Snubbed: Obamas Skip Traditional First Couples Photo with Trumps, But What Else Did You Expect?


Gold Member
Aug 5, 2016
Arrogant Obama Snubs Trump At White House

Moose didn't want to pose next to Melania. Going to be oh so nice to have a First Lady who is actually, you know, a lady.

And actually, you know, a woman. Moochelle is a hideous creature that hates America...she wants nothing to do with this. Bitch aint classy. king bary COCKROACH - classless all the way through. Worst president ever.

The Trumps are the living epitome of classy.
I was seeing footage of the debate and I saw Trump's beautiful wife and daughter and I saw Chelsea.

The world must think we are crazy that Clinton got as close as she did.
The obozo's are ghetto rats someone shaved, washed and taught to speak.

Otherwise they would probably have been killed in a drive by in Chicago years ago.

Except for Barry, his pimp would have beaten his faggot ass to death.

The players in the NFL and NBA are already saying they will never set foot in the White House while the sexual predator and his mail order prostitute are there. The whole meet and greet at the WH after a team wins a championship will be 3 white guys with deflated footballs standing next to dirty grandpa.
The players in the NFL and NBA are already saying they will never set foot in the White House while the sexual predator and his mail order prostitute are there. The whole meet and greet at the WH after a team wins a championship will be 3 white guys with deflated footballs standing next to dirty grandpa.

You want this...
The Mail Order Prostitute. The dream of every Republican boy. And their sexual predator grandpa.
Trump had a campaign against Obama that was questioning his citizenship and you people are surprised they weren't chummy. Obama showed restraint. I would have given Trump a piece of mind in front of the press.
I was seeing footage of the debate and I saw Trump's beautiful wife and daughter and I saw Chelsea.

The world must think we are crazy that Clinton got as close as she did.

The world is thinking how could we elect a human Cheeto. No one gives a crap about his model wife. She's beautiful and what? The country is going to hell but our first lady is gorgeous.
I was seeing footage of the debate and I saw Trump's beautiful wife and daughter and I saw Chelsea.

The world must think we are crazy that Clinton got as close as she did.

The world is thinking how could we elect a human Cheeto. No one gives a crap about his model wife. She's beautiful and what? The country is going to hell but our first lady is gorgeous.
I was seeing footage of the debate and I saw Trump's beautiful wife and daughter and I saw Chelsea.

The world must think we are crazy that Clinton got as close as she did.

The world is thinking how could we elect a human Cheeto. No one gives a crap about his model wife. She's beautiful and what? The country is going to hell but our first lady is gorgeous.

She's pretty. Perhaps Ivanka's beauty will defeat ISIS, create jobs and make America great again. Lol.
I was seeing footage of the debate and I saw Trump's beautiful wife and daughter and I saw Chelsea.

The world must think we are crazy that Clinton got as close as she did.

The world is thinking how could we elect a human Cheeto. No one gives a crap about his model wife. She's beautiful and what? The country is going to hell but our first lady is gorgeous.

She's pretty. Perhaps Ivanka's beauty will defeat ISIS, create jobs and make America great again. Lol.
Ever have white men been inspired to excellence by the beauty of their women.
I was seeing footage of the debate and I saw Trump's beautiful wife and daughter and I saw Chelsea.

The world must think we are crazy that Clinton got as close as she did.

The world is thinking how could we elect a human Cheeto. No one gives a crap about his model wife. She's beautiful and what? The country is going to hell but our first lady is gorgeous.

She's pretty. Perhaps Ivanka's beauty will defeat ISIS, create jobs and make America great again. Lol.
Ever have white men been inspired to excellence by the beauty of their women.
It's all about the pussy Yo.
The players in the NFL and NBA are already saying they will never set foot in the White House while the sexual predator and his mail order prostitute are there. The whole meet and greet at the WH after a team wins a championship will be 3 white guys with deflated footballs standing next to dirty grandpa.
Is that a threat or a promise? An appearance at the White House doesn't honor the president but the player.

Every time the orangutan gave a serviceman a medal of honor I hoped that the brave young man would spit in his face and walk off.
The players in the NFL and NBA are already saying they will never set foot in the White House while the sexual predator and his mail order prostitute are there. The whole meet and greet at the WH after a team wins a championship will be 3 white guys with deflated footballs standing next to dirty grandpa.
Is that a threat or a promise? An appearance at the White House doesn't honor the president but the player.

Every time the orangutan gave a serviceman a medal of honor I hoped that the brave young man would spit in his face and walk off.

I'm just reporting what NFL and NBA players are already saying to the media. P.O.Shit trump will be treated as the pariah he is.
Of course the Obabbles skipped the photo op. Moochelle couldn't stand the thought of being compared to the lovely Melania.
The players in the NFL and NBA are already saying they will never set foot in the White House while the sexual predator and his mail order prostitute are there. The whole meet and greet at the WH after a team wins a championship will be 3 white guys with deflated footballs standing next to dirty grandpa.
Is that a threat or a promise? An appearance at the White House doesn't honor the president but the player.

Every time the orangutan gave a serviceman a medal of honor I hoped that the brave young man would spit in his face and walk off.

You specist.

The players in the NFL and NBA are already saying they will never set foot in the White House while the sexual predator and his mail order prostitute are there. The whole meet and greet at the WH after a team wins a championship will be 3 white guys with deflated footballs standing next to dirty grandpa.
Is that a threat or a promise? An appearance at the White House doesn't honor the president but the player.

Every time the orangutan gave a serviceman a medal of honor I hoped that the brave young man would spit in his face and walk off.

You specist.
We've got a bunch of guys with prison records for rape and abuse outraged that Trump said the word "pussy:

That has to be one for the books. It's like Hannibal Lechter complaining because the restaurant has ketchup.

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