CDZ So About That Flint MI Water Thingy....


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
They guy that spotted the problem says it h as LONG BEEN FIXED.

He claims that the political machine in Flint is milking it for more Federal money and dont want anyone to know it has been fixed!


Scientist Originally Cited By Flint Activists Faults ‘Victim Culture,’ People With ‘Agendas’ In Flint

  • Marc Edwards, the water expert who first helped detect lead contamination in Flint, said newer tests show the problem has long been fixed.
  • Flint activists then turned against him, saying he “has out-stayed his welcome.”
The Virginia Tech professor who helped prove that Flint’s water was dangerously contaminated with lead in 2014 said the problem has been fixed for years, but that politicians are frightening people anyway to advance their own self-interest.

Water expert Marc Edwards said that for years, Flint’s water quality has been no different than some other cities.

“It’s dishonesty,” Edwards said on a KNIA radio show Sept. 23. “There’s people with agendas who want to make a perception that the crisis is ongoing” and who are promoting a “victim culture.”

“Flint’s in a desperate financial situation, this has been a way to get hundreds of millions of dollars,” he said. “Many people have an agenda to make it appear that no one cares, which is patently false, to make it appear the water is not better when it is.”

Edwards said activists have wrongfully taken advantage of citizens’ lack of scientific knowledge to push false information, and that the media has joined them, specifically faulting PBS News’ “Frontline.”
'So? What does he know about running a political machine anyway?' - average Democrat.
Plenty of contaminated public water supply episodes across the nation, what, your corporate state media machine not informing you?
Plenty of contaminated public water supply episodes across the nation, what, your corporate state media machine not informing you?

So how about showing some sources for that, bubba?

And how many lies do we have to catch far left ecowackos in before people begin to realize that they are just liars?
They guy that spotted the problem says it h as LONG BEEN FIXED.

He claims that the political machine in Flint is milking it for more Federal money and dont want anyone to know it has been fixed!


Scientist Originally Cited By Flint Activists Faults ‘Victim Culture,’ People With ‘Agendas’ In Flint

  • Marc Edwards, the water expert who first helped detect lead contamination in Flint, said newer tests show the problem has long been fixed.
  • Flint activists then turned against him, saying he “has out-stayed his welcome.”
The Virginia Tech professor who helped prove that Flint’s water was dangerously contaminated with lead in 2014 said the problem has been fixed for years, but that politicians are frightening people anyway to advance their own self-interest.

Water expert Marc Edwards said that for years, Flint’s water quality has been no different than some other cities.

“It’s dishonesty,” Edwards said on a KNIA radio show Sept. 23. “There’s people with agendas who want to make a perception that the crisis is ongoing” and who are promoting a “victim culture.”

“Flint’s in a desperate financial situation, this has been a way to get hundreds of millions of dollars,” he said. “Many people have an agenda to make it appear that no one cares, which is patently false, to make it appear the water is not better when it is.”

Edwards said activists have wrongfully taken advantage of citizens’ lack of scientific knowledge to push false information, and that the media has joined them, specifically faulting PBS News’ “Frontline.”
'So? What does he know about running a political machine anyway?' - average Democrat.
I'm sure Madcow will cover it in detail tomorrow.
The bigger issue is the fact that nobody noticed the brain damage, since the lead poisoning obviously didn't cause it,; stupid morons were the norm in the first place. The lead is a non-issue and irrelevant.
This is all almost too disheartening to watch.

Flint residents had been poisoned. Officials lied to them about the water. They were suffering, and their kids in particular. All they heard were lies, and lies piled upon more lies. Edwards, to his merit, was instrumental in exposing the lies, to the changes made since. Thereafter things went sour, quick.

Then a mendacious click-bait outfit writes up a one-sided click-bait story about a spat between a scientist and Flint activists, and it is giddily being picked up. Of course it is. Somehow this instance of Republican governance resulting in catastrophe has to be turned into an instance of malfeasance by a Democratic "political machine".

Here's a somewhat more balanced depiction of what happened, with Edwards in a somewhat different role than the victim narrative promulgated by the OP.

He sued to silence the Flint activists, and lost in court. Next to no one I know recommends to drink Flint's "drinking water" without filtering - with lead not the only problem with it - which in turn comes with additional risks. Flint residents are obviously loath to settle for third-world drinking water, and they are quite understandably distrustful of whoever tells them otherwise.

But yeah, there has to be a way to gloat about what has happened and is happening to Flint's residents, and to make political hay from this. There just has to be.
Hmm... I don't know how it could be "fixed" since a great deal of the problem was outdated supply lines to each household. Which explains why one house water was ok, and the next house was literally 100 times over the limits.

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