Smartest President in History Botches Oval Office Rug Quote

meh, he cant prove a negative
but for her to prove it would require too much personal info
and then he would likely claim she lied anyway, so why bother

In a nutshell why Obama doesn't give in to frivolous requests.:cuckoo:
actually releasing the documents wouldnt be called lying

If the documents were released, the people who are demanding them would just claim they were false anyway. It's kind of like what happened when the state of Hawaii tried to put the whole birth certificate thing to rest.:cuckoo:
Magna cum laude means straight A's with high commendations from profs.

Cum laude is one step lower, 3.5. No commendations required.

At a putative 3.3 he did not wear an honor cord when he "walked."

Research the massive problem ALL universities, especially the Top Ten, are experiencing with plagiarism and cheating.

Then research the "social pass" problem and massive "grade inflation" problems.

And then check out the number of students enrolled vs. the number of students who flunk out vs. the number in the 2.5-3.49 GPA range, vs. the number in the 3.5 to 3.9 range, vs. the number in the 4.O -- a school with a HIGH flunk out rate in the freshman and sophomore terms is LESS likely to be engaging in social passes and grade inflation.

Then, check out the number of lawsuits filed vs. the number settled out of court -- the facility with a high number NOT settled out of court is less likely to be the one cowed into social passes and grade inflation by threats of social activist retaliation -- and YES profs are cautious about flunking a) children of lawyers b) Blacks and c) REALLY SCARED of foreign student flunks.

Finally, check out the hire factor:
1) how many new and recent grads actually get a job
2) how many who DO get a job get one with some government agency (BAD rep) vs. how many get hired on with a relative's firm (slightly less BAD) vs. hard competition for grads by private and not-connected employers (GOOD performance: their students prove out in the real world)
3) how many of those who DO get a job with a PRIVATE company that has no reason to hire the kid HAVE THE SAME JOB 1 year after hire-on: retention of a school's grads -- good indicator that those grads actually learned something while attending the school -- bad retention is damned good evidence of the social pass and grade inflation whammy deception in the GPA/transcripts

BTW: if Obama had been a superior instructor OR student, his alma mater would be demanding the Bragging Rights -- "see what OUR SCHOOL produced, a brilliant student who became POTUS -- now send us your alumni donations AND your kids." And Obama would have BLAZONED those records across every newspaper in the world as proof of his qualifications for office.

There IS something in those records he DOES NOT want folks to know.

So because his alma mater isn't demanding bragging rights, Obama is hiding something? :lol:

Maybe Obama was an above average student, without all the pomp and circumstance that some students get. It's kind of a testament to the meaningless value we place on magna cum laude, etc.. if someone who didn't have a bunch of fancy fabric attached to his graduation gown or mortar board became president of the United States.:eusa_whistle:


Schools are just like any other business -- desperately hunting FUNDING -- and critical to that funding are alumni and state legislation contributions -- and critical to alumni and state contributions is the schools REP for producing damned fine well-educated and very successful student-graduates.

He would NOT have ducked "all the pomp and circumstance some students get" -- that "pomp and circumstance" is CRITICAL to job offers and to more advanced education opportunities -- you don't get into grad school, especially the Harvard Law, without some DAMNED GOOD REASON -- the competition for very limited number of slots is VICIOUS -- so the question is, why did Harvard let him in? Grades and test scores on the Graduate exam must have been at least acceptable -- but, unless they were EXTRAORDINARY, there was some other reason -- my guess, he's Black, so given a sum total of Black applicants at the time, his own scores COMPARED TO OTHER BLACKS -- not to ALL applicants, only to Black applicants -- would have been higher than others. And that is DRIVEN by the racial quotas slammed on EVERY university and public college, nation wide.

Yeah, both Columbia and Harvard WOULD be bragging their butts off. And so would Obama.

Wow, it didn't take much prodding for your far fetched prejudiced theories to surface... :cuckoo:

So Obama is black when it suits you, and he's biracial when it suits you...:eusa_whistle:

If Obama's GPA isn't released and to your satisfaction, it becomes all racial in your sick and twisted world view. God Bless America.:cuckoo:
In a nutshell why Obama doesn't give in to frivolous requests.:cuckoo:
actually releasing the documents wouldnt be called lying

If the documents were released, the people who are demanding them would just claim they were false anyway. It's kind of like what happened when the state of Hawaii tried to put the whole birth certificate thing to rest.:cuckoo:
Bush released his
why cant Obama?
ah, but in Bush's case, his grades turned out to be better than Kerry's :lol:
In a nutshell why Obama doesn't give in to frivolous requests.:cuckoo:
actually releasing the documents wouldnt be called lying

If the documents were released, the people who are demanding them would just claim they were false anyway. It's kind of like what happened when the state of Hawaii tried to put the whole birth certificate thing to rest.:cuckoo:

It's damned hard to falsify when the University puts its imprinted seal right in the middle of the transcript -- and there are profs who DO remember and WOULD check the original on file in the Grad Records Dept.

And not just profs -- I'd demand a check myself -- IF he permitted such access, we'd have already long since had the data -- and it WOULD be confirmed by looking at the original, not a dup.
this is the kind of pettiness I hate.

Read the blasted quote. the quote is good. No matter who.

And every good idea is reworked from some other source. We build on the shoulders of giants. And I don't know who said that first.

And every time 0bama reads that, he should worry.

Doesn't the fact that someone in Obama's administration approved the rug with the quote wrongly attributed? Last time I did something like that I lost two letter grades off of the paper I was writing.

You submitted a misquoted rug as a college paper? No wonder you got a shitty letter grade. :lol:
Magna cum laude means straight A's with high commendations from profs.

Cum laude is one step lower, 3.5. No commendations required.

At a putative 3.3 he did not wear an honor cord when he "walked."

Research the massive problem ALL universities, especially the Top Ten, are experiencing with plagiarism and cheating.

Then research the "social pass" problem and massive "grade inflation" problems.

And then check out the number of students enrolled vs. the number of students who flunk out vs. the number in the 2.5-3.49 GPA range, vs. the number in the 3.5 to 3.9 range, vs. the number in the 4.O -- a school with a HIGH flunk out rate in the freshman and sophomore terms is LESS likely to be engaging in social passes and grade inflation.

Then, check out the number of lawsuits filed vs. the number settled out of court -- the facility with a high number NOT settled out of court is less likely to be the one cowed into social passes and grade inflation by threats of social activist retaliation -- and YES profs are cautious about flunking a) children of lawyers b) Blacks and c) REALLY SCARED of foreign student flunks.

Finally, check out the hire factor:
1) how many new and recent grads actually get a job
2) how many who DO get a job get one with some government agency (BAD rep) vs. how many get hired on with a relative's firm (slightly less BAD) vs. hard competition for grads by private and not-connected employers (GOOD performance: their students prove out in the real world)
3) how many of those who DO get a job with a PRIVATE company that has no reason to hire the kid HAVE THE SAME JOB 1 year after hire-on: retention of a school's grads -- good indicator that those grads actually learned something while attending the school -- bad retention is damned good evidence of the social pass and grade inflation whammy deception in the GPA/transcripts

BTW: if Obama had been a superior instructor OR student, his alma mater would be demanding the Bragging Rights -- "see what OUR SCHOOL produced, a brilliant student who became POTUS -- now send us your alumni donations AND your kids." And Obama would have BLAZONED those records across every newspaper in the world as proof of his qualifications for office.

There IS something in those records he DOES NOT want folks to know.

Precisely. If such bragging rights are to be afforded? Then the Annointed One's records would be shouted from the moutain tops...Currently?

They remain hidden under LOCK AND KEY...

I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. Then I saw your sig. Mark Levin? Really? :lol::lol::lol:

He has pride in his sig. He actually uses mark levin as some kind of intellectual entity or something. Its amazing really.

Mark Freaking Lavin. Wow.
So because his alma mater isn't demanding bragging rights, Obama is hiding something? :lol:

Maybe Obama was an above average student, without all the pomp and circumstance that some students get. It's kind of a testament to the meaningless value we place on magna cum laude, etc.. if someone who didn't have a bunch of fancy fabric attached to his graduation gown or mortar board became president of the United States.:eusa_whistle:


Schools are just like any other business -- desperately hunting FUNDING -- and critical to that funding are alumni and state legislation contributions -- and critical to alumni and state contributions is the schools REP for producing damned fine well-educated and very successful student-graduates.

He would NOT have ducked "all the pomp and circumstance some students get" -- that "pomp and circumstance" is CRITICAL to job offers and to more advanced education opportunities -- you don't get into grad school, especially the Harvard Law, without some DAMNED GOOD REASON -- the competition for very limited number of slots is VICIOUS -- so the question is, why did Harvard let him in? Grades and test scores on the Graduate exam must have been at least acceptable -- but, unless they were EXTRAORDINARY, there was some other reason -- my guess, he's Black, so given a sum total of Black applicants at the time, his own scores COMPARED TO OTHER BLACKS -- not to ALL applicants, only to Black applicants -- would have been higher than others. And that is DRIVEN by the racial quotas slammed on EVERY university and public college, nation wide.

Yeah, both Columbia and Harvard WOULD be bragging their butts off. And so would Obama.

Wow, it didn't take much prodding for your far fetched prejudiced theories to surface... :cuckoo:

So Obama is black when it suits you, and he's biracial when it suits you...:eusa_whistle:

If Obama's GPA isn't released and to your satisfaction, it becomes all racial in your sick and twisted world view. God Bless America.:cuckoo:


That's not MY idea -- it's the REALITY -- every university and school in the country since mandatory integration is under pressure to demonstrate racial equality in their enrollments -- same damned thing as every employer in the country.

And, as a consequence, there is a concerted effort to meet quotas by active recruitment of minorities for demonstrated compliance with federally imposed quotas -- and that includes females, as well.

BTW: nice play of the "progressive" joker -- when FACTS don't support your claim and when LOGIC demonstrates a totally asshole stance, play the damned RACIAL JOKER with the Black Clown in the middle of it. STOP USING BLACKS TO PROMOTE YOUR OWN DUMB LUSTS FOR SOCIAL SUPREMACY.

Blacks don't need anymore damned fools USING THEM for their own greedy gut purposes.
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actually releasing the documents wouldnt be called lying

If the documents were released, the people who are demanding them would just claim they were false anyway. It's kind of like what happened when the state of Hawaii tried to put the whole birth certificate thing to rest.:cuckoo:

It's damned hard to falsify when the University puts its imprinted seal right in the middle of the transcript -- and there are profs who DO remember and WOULD check the original on file in the Grad Records Dept.

And not just profs -- I'd demand a check myself -- IF he permitted such access, we'd have already long since had the data -- and it WOULD be confirmed by looking at the original, not a dup.

I guess it really only boils down to the most prejudiced people even giving a damn what his GPA was. As evidenced by this thread, you sick puppies just wish to "prove" that the only reason he got into Harvard was because of his skin color. That's what this boils down to, and I'm just going to laugh and let you get all red faced in your stewing prejudiced fury over this. :cuckoo::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Some of you guys just don't understand. Bush was a red neck cowboy from Texas and his education didn't matter. Obama is "The One" we've all been waiting for. The oceans were going to stop rising and our planet was going to heal. Everyone would like the USA and terrorism was going to stop because Obama had the magic words and knew what to do. He was going to fix the world. That's what we were told.

A lot of people between 18 and 35 bought it. They aren't buying it any more.
If the documents were released, the people who are demanding them would just claim they were false anyway. It's kind of like what happened when the state of Hawaii tried to put the whole birth certificate thing to rest.:cuckoo:

It's damned hard to falsify when the University puts its imprinted seal right in the middle of the transcript -- and there are profs who DO remember and WOULD check the original on file in the Grad Records Dept.

And not just profs -- I'd demand a check myself -- IF he permitted such access, we'd have already long since had the data -- and it WOULD be confirmed by looking at the original, not a dup.

I guess it really only boils down to the most prejudiced people even giving a damn what his GPA was. As evidenced by this thread, you sick puppies just wish to "prove" that the only reason he got into Harvard was because of his skin color. That's what this boils down to, and I'm just going to laugh and let you get all red faced in your stewing prejudiced fury over this. :cuckoo::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Am I prejudiced because I believe Obama is doing a terrible job?

Schools are just like any other business -- desperately hunting FUNDING -- and critical to that funding are alumni and state legislation contributions -- and critical to alumni and state contributions is the schools REP for producing damned fine well-educated and very successful student-graduates.

He would NOT have ducked "all the pomp and circumstance some students get" -- that "pomp and circumstance" is CRITICAL to job offers and to more advanced education opportunities -- you don't get into grad school, especially the Harvard Law, without some DAMNED GOOD REASON -- the competition for very limited number of slots is VICIOUS -- so the question is, why did Harvard let him in? Grades and test scores on the Graduate exam must have been at least acceptable -- but, unless they were EXTRAORDINARY, there was some other reason -- my guess, he's Black, so given a sum total of Black applicants at the time, his own scores COMPARED TO OTHER BLACKS -- not to ALL applicants, only to Black applicants -- would have been higher than others. And that is DRIVEN by the racial quotas slammed on EVERY university and public college, nation wide.

Yeah, both Columbia and Harvard WOULD be bragging their butts off. And so would Obama.

Wow, it didn't take much prodding for your far fetched prejudiced theories to surface... :cuckoo:

So Obama is black when it suits you, and he's biracial when it suits you...:eusa_whistle:

If Obama's GPA isn't released and to your satisfaction, it becomes all racial in your sick and twisted world view. God Bless America.:cuckoo:


That's not MY idea -- it's the REALITY -- every university and school in the country since mandatory integration is under pressure to demonstrate racial equality in their enrollments -- same damned thing as every employer in the country.

And, as a consequence, there is a concerted effort to meet quotas by active recruitment of minorities for demonstrated compliance with federally imposed quotas -- and that includes females, as well.

So in your world view, people with more skin melanin than you are incapable of having a good GPA, and the only reason they ever get into higher learning institutes is because of some quote?

What a sad world you live in.
Sooooooo, how 'smart' is the President, exactly?

(Such over reaction raises flags, dear.)

He is a hell of a lot smarter than you are...and apparently smarter than every republican in this country since he won the presidency of the United states.

God bless democracy and God bless America.

The election was based on intelligence? When did that happen?

No not really, but sometimes I like neener neener moments. Its juvenile, I know, but its fun.

Yes, this harvard graduate, constitutional law professor...yes si modo, constitutional law professor is a fairly intelligent man. We want leaders who have common sense and some book learnin....unlike the last time a republican ran the white house for 8 years.

It frightens them..:)
Wow, it didn't take much prodding for your far fetched prejudiced theories to surface... :cuckoo:

So Obama is black when it suits you, and he's biracial when it suits you...:eusa_whistle:

If Obama's GPA isn't released and to your satisfaction, it becomes all racial in your sick and twisted world view. God Bless America.:cuckoo:


That's not MY idea -- it's the REALITY -- every university and school in the country since mandatory integration is under pressure to demonstrate racial equality in their enrollments -- same damned thing as every employer in the country.

And, as a consequence, there is a concerted effort to meet quotas by active recruitment of minorities for demonstrated compliance with federally imposed quotas -- and that includes females, as well.

So in your world view, people with more skin melanin than you are incapable of having a good GPA, and the only reason they ever get into higher learning institutes is because of some quote?

What a sad world you live in.

Am I prejudiced because I believe Obama is doing a terrible job?
It's damned hard to falsify when the University puts its imprinted seal right in the middle of the transcript -- and there are profs who DO remember and WOULD check the original on file in the Grad Records Dept.

And not just profs -- I'd demand a check myself -- IF he permitted such access, we'd have already long since had the data -- and it WOULD be confirmed by looking at the original, not a dup.

I guess it really only boils down to the most prejudiced people even giving a damn what his GPA was. As evidenced by this thread, you sick puppies just wish to "prove" that the only reason he got into Harvard was because of his skin color. That's what this boils down to, and I'm just going to laugh and let you get all red faced in your stewing prejudiced fury over this. :cuckoo::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Am I prejudiced because I believe Obama is doing a terrible job?

The fact that you are prejudiced precludes the possibility of explaining to you why you are prejudiced. And that has nothing to do with Obama's job. :eusa_whistle:
Precisely. If such bragging rights are to be afforded? Then the Annointed One's records would be shouted from the moutain tops...Currently?

They remain hidden under LOCK AND KEY...

I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. Then I saw your sig. Mark Levin? Really? :lol::lol::lol:

He has pride in his sig. He actually uses mark levin as some kind of intellectual entity or something. Its amazing really.

Mark Freaking Lavin. Wow.

Beats hell out of using a fool like Obama.
Some of you guys just don't understand. Bush was a red neck cowboy from Texas and his education didn't matter. Obama is "The One" we've all been waiting for. The oceans were going to stop rising and our planet was going to heal. Everyone would like the USA and terrorism was going to stop because Obama had the magic words and knew what to do. He was going to fix the world. That's what we were told.

A lot of people between 18 and 35 bought it. They aren't buying it any more.
Bush was born in CT
It's damned hard to falsify when the University puts its imprinted seal right in the middle of the transcript -- and there are profs who DO remember and WOULD check the original on file in the Grad Records Dept.

And not just profs -- I'd demand a check myself -- IF he permitted such access, we'd have already long since had the data -- and it WOULD be confirmed by looking at the original, not a dup.

I guess it really only boils down to the most prejudiced people even giving a damn what his GPA was. As evidenced by this thread, you sick puppies just wish to "prove" that the only reason he got into Harvard was because of his skin color. That's what this boils down to, and I'm just going to laugh and let you get all red faced in your stewing prejudiced fury over this. :cuckoo::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Am I prejudiced because I believe Obama is doing a terrible job?

Nope, just wrong. Let me guess, you though bush did a great job.....lolololololol
He is a hell of a lot smarter than you are...and apparently smarter than every republican in this country since he won the presidency of the United states.

God bless democracy and God bless America.

The election was based on intelligence? When did that happen?

No not really, but sometimes I like neener neener moments. Its juvenile, I know, but its fun.

Yes, this harvard graduate, constitutional law professor...yes si modo, constitutional law professor is a fairly intelligent man. We want leaders who have common sense and some book learnin....unlike the last time a republican ran the white house for 8 years.

It frightens them..:)

I'm not frightened. I'm concerned. He will not release his grades or any papers. He keeps doing and saying stupid stuff. He will not enforce Federal law and sues a sovereign state for doing the job he should be doing. Doesn't that concern you?
I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. Then I saw your sig. Mark Levin? Really? :lol::lol::lol:

He has pride in his sig. He actually uses mark levin as some kind of intellectual entity or something. Its amazing really.

Mark Freaking Lavin. Wow.

Beats hell out of using a fool like Obama.

Listening to Mark Levin (funny how he pronounces his name as Levin so he sounds less Jewish to his mainly Christian audience) gives you stomach ulcers in your brain... Which is why his audience is so irrational and hooked on him.:cuckoo:
Some of you guys just don't understand. Bush was a red neck cowboy from Texas and his education didn't matter. Obama is "The One" we've all been waiting for. The oceans were going to stop rising and our planet was going to heal. Everyone would like the USA and terrorism was going to stop because Obama had the magic words and knew what to do. He was going to fix the world. That's what we were told.

A lot of people between 18 and 35 bought it. They aren't buying it any more.

Yes, Obama was a tremendously charismatic candidate. Yes, it prolly almost entirely accounts for the extraordinary voter turn out and yes, he over-promised. Yes, some of his supporters (especially first time voters) are disappointed in him.


What's your point, Jack Fate? Do you think charisma and intelligence are mutually exclusive?

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