Sloan Stephens keeps up the racist crap


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2022
Hey punk, stop the race crap and play tennis! Big baby! You had to play the #16 player in the world in the first round because you focus on race baiting instead of hitting the ball. You blame your poor play on white people instead of yourself. Grow up! We don’t buy your crybaby crap. Just play tennis.
Hey punk, stop the race crap and play tennis! Big baby! You had to play the #16 player in the world in the first round because you focus on race baiting instead of hitting the ball. You blame your poor play on white people instead of yourself. Grow up! We don’t buy your crybaby crap. Just play tennis.
Where is the link to what she said?
I’m lazy? Why don’t you keep up with important sports events? So, what is your opinion on her comments?
I am waiting for you to post the link. When you do so, which is what you should have done to start your thread, I will give my opinion on it. :)
Hey punk, stop the race crap and play tennis! Big baby! You had to play the #16 player in the world in the first round because you focus on race baiting instead of hitting the ball. You blame your poor play on white people instead of yourself. Grow up! We don’t buy your crybaby crap. Just play tennis.

Do you understand that racism does happen in every sport by people who truly are racists?

Stephens WON her match. What was poor about it?

[Stephens, speaking after her straight-sets victory over Karolina Pliskova in the French Open first round, said she has had to endure it her whole career.]

Or did not not read the whole article and simply made assumptions about it?

Hasn't there always been racism in sports? And athletes dealt with it?

Stephens is an American. America has something called the First Amendment. Opinions and facts are allowed, aren't they?

That was her opinion based on FACTS as experienced by her, and by many other athletes.

Not only Blacks, but First Nations, Aboriginals, etc have experienced racism, and have gone on to achieve great results any way.

Do not worry. Stephens does know how to play tennis. :)

Do you understand that racism does happen in every sport by people who truly are racists?

Stephens WON her match. What was poor about it?

[Stephens, speaking after her straight-sets victory over Karolina Pliskova in the French Open first round, said she has had to endure it her whole career.]

Or did not not read the whole article and simply made assumptions about it?

Hasn't there always been racism in sports? And athletes dealt with it?

Stephens is an American. America has something called the First Amendment. Opinions and facts are allowed, aren't they?

That was her opinion based on FACTS as experienced by her, and by many other athletes.

Not only Blacks, but First Nations, Aboriginals, etc have experienced racism, and have gone on to achieve great results any way.

Do not worry. Stephens does know how to play tennis. :)

Again, just play the game. I never remember once Serena Williams bringing up the subject. The fact is, race relations has been going into the tank recently because of all the talk on it. She's a millionaire many times over and is benefiting because this nation and the world is so much in a better place than it was even 50 years ago. Stop the racebaiting and the politics nonsense behind it. Just play the game. We watch sports to take our minds off this crap and the woke crap as well.
Again, just play the game. I never remember once Serena Williams bringing up the subject. The fact is, race relations has been going into the tank recently because of all the talk on it. She's a millionaire many times over and is benefiting because this nation and the world is so much in a better place than it was even 50 years ago. Stop the racebaiting and the politics nonsense behind it. Just play the game. We watch sports to take our minds off this crap and the woke crap as well.
Racism has always existed, as proven in the article I posted. Nothing new, nothing to do with BLM, or anything else.

And the Williams sisters have experienced racism as has Naomi Osaka.

Just because you have not watched documentaries or seen interviews by any of those athletes relating the racism they have to endure, it does not mean they have not talked about it.

YOU stop the race negation and NO there is no Politics AT ALL behind it. Simply people of all races saying ENOUGH, STOP with the racism. They have rights too. And especially the right to pursue their chosen sport without being baited, trolled and even threatened by those who cannot accept people who are not of their own, usually European, background.
Racism has always existed, as proven in the article I posted. Nothing new, nothing to do with BLM, or anything else.

And the Williams sisters have experienced racism as has Naomi Osaka.

Just because you have not watched documentaries or seen interviews by any of those athletes relating the racism they have to endure, it does not mean they have not talked about it.

YOU stop the race negation and NO there is no Politics AT ALL behind it. Simply people of all races saying ENOUGH, STOP with the racism. They have rights too. And especially the right to pursue their chosen sport without being baited, trolled and even threatened by those who cannot accept people who are not of their own, usually European, background.
So, you don't see how this new approach to racism has changed from MLK's method of moving towards talking about each other based on the content of our character rather than the color of our skin towards talking about how racist white people are and how white people are all supremacists and how superior Black people are that they need to confiscate white people's money. I guess it would be appropriate then to get rid of MLK day next year? I grew up Jewish and had plenty of anti-semitism thrown at me. So has a lot of rich Jews and you don't and never saw them spewing out hatred towards Christian and others. It's uncalled for from people who have taken advantage of all the opportunities America has provided. We aren't perfect nor will we ever be. But, since BLM and others started up the rhetoric again in a large way, we are going backwards. See, because of these racebaters like Stephens now, we have to look at ourselves and others skin rather than the content of their character. And then there is the reparation crap as well. What, the 360,000 dead white people that fought to make men free wasn't enough? How about Blacks paying back white people for their deaths? See, it never stops when all you do is bring this up. She's an athlete. Play tennis and let your actions speak louder than your words. Like Serena did.
So, you don't see how this new approach to racism has changed from MLK's method of moving towards talking about each other based on the content of our character rather than the color of our skin towards talking about how racist white people are and how white people are all supremacists and how superior Black people are that they need to confiscate white people's money. I guess it would be appropriate then to get rid of MLK day next year? I grew up Jewish and had plenty of anti-semitism thrown at me. So has a lot of rich Jews and you don't and never saw them spewing out hatred towards Christian and others. It's uncalled for from people who have taken advantage of all the opportunities America has provided. We aren't perfect nor will we ever be. But, since BLM and others started up the rhetoric again in a large way, we are going backwards. See, because of these racebaters like Stephens now, we have to look at ourselves and others skin rather than the content of their character. And then there is the reparation crap as well. What, the 360,000 dead white people that fought to make men free wasn't enough? How about Blacks paying back white people for their deaths? See, it never stops when all you do is bring this up. She's an athlete. Play tennis and let your actions speak louder than your words. Like Serena did.
You are a dope.

That is all that can be said about your thinking and your writing.
So, you don't see how this new approach to racism has changed from MLK's method of moving towards talking about each other based on the content of our character rather than the color of our skin towards talking about how racist white people are and how white people are all supremacists and how superior Black people are that they need to confiscate white people's money. I guess it would be appropriate then to get rid of MLK day next year? I grew up Jewish and had plenty of anti-semitism thrown at me. So has a lot of rich Jews and you don't and never saw them spewing out hatred towards Christian and others. It's uncalled for from people who have taken advantage of all the opportunities America has provided. We aren't perfect nor will we ever be. But, since BLM and others started up the rhetoric again in a large way, we are going backwards. See, because of these racebaters like Stephens now, we have to look at ourselves and others skin rather than the content of their character. And then there is the reparation crap as well. What, the 360,000 dead white people that fought to make men free wasn't enough? How about Blacks paying back white people for their deaths? See, it never stops when all you do is bring this up. She's an athlete. Play tennis and let your actions speak louder than your words. Like Serena did.
Stop trying to white wash MLK you Simp. He wasn't afraid to call out the vicious racists down in Alabama, even in his I Have A Deam speech.
Stop trying to white wash MLK you Simp. He wasn't afraid to call out the vicious racists down in Alabama, even in his I Have A Deam speech.
Yet, it's this White person that is saying that the current bunch of loudmouth Black race baiters have forgotten the most important part of the speech. Instead, you attempt to call those of us that follow that teaching racists. Exactly the opposite of what MLK taught. And, you didn't learn a thing. MLK spoke out against racism. But, his dream was to see his people and all people judged on the content of our character, not the color of our skin. Yet, that is exactly what you just did calling me a white washer. You didn't learn anything. Neither has Sloane Stevens.
Yet, it's this White person that is saying that the current bunch of loudmouth Black race baiters have forgotten the most important part of the speech. Instead, you attempt to call those of us that follow that teaching racists. Exactly the opposite of what MLK taught. And, you didn't learn a thing. MLK spoke out against racism. But, his dream was to see his people and all people judged on the content of our character, not the color of our skin. Yet, that is exactly what you just did calling me a white washer. You didn't learn anything. Neither has Sloane Stevens.
Yes I'm calling you a white washer for coming here and complaining like a little bitch because a black athlete decided to call out the racists who bombard her on social media. You basically told her to shut up and dribble and are now acting like a little punk bitch because you got called out on it.
Yes I'm calling you a white washer for coming here and complaining like a little bitch because a black athlete decided to call out the racists who bombard her on social media. You basically told her to shut up and dribble and are now acting like a little punk bitch because you got called out on it.
Prove it that she has racist comments on social media. She’s just commenting because it’s the thing to do to get noticed. People to feel sorry for her because she can’t win a major’s tournament. Just play tennis and you can quit being a racist and defaming MLK.
Prove it that she has racist comments on social media.
No. What a ridiculous standard. MLK didn't have to prove there were vicious racist down in Alabama. What it is about you that you assume she's lying?
She’s just commenting because it’s the thing to do to get noticed.
That's certainly what you're assuming.
People to feel sorry for her because she can’t win a major’s tournament. Just play tennis and you can quit being a racist and defaming MLK.
No. She can keep speaking and anyone who hears or sees these comments and isn't a deplorable mutant like you is just going to assume you're the racist piece of shit. I'm perfectly fine with that being our dynamic.

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