Skyscreamers vandalized in my neighborhood last night


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
It's been a tough day, the wife is a teacher, the kids are home & it's a teacher workday

Anywho, I have a neighbor that has roughly half a dozen political signs in her yard (which helps me remember who to vote against)

So, the wife sends me a text, "did you have an interesting time last night or do anything fun?"

My 1st thought was, "oh shit, did I forget to clear my browsing history?"

But then it dawned on me, she was messing with me about the vandalized signs on our street... Her friend posted about it on FB

anyway, as mad as we (Republicans and conservatives) are, we cannot do stuff like this - we need for these types of stories to be about the other side (which does a lot more of this type of thing than our side)

as much as their views and activism irritates me, the fact that someone messed with their yard (and a few others in my neighborhood) infuriates me as well

I don't think we are about to have a civil war or real violence in the streets, but man, I hope we can find a way to ratchet down the ill will in this country...

I did just go to her house, I had to pick up my daughter from a Cult of the Highlands, er, I mean Church of the Highlands event last night and noticed that the signs were down at 8.10 pm

Yes, I was wearing my "Reagan/Bush 84" shirt when I went over there (I'm sure that made her happy)

Funny how the local news doesn’t pick up on things like this. It would make their side look bad huh.
I don't know why people go on other people's lawn in the first place


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