SNL Was The Worst Gig....People Stealing Each Other's Bits......Stealing Ideas.....Back-biting Each Other Constantly


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
I keep hearing how horrible SNL was for just about everyone who was on the show.
I hear that things got really bad after the first cast left and they started with a new producer and new cast.
But even the original cast members got into fights.

For example, Chevy Case got in a fight with Bill Murray.

Chevy Chase was such a jerk to Director Christoper Columbus, who at first directed National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. Chris Columbus eventually left the project and took Home Alone, turned it into a holiday classic,....and later directed the first two Harry Potter movies. He says it was the best decision he ever made. Chevy Case treated C.C. like a punk, and it seemed like Chevy wanted to get rid of him.
But this was normal for Chevy Chase. He has become sort of radioactive in the film industry. He really hasn't made a decent movie since Christmas Vacation.
But Chevy pretty much set the tone for the much of the history of SNL. Cast members were constantly back-biting and making fun of each other. Massive egos going wild....drugs....booze. No small wonder that John Belushi died of an overdose and Phil Hartman died in a murder suicide....and just recently Alec Baldwin shot his art director and assistant director.

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I keep hearing how horrible SNL was for just about everyone who was on the show.
I hear that things got really bad after the first cast left and they started with a new producer and new cast.
But even the original cast members got into fights.

For example, Chevy Case got in a fight with Bill Murray.

Chevy Chase was such a jerk to Director Christoper Columbus, who at first directed National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. Chris Columbus eventually left the project and took Home Alone, turned it into a holiday classic,....and later directed the first two Harry Potter movies. He says it was the best decision he ever made. Chevy Case treated C.C. like a punk, and it seemed like Chevy wanted to get rid of him.
But this was normal for Chevy Chase. He has become sort of radioactive in the film industry. He really hasn't made a decent movie since Christmas Vacation.
But Chevy pretty much set the tone for the much of the history of SNL. Cast members were constantly back-biting and making fun of each other. Massive egos going wild....drugs....booze. No small wonder that John Belushi died of an overdose and Phil Hartman died in a murder suicide....and just recently Alec Baldwin shot his art director and assistant director.

Personally, I thought Fletch was Chase's best movie.

And I still enjoyed him more with Ankroyd in "Spies like Us," better than any of the Vacation movies. But I know I am in the minority on either of those opinions.

Personally, I thought Fletch was Chase's best movie.

And I still enjoyed him more with Ankroyd in "Spies like Us," better than any of the Vacation movies. But I know I am in the minority on either of those opinions.

You're correct.
But the guy's a dick.
Johnny Carson said he couldn't ad-lib a fart after a baked-bean dinner.
You're correct.
But the guy's a dick.
Johnny Carson said he couldn't ad-lib a fart after a baked-bean dinner.
meh. I read that. I am not so sure that is true. That is probably a slag out of biased anger.

Carson is a social genius and great with people, but Chase is far more funny. I think Carson said that because he was clearly envious of a much smarter and much more well educated man.

Chase is an arrogant prick, a dick, but a genius and a snob.

Chase is probably a sociopath as well. We can all thank the good lord above he didn't go into politics, because his character reminds me of 99.9% of the politicians we have.

But, with that said, his personality, pretty much reminds me, of that of Trump and, of one of his close comedian friends who just passed, another conservative comedian, Norm Macdonald, who pissed off folks too. You work with a bunch of libbies in that industry, you are going to rub folks the wrong way. . . A LOT.

Fifth to the last thing he ever did.

meh. I read that. I am not so sure that is true. That is probably a slag out of biased anger.

Carson is a social genius and great with people, but Chase is far more funny. I think Carson said that because he was clearly envious of a much smarter and much more well educated man.

Chase is an arrogant prick, a dick, but a genius and a snob.

Chase is probably a sociopath as well. We can all thank the good lord above he didn't go into politics, because his character reminds me of 99.9% of the politicians we have.

But, with that said, his personality, pretty much reminds me, of that of Trump and, of one of his close comedian friends who just passed, another conservative comedian, Norm Macdonald, who pissed off folks too. You work with a bunch of libbies in that industry, you are going to rub folks the wrong way. . . A LOT.

Fifth to the last thing he ever did.

That was funny...Chevy sounds like my brother.
That was funny...Chevy sounds like my brother.

He is a very, VERY brilliant man. I suspect he has no patience for ignorant liberal brainwashed, dogmatic pieces of shit.

. . . and it appears he has no filter, he's just going to be honest, and doesn't care to do, PC/polite propaganda either.

So? The gossip industry rags and the celeb cliques need to be taken with a grain of salt... Most folks don't like people that have a hard time conforming with social norms.

. . . and, you throw in a huge ego with a drug and alcohol habit?

No, you're just a fucking asshole.'re a fucking asshole because I wasn't talking to your dumb ass.
I made an accurate assessment of SNL.
The only reason they stay on the air is because the DNC keeps em on.
They pump out Democrat propaganda.
This is what's wrong with latenight comedy now.
They aren't funny.
How can you be funny when your bits are based on lies?
Anyone who knows the business will tell you that you have to have a bit of truth in a joke for it to be funny....and they're just showing everyone how much they hate Republicans.
There goes half their potential audience off of channel 4 and on to streaming old episodes of The Big Bang Theory.
At least they're funny.
No, you're just a fucking asshole.
They pump out Democrat propaganda.
This is what's wrong with latenight comedy now.

Even Dave Chappelle mentioned something about how today's stand-ups and late night comedians don't do skits and tell jokes, they lecture folks.

Synth is butt-hurt that your thread is telling the truth.

And? Empirically, you are correct. So all he can do is lash out at folks for pointing out that the propaganda that brainwashes him, and makes him feel comfortable with his imprisonment, is not the fraud that it is. . .

But it is. . . which explains why he is.

In 10 years, you'll be complaining about them again "losing their fan base".

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I guess you forgot you were "boycotting" them. LOL
In a normal world SNL would be history. But the networks aren't interested in profit anymore...because they got that drunk Pelosi bailing them out. Hidden in her bills are tens of millions that are tagged as propaganda payments to media companies. If you wonder where all of that money is's going to the people that keep them in office and Big Pharm. NBC, CNN, MSNBC, etc.....all channels nobody watches anymore.
In a normal world SNL would be history. But the networks aren't interested in profit anymore...because they got that drunk Pelosi bailing them out. Hidden in her bills are tens of millions that are tagged as propaganda payments to media companies. If you wonder where all of that money is's going to the people that keep them in office and Big Pharm. NBC, CNN, MSNBC, etc.....all channels nobody watches anymore.
Your conspiracy theories get more and more bizarre everyday.

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