Snowflake mistakes lab equipment cover for KKK hood and sounds alarms

Why would that even matter? Given the travails of modern society, I'd consider seeing a KKK member a pretty mild experience.
When you think back on the things that completely freaked out liberals, it's just amazing that some of these snowflakes can feed themselves.

This is just as bad as the snowflakes running for cover when someone wrote "Trump" on the sidewalk with chalk. Of course, it was investigated as a crime. We've had dozens of little children suspended from school for talking about squirt guns or improperly biting a pop tart. We've had police called for a child who told the teacher he didn't like brownies when he was offered the treat. The same people couldn't figure out why a teacher reacted the way she did when a kid bought a clock that resembled a bomb to school. Tiny toy guns and pop tarts- bad. Realistic looking briefcase bombs- no problem, as long as student is Muslim.

If the perceived "offense" is against the narrow liberal views, the alarms are sounded and they claim that tiny toy guns or chalk on a sidewalk actually traumatize other students. They actually felt the need to offer safe spaces and therapy for those who suffered such horrors as seeing a Confederate flag on someone's laptop or having to see a "Make American Great Again" hat on someone's head. I just don't know how these snowflakes manage to get out of bed in the morning and go out into the minefield known as reality.

Yet, when something truly horrible does happen, like Muslims murdering dozens of people while screaming allah's name, they don't seem to suffer any adverse effects. I am guessing that they are so well trained to the point where they are virtually programmed to react negatively to any non-liberal view. Often, there is a delayed reaction to shootings or other incidents because they don't know how to react until they look to their leaders for guidance. Other times, media is quick to report gossip and lies lest they cause a panic among their faithful viewers.

This latest is typical of what we can expect from here on out. People are looking, very hard, to be offended by something or someone. And they will never disappoint. Some will rush to their safe spaces and some will rush to destroy neighborhoods.

This is Obama's legacy.
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