Slut Or Not??


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. “Sandra Fluke Receives Call From Obama After Rush Limbaugh 'Slut' Comments” "He [Obama] encouraged me and supported me and thanked me for speaking out about the concerns of American women," Sandra Fluke Receives Call From Obama After Rush Limbaugh 'Slut' Comments

2. “Fluke, who had been turned away from the official, men-only hearing on the issue of female contraception earlier in the month, spoke mostly about the high cost of contraceptives and their importance to women's health. Limbaugh understood her remarks to mean that not only did she think she could have as much sex as she wanted, with whomever she wanted, without compromising her health or producing a baby, but that she expected honest-to-goodness, God-fearing Americans like him to pick up the tab for it.” Rush Limbaugh's Sandra Fluke slander | Sadhbh Walshe | Comment is free |

3. slut (sl t). n. 1. a. A person, especially a woman, considered sexually promiscuous

4. The title of the OP is, by definition, proven. But the question is, why is this front page news”?

a. The Obama administration will do anything to get his string of failures out of the news.

b. The hallmark of liberalism is the need to erase any criticism of personal behavior.

5. This is a grave error for society. Silence falls under the view of “TACIT APPROVAL AND LATENT COMPLICITY.”
If one is silent about bad behavior, one is agreeing to same.

6. In his new book, “Coming Apart,” Charles Murray decries the change in societal attitude that he calles “ecumenical niceness”…don’t fight, share toys, take turns….and never, ever be judgmental! As a result, the upper cultural class, which has stabilized by returning to more traditional ways, survives, yet these individuals will not criticize the behaviors which are destroying the lower cultural class.

a. Ms. Fluke’s championing of the need for promiscuity is a case in point. The dogs of war have been released...attack the critic of poor behavior!

b. It is hardly shocking to see another Democrat-liberal President champion this decline in values.

c. The cultural upper-class looks at this situation, and, for the most part, simply shakes its head. Silently. Murray writes “The elites must preach what they practice.” The time is long past when the adults should consider if this Fluke-Obama agenda is the right one for America.
d. …..and make it’s opinion known:

Preach what they practice.
The water-cooler is the venue for this battle in the culture war!
# 2 statement is completely wrong.
The hearing was about the 1st amendment and the 2nd part of the hearing had women testify.
She was denied to speak at the hearing because the Lib Democratic woman tried to get her to testify 24hrs before the hearing.
The rules of the committee are, you needed to submit 3 days ahead of time, and they didn't.
The hearing was not about contraception.
The title of the hearing was Lines Crossed: Separation of Church and State.

She is a far left political activist, and a lier to boot.
She really needs to explain how she came to the figure of 3,000.00.
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She appears to be a slut. But I support her right be a slut.... unless she expects me to pay for it. That is when I have an issue.
Cali Girl, question, KiKi answered but I gather you are a devout Catholic, so here it is. A C- section is done, on short notice, as the mother's blood sugar, caused by juvenile diabetes, is going out of control. The child may also be harmed if the C-section is not performed. A tubal ligation is done, NOT for the purpose of birth control, but due to the danger posed if another pregnancy occurs. The woman was hospitalized for a few days before the C-section, but was not responding to medication. Is this sterilization? Navy medical care covered it, no questions. (Earlier on, the woman was informed she might be forced to consider an abortion if her body could not withstand the pregnancy; this was years ago, the signed recommendations of two doctors was required. ) She didn't, I am glad.
# 2 statement is completely wrong.
The hearing was about the 1st amendment and the 2nd part of the hearing had women testify.
She was denied to speak at the hearing because the Lib Democratic woman tried to get her to testify 24hrs before the hearing.
The rules of the committee are, you needed to submit 3 days ahead of time, and they didn't.
The hearing was not about contraception.
The title of the hearing was Lines Crossed: Separation of Church and State.

She is a far left political activist, and a lier to boot.
She really needs to explain how she came to the figure of 3,000.00.
I understand such statements MUST be scheduled in advance; why insert liberal & "lier?
Who determines when promicsuity has been reached?

You do, Kiki.

I suggest imagining yourself as Ms. Fluke, and your resulting position in your family.

Then picture yourself instructing your children, to behave exactly as Ms. Fluke boasts that she does.

Then consider the result on society if every woman did the same.

I believe you will come to the same decision that so many former-devotee's of women's lib have come to:

a. " Feminists claim that the hook-up culture, a step toward freedom, is to be emulated as women must be as free to be promiscuous as men are alleged to be."
The Flipside of Feminism: What Conservative Women Know -- and Men Can't Say by Suzanne Venker and Phyllis Schlafly

b. “There has been an enduring wariness in communities of color specifically, about Feminism's mantra of independence rather than interdependence with male family members and the world at large. This would include Feminism's ambivalence about motherhood, marriage, and domestic life in general. This would include Feminism's divisive and ultimately unhelpful commentary that women need men like fish need bicycles (women need their grandfathers, fathers, sons, brothers, etc. for a host of reasons too lengthy and obvious to list here). This would include Feminism's dismissal of religion itself based on its patriarchal leadership. This would include Feminism's characterization of young women who don't fall in line with the Feminist status quo as naive and ungrateful.”
Rebecca Walker: Feminist Infighting

c. "But I honestly believe it's time to puncture the myth and to reveal what life was really like to grow up as a child of the feminist revolution….with my mother's knowledge, started having sex at 13. I guess it was a relief for my mother as it meant I was less demanding. And she felt that being sexually active was empowering for me because it meant I was in control of my body."
How my mother's fanatical feminist views tore us apart, by the daughter of The Color Purple author | Mail Online

Her mother is Alice Walker, Second Wave Feminist, and author of “The Color Purple.”
Total slut....But not in the conventional sense of the word.

Who else but a no-pride political slut would let herself be used by congress the way that Fluke has been?

On top of that, it's evident to anyone who isn't totally in the tank with the whackaloon left, that the figure of $3,000 for an annual contraception tab is simply an over-the-top lie.

a. The Obama administration will do anything to get his string of failures out of the news.
That has been evident since the the moment that the whole contrived "debate" over contraception was ginned up.
Total slut....But not in the conventional sense of the word.

Who else but a no-pride political slut would let herself be used by congress the way that Fluke has been?

On top of that, it's evident to anyone who isn't totally in the tank with the whackaloon left, that the figure of $3,000 for an annual contraception tab is simply an over-the-top lie.

a. The Obama administration will do anything to get his string of failures out of the news.
That has been evident since the the moment that the whole contrived "debate" over contraception was ginned up.
And used by RUSH, I guess, though I disagree about the insurance complaint, she has a right to speak out without denigration.
A sexually active Georgetown Law Student that is in her early to mid 20s is a slut.
Most women in their early to mid 20s that are not married are sluts.
Glad we can clear that up.
Who determines when promicsuity has been reached?

Self righteous hacks?

Men who must pay for sex and are misogynists?

Women who are envious of other women?

Hypocritical demagogues (Santorum, Romney, are examples)?

Promiscuity is an interesting word. Is it ever used in reference to a man?

Does slut ever describe a man? Or whore?

When did Make Love not War transpose into Make War not Love?
(When the Republicans made a deal with the devil - Merry Falwell who created the oxymoron "Moral Majority)
A sexually active Georgetown Law Student that is in her early to mid 20s is a slut.
Most women in their early to mid 20s that are not married are sluts.
Glad we can clear that up.
As someone I know once said "I like FoxNews, because its SIMPLE".
She lied about; a lot of health clinics closing down throughout the nation.Their are not.
The Catholic plans do pay for contraception when it is a health issue.
If you still have one ovary you do not go into early menopause.
Contraception costs anywhere from 169.00 to 600.00 a year.
The 3,000.00 no matter how you add it, does not add up with figures. It costs most woman anywhere from 13.00 to 15.00 dollars a month.
That is why I said, she needs to explain where she got that 3,000.00 figure.
Who determines when promicsuity has been reached?

Self righteous hacks?

Men who must pay for sex and are misogynists?

Women who are envious of other women?

Hypocritical demagogues (Santorum, Romney, are examples)?

Promiscuity is an interesting word. Is it ever used in reference to a man?

Does slut ever describe a man? Or whore?

When did Make Love not War transpose into Make War not Love?
(When the Republicans made a deal with the devil - Merry Falwell who created the oxymoron "Moral Majority)
I heard "he whore" & " damn womanizer" spoken in a derogatory manner, by my FATHER.
Total slut....But not in the conventional sense of the word.

Who else but a no-pride political slut would let herself be used by congress the way that Fluke has been?

On top of that, it's evident to anyone who isn't totally in the tank with the whackaloon left, that the figure of $3,000 for an annual contraception tab is simply an over-the-top lie.

a. The Obama administration will do anything to get his string of failures out of the news.
That has been evident since the the moment that the whole contrived "debate" over contraception was ginned up.
And used by RUSH, I guess, though I disagree about the insurance complaint, she has a right to speak out without denigration.
She's a willing political prop and deserves all the derision she gets.

And she's flat lying out her ass that it costs $3,000 a year for contraception.
A sexually active Georgetown Law Student that is in her early to mid 20s is a slut.
Most women in their early to mid 20s that are not married are sluts.
Glad we can clear that up.
As someone I know once said "I like FoxNews, because its SIMPLE".

I was being facetious.
Sexually active folk in their mid twenties are not sluts.
One day Americans will wake the hell up and see that these things are NON ISSUES.
A woman that is a Georgetown Law Student HAS to be very intelligent be they left wing liberal kook which I am sure most are or right wing conservative kook.
Sexually active mid 20s folk KNOW NO PARTY AFFILIATION.
She lied about; a lot of health clinics closing down throughout the nation.Their are not.
The Catholic plans do pay for contraception when it is a health issue.
If you still have one ovary you do not go into early menopause.
Contraception costs anywhere from 169.00 to 600.00 a year.
The 3,000.00 no matter how you add it, does not add up with figures. It costs most woman anywhere from 13.00 to 15.00 dollars a month.
That is why I said, she needs to explain where she got that 3,000.00 figure.
That included all three years, Dr. appts., and any tests needed while on the pill. It doesn't make her a slut, it makes her look like an over indulged individual.
Anyway you look at it the taxpayer should not have to pay for the contraceptive bills of someone that can afford to go to law school.
"Good Christians, like slaves and soldiers, ask no questions."

-- Rev Jerry Falwell, quoted Freethought Today, December, 1999, cited by Anthony T. Podestra of People for the American Way in, Dietz and Holden, Satiricon, p 44; quoted from Steve Benson "Latter-Day Saint To Latter-Day Ain't"; commemorating the "Tell It Like It Is" Freethought In Media Award, presented on November 5, 1999, by the Freedom From Religion Foundation; excerpted by PAM

Link: Positive Atheism's Big List of Jerry Falwell Quotations

A bit off topic, though in the general sense bigotry is the issue, is it not?

"I hope I live to see the day when, as in the early days of our country, we won't have any public schools. The churches will have taken them over again and Christians will be running them. What a happy day that will be!" He didn't.
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She appears to be a slut. But I support her right be a slut.... unless she expects me to pay for it. That is when I have an issue.
Cali Girl, question, KiKi answered but I gather you are a devout Catholic, so here it is. A C- section is done, on short notice, as the mother's blood sugar, caused by juvenile diabetes, is going out of control. The child may also be harmed if the C-section is not performed. A tubal ligation is done, NOT for the purpose of birth control, but due to the danger posed if another pregnancy occurs. The woman was hospitalized for a few days before the C-section, but was not responding to medication. Is this sterilization? Navy medical care covered it, no questions. (Earlier on, the woman was informed she might be forced to consider an abortion if her body could not withstand the pregnancy; this was years ago, the signed recommendations of two doctors was required. ) She didn't, I am glad.

Firstly, I don't consider myself a 'devout' Catholic. I am a Catholic. The 'devout' bit.... meh, not really. I try... and that's what God expects of me. I defend my religion against bullshit and lies (see, if I was 'devout', I wouldn't say 'bullshit'. :lol:)

In response.... I'm not really sure what the question is. Is it sterilization? Yes. It is. But... as a Catholic, I wouldn't have a problem with that... as it was required in order to ensure the woman's life. I don't think the Church would have a major issue with it either. Yes, we have a doctrine against birth control, abortion and sterilization.... We are also permitted to take another life in order to protect our own. So, I don't think it's a doctrinal issue.

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