Smartmatic $2.7 billion lawsuit next for Fox News

Lol, look at the retard get triggered. Good stuff! Hilarious. The ducking lying right getting hammered for billions upon billions for their lies. You getting triggered like the little bitch you are. Hundreds upon hundreds of convictions of traitorous retards in jail over Jan 6th. The fat ducking conman getting blasted by every court in the nation. Lol ya see the fat conman financial disclosures he submitted? Good stuff the ducker ain't no billionaire. Owes more than he is worth. Life is good and you are a loser! Lol,lol,lol 😂. Hurry ,hurry, hurry come see the retard get triggered. A curiosity for one and all. Hurry, hurry, hurry come see the loser lose.
Satan 😈 doesn't even have time for your pimples Tats incel behavior because he is even embarrassed by you.
They are asking for more than Dominion asked for. It should be a cakewalk, especially after the Dominion settlement.

A Smartmatic spokesman said in a statement after the Dominion settlement: “Dominion’s litigation exposed some of the misconduct and damage caused by Fox’s disinformation campaign. Smartmatic will expose the rest.”

Go Smartmatic!

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