Sleepy Joe pushes America out of Top 20 in world happiness


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
For the first time in recorded history, the USA is no longer one of the top 20 happiest places in the world.

People aren't happy with a bumbling senile old coot in the WH, nor his policies pushing for abortion, sex changes for minors, or the open border.

Will Sleepy Joe and his enablers answer for this, and will Biden do the right thing and move to the center in a conciliatory gesture to get America back in the top 20 for being happy.

No surprise here....

Republicans have been whining ever since Trump got his ass kicked. :)
9 of these traitors now openly support Putin.
For the first time in recorded history, the USA is no longer one of the top 20 happiest places in the world.

People aren't happy with a bumbling senile old coot in the WH, nor his policies pushing for abortion, sex changes for minors, or the open border.

Will Sleepy Joe and his enablers answer for this, and will Biden do the right thing and move to the center in a conciliatory gesture to get America back in the top 20 for being happy.

Why are these terrible things happening? The familiar forces of globalization and technical change are part of the story. Factories have moved out of the country, and goods that used to be made at home are being imported from China or Mexico. Manufacturing makes as much or more stuff than before, but with many fewer workers. Yet these forces are not peculiar to the United States; German, French and British workers also have to deal with robots and with foreign competition. Less skilled workers are having a tough time in all wealthy countries, and in many they are making poor or no progress in earnings. But only the U.S. has seen more than a half-century of wage decline for its less educated workers, and only the U.S. is showing the huge epidemic of deaths of despair.

For many years, the labor force participation of women without college degrees rose, but it stopped rising after 2000 and has been on the same downward ratchet since then.

I would blame Bush more than I would Biden

Our story is about the working class in general, but at least until 2013, deaths of despair were mostly among whites. Yet our story is remarkably similar to the story of joblessness, family disintegration and addiction among African Americans in the 1970s. Capitalism in America is turning against its least educated workers, and African Americans were first in line.
For the first time in recorded history, the USA is no longer one of the top 20 happiest places in the world.

People aren't happy with a bumbling senile old coot in the WH, nor his policies pushing for abortion, sex changes for minors, or the open border.

Will Sleepy Joe and his enablers answer for this, and will Biden do the right thing and move to the center in a conciliatory gesture to get America back in the top 20 for being happy.

Some observers at the trial say Trump may have nodded off during the morning’s proceedings, including New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman, who noted that Trump’s “head keeps dropping down and his mouth goes slack” before being “jolted back awake” after his lawyer passed him several notes.
For the first time in recorded history, the USA is no longer one of the top 20 happiest places in the world.

People aren't happy with a bumbling senile old coot in the WH, nor his policies pushing for abortion, sex changes for minors, or the open border.

Will Sleepy Joe and his enablers answer for this, and will Biden do the right thing and move to the center in a conciliatory gesture to get America back in the top 20 for being happy.

Consider this

CEO pay in the US has grown 1,322% since 1978, according to the Economic Policy Institute. Such astronomical CEO pay is a very American problem. Not only do American CEOs far out-earn their workforces, they also out-earn their peers in other countries.

From 78 to now, the middle class only got 18% raise. Seems the rich and corporations need to pay us more. They are doing GREAT.

If you're not a 50 year old millionaire, what's wrong with you?
I was born far too early in history to be 50 years old today. By the mid 1970's, my mum was past the "giving birth" phase.

That doesn't really matter. By that time your wealth usually stops growing. You can see the average and median wealth of a 70 year old isn't that much different than 60

  • Average net worth: $1,714,085 (ages 70-74), $1,629,256 (ages 75-79)
  • Median net worth: $433,100 (ages 70-74), $341,300 (ages 75-79)
  • Average net worth: $1,675,214 (ages 60-64), $1,836,884 (ages 65-69)
  • Median net worth: $394,010 (ages 60-64), $394,300 (ages 65-69)

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