them look like awful people. It's kind of hard to argue that more gun laws aren't the answer when you have a deranged cocksucker talking about Child Actors and handicapped signs and Lizard People.
Aren't we all just "trying to get by"? But what you do not understand is that there is a massive conspiracy by those pulling the strings on this debt based, fiat currency system.It's a "theory" but a fact of how this system works.

No, you see, only crazy people believe stuff like that. we have debt because we want stuff (either for ourselves or having the government do them) and we don't want to pay for it. That's why we have a debt problem. That you think it's the Illuminati Lizard People who are turning Frogs Gay or some such shit just shows you have an unbalanced mind.


And the sheeple were stupid enough to elect the Barrypuppet, Bill "drop trou" Clinton and two members of the Skull and Bones society that we know as GH and GW why are you even slightly surprised?

Well, you see, all those guys were QUALIFIED to be president, that's the thing. They had all been senators or governors... and they know how government works and they had popular elections where people voted for them.

Unlike Trump.

I have more evidence that calls this whole alleged event into question than you do evidence that it actually did....and that is what pisses you off.

no, what pisses me off is that you aren't being locked up in a mental institution where you belong.

These alleged grieving parents took up a new career by starting a "gun grab" road show.

You mean people who lost their children because a crazy person was able to get his hands on a gun are actually lobbying to keep crazy people from getting guns?

Do you think that MADD is a conspiracy against the alcohol industry? I bet all those ladies made up their kids, too. Oh, wait, you are such an evil deranged fuckwad that you actually would believe that.

What "meds" are those, Slow Joe? the ones that you take that keeps you dumbed down? No, thanks. I have plenty of people here that are awake that know exactly of what I speak. Why don't you create a thread asking "right-wingers" if they believe that my contentions are baseless? Let's see you "put up" lest I make you have no game, Slow are more to be pitied than scolded.

No, you see, Dale Cocksucker, the other Right Wingers ignore you because YOU MAKE THEM LOOK BAD. You really make them look like awful people. It's kind of hard to argue that more gun laws aren't the answer when you have a deranged cocksucker talking about Child Actors and handicapped signs and Lizard People.

"No, you see, only crazy people believe stuff like that. we have debt because we want stuff (either for ourselves or having the government do them) and we don't want to pay for it. That's why we have a debt problem. That you think it's the Illuminati Lizard People who are turning Frogs Gay or some such shit just shows you have an unbalanced mind."

No, I have read their own white papers (CFR) and their own memoirs like those of Colonel Edward Mandell House, David Rockefeller and their quotes where they plainly stated their goals. Whistle blowers like Antony Sutton, Dr.John Coleman and Major George Jordan.....there are actually too many to list. We have unsustainable debt because we "borrow" from a foreign owned central bank that charges interest in order to print our own mediums of exchange. I have explained many times and have written about the Fed Act of 1913 and the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933, the Act of 1871 and how your beloved "gubermint" is nothing but a bankrupted corporate entity. Why you feel like you need to make up shit about what I post about shows that you lack the intellect to understand or comprehend.

"You mean people who lost their children because a crazy person was able to get his hands on a gun are actually lobbying to keep crazy people from getting guns? "

Well, for one thing, they lost no one and for the second thing they have started a new career while the donation pages ( some of which were set up for the alleged victims before 12/14/2012) are still taking in money. The Wheeler family is very interesting.....both were involved in acting and Francine Wheeler worked in high levels of the DNC raising money for leftards. The official narrative is that Nancy Lanza took her introverted son to the shooting range allll the time and that has proven to be a lie. As I have stated, you could drive a brigade of tanks through the official story and they block as many FOIA requests as they can and threaten people that ask why is that if they have nothing to hide? None of these requests are out of the norm.

"Do you think that MADD is a conspiracy against the alcohol industry? I bet all those ladies made up their kids, too. Oh, wait, you are such an evil deranged fuckwad that you actually would believe that."

People should not get behind the wheel if they cannot operate a vehicle safely because they are inebriated.....duh?

"No, you see, Dale Cocksucker, the other Right Wingers ignore you because YOU MAKE THEM LOOK BAD. You really make them look like awful people. It's kind of hard to argue that more gun laws aren't the answer when you have a deranged cocksucker talking about Child Actors and handicapped signs and Lizard People"

I have plenty of supporters here that knows that our media is nothing but a propagandist arm of this corporate entity we call "gubermint". I have received more kudos than I have posts here. What pisses you off about the smoking gun that Sandy Hook School had not complied with the ADA requiring blue paint and signs 60 inches high to indicate handicapped parking? This was passed in 2009. You are telling me that Sandy Hook school just hadn't got around to doing it for three years? Why did they need to bring in porta-potties? No kid was allegedly killed in a bathroom and it certainly couldn't have been because it was a crime scene because it was determined RIGHT away that it was allegedly Adam Lanza. So many more things that you probably don't know nor do you want to know. I am not sure who those "lizard people" are that you are referring to but it appears to be a lame attempt to insult. I know more than you, "Slow Joe" and it galls you.....but feel free to vent to your heart's content. Maybe it will prevent you from taking out your frustration on people you encounter in real time.

No, I have read their own white papers (CFR)

Yes, yes, yes, we know... you've listened to all the voices in your head and whatever.

Best way to get out of debt. Don't spend more than you have.

Well, for one thing, they lost no one and for the second thing they have started a new career while the donation pages

Guy, you can keep repeating this crazy that you heard on Alex Jones Show, but even a judge decided that they needed to get his children out of that house.

Sandy Hook happened. sorry, you need to deal with that.

I have plenty of supporters here that knows that our media is nothing but a propagandist arm of this corporate entity we call "gubermint".

Really, where are they, buddy? I'm not seeing a one of them chiming in on this thread.

Dale, you are an evil cockscuker and you need help. The Lizard People are not under your bed.
No, I have read their own white papers (CFR)

Yes, yes, yes, we know... you've listened to all the voices in your head and whatever.

Best way to get out of debt. Don't spend more than you have.

Well, for one thing, they lost no one and for the second thing they have started a new career while the donation pages

Guy, you can keep repeating this crazy that you heard on Alex Jones Show, but even a judge decided that they needed to get his children out of that house.

Sandy Hook happened. sorry, you need to deal with that.

I have plenty of supporters here that knows that our media is nothing but a propagandist arm of this corporate entity we call "gubermint".

Really, where are they, buddy? I'm not seeing a one of them chiming in on this thread.

Dale, you are an evil cockscuker and you need help. The Lizard People are not under your bed.

"Guy, you can keep repeating this crazy that you heard on Alex Jones Show, but even a judge decided that they needed to get his children out of that house"

The things I know? I certainly didn't learn from Alex Jones because as far as I know, he has never had the nads to say one way or the other. I have accrued an incredible amount of information that is indisputable the "selectmen/women are hiding something. I notice that you never address how those porta-potties" showed up and why Newtown cannot produce a receipt or a time stamp for it. Why was there an electric sign claiming that "Everyone Must Sign In" and who paid for that and where is the receipt? Why would people need to "sign in" when bus drivers were allegedly dropping off children at the Fire House or at the house of some weirdo like Gene Rosen? Where is the footage of 4 hundred and twenty something children fleeing the scene and being evacuated? None of the "Trooper video dash cams" show any kind of mass exodus.......oh how many anomalies there are.......they are numerous and continue to grow.......

"Sandy Hook happened. sorry, you need to deal with that"

A drill happened, a FEMA Capstone drill that was passed off as a real time event but no child was killed and that is something you need to "deal with"......dealing with the fact that you were played for a chump.

"Really, where are they, buddy? I'm not seeing a one of them chiming in on this thread"

I don't see anyone chiming in on your behalf and you have been on this site a lot longer than I have. I will make a deal with you. I will start a thread about this topic, present my case and if I don't get at least 15 positive responses in say a few days? I will vacate this forum....but if I do? Then you have to leave this site. Are you willing to wager your presence here under the ID you are known by? I am.......because I know of what I speak.

"Dale, you are an evil cockscuker and you need help. The Lizard People are not under your bed"

Ahhhh yes, someone that doesn't believe that this corporate entity disguised as a legitimate governmental body always tells you the unvarnished truth regardless of how ugly it may be......because they are (snicker) "straight shooters". You really do live in the Land Of Oz if you believe that load of shit. I also find it hilarious that you use demeaning terms that slam on the queer faction that your team claims to be such a champion of. You are not only lame at "flaming" but you are a hypocrite as well......

So, are you willing to take my challenge on??????? You have no hope of winning this debate in the court of public opinion. I have too much evidence to show that this was indeed a "manufactured event" that took place at a school that hadn't been open since 2008. I have a lot of evidence from Newtown's own paper that I have yet to post that is most damning. Put up or STFU, "Slow Joe". You see? I know more than you....infinitely more.
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