Skyrocketing Fertilizer Prices Could Spark Widespread Global Famines Unlike Anything We Have Seen in Modern History


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Cutting energy production was never a good idea. But the people who do that really don't give a f@#k about people. They have no empathy while claiming they do.

Some experts did warn us about this in advance. For example, a European CEO told the media the following all the way back in November

“I want to say this loud and clear right now, that we risk a very low crop in the next harvest,” said Svein Tore Holsether, the CEO and president of the Oslo-based company. “I’m afraid we’re going to have a food crisis.”

Holsether says that a food crisis is coming because the cost to produce a ton of ammonia has gotten nearly ten times higher

In Europe, the natural-gas benchmark hit an all-time high in September, with the price more than tripling from June to October alone. Yara is a major producer of ammonia, a key ingredient in synthetic fertilizer, which increases crop yields. The process of creating ammonia currently relies on hydropower or natural gas.
“To produce a ton of ammonia last summer was $110,” said Holsether. “And now it’s $1,000. So it’s just incredible.”

In order to fix this, we need to solve the global energy crisis. Unfortunately, as I have been repeatedly warning my readers, the global energy crisis is only going to get worse.

So we have a really, really big mess on our hands.

In Africa, many farmers are not going to be able to afford fertilizer at all this year, and it is being projected that this will reduce production by enough “to feed 100 million people”

With prices tripling over the past 18 months, many farmers are considering whether to forgo purchases of fertilizers this year. That leaves a market long touted for its growth potential set to shrink by almost a third, according to Sebastian Nduva, program manager at researcher group AfricaFertilizer.Org.
That could potentially curb cereals output by 30 million tons, enough to feed 100 million people, he said.

To make sure that their people won’t starve, African governments will need to import massive amounts of food from elsewhere

“We are likely to see a scenario where yields are depressed and this will mean that either the government will have to readjust their budgets and import food or there will be food shortages,” Nduva said.


Sounds like 'end of days' stuff. Some of us have been expecting it. :bowdown:

"You can only do things wrong for so long until the whole thing comes crashing down." -OldWiseGuy (from another forum)
Cutting energy production was never a good idea. But the people who do that really don't give a f@#k about people. They have no empathy while claiming they do.

Some experts did warn us about this in advance. For example, a European CEO told the media the following all the way back in November
Holsether says that a food crisis is coming because the cost to produce a ton of ammonia has gotten nearly ten times higher
In order to fix this, we need to solve the global energy crisis. Unfortunately, as I have been repeatedly warning my readers, the global energy crisis is only going to get worse.
So we have a really, really big mess on our hands.
In Africa, many farmers are not going to be able to afford fertilizer at all this year, and it is being projected that this will reduce production by enough “to feed 100 million people”
To make sure that their people won’t starve, African governments will need to import massive amounts of food from elsewhere

Most people don’t realize that urea is petroleum based
If you really want your head to explode read this. Science has recently discovered that manure (of all things) can be used for fertilizer. And that while lakes and streams are being polluted by runoff fertilizer there is no way to recover these nutrients (like harvesting lake weeds and composting them).

If you really want your head to explode read this. Science has recently discovered that manure (of all things) can be used for fertilizer. And that while lakes and streams are being polluted by runoff fertilizer there is no way to recover these nutrients (like harvesting lake weeds and composting them).

Where is all the manure going to come from to feed 7-billion+ people? Even leftoids cannot begin to provide nearly enough bullshit for that.
Where is all the manure going to come from to feed 7-billion+ people? Even leftoids cannot begin to provide nearly enough bullshit for that.
Apparently there's a lot it around.

It would be interesting know what non-food crops are using up scarce fertilizers; corn grown for ethanol, oil-seed crops for biofuels, etc.
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C'mon man. Put the cowshit in a barrel with water and a few later, when there's no odor, it's ready.Cowshit soup. Pour it on
The chicken shit needs to burn down before you use it.Fresh chicken shit gets too hot
All of you do have chickens and cattle right ? UurraMerrican !
Don't put chickfillathey, boogerkong and subhumanWay scrappage on the compost with the chicken shit. It'll destroy the chicken shit
Apparently there's a lot it around.

It would be interesting know what non-food crops are using up scarce fertilizers; corn grown for ethanol, oil-seed crops for biofuels, etc.

I oppose ethanol. It was and is a stupid idea.

There is no possibility of growing anywhere near enough food by using manures. And leftoid environmentalists are urging people to eat less meat which means fewer animals which means even less manure.
I oppose ethanol. It was and is a stupid idea.

There is no possibility of growing anywhere near enough food by using manures. And leftoid environmentalists are urging people to eat less meat which means fewer animals which means even less manure.
Animal manures are a valuable nutrient resource that has always been mismanaged. In fact agriculture in general is mismanaged (not to mention just about everything else).

Lefties have an aversion to physical work. If a problem can't be solved without getting one's hands (or someone else's hands) a little dirty it will be relegated to "non-problem" status. That's why we have so many unsolved problems.
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Animal manures are a valuable nutrient resource that has always been mismanaged. In fact agriculture in general is mismanaged (not to mention just about everything else).

Lefties have an aversion to physical work. If a problem can't be solved without getting one's hands (or someone else's hands) a little dirty it will be relegated to "non-problem" status. That's why we have so many unsolved problems.
Just make the progression to cities as the final place for the product.
Where is all the manure going to come from to feed 7-billion+ people? Even leftoids cannot begin to provide nearly enough bullshit for that.
Overpopulation is a bad thing and we will all pay for it....paying for idiots to have large number of children that they can't feed themselves always means more starving people.
We are definitely looking at double digit inflation over food and food products this next year and it won't have much to do with fertilizer.

Ukraine is a breadbasket nation. #2 in barley production, #3 in Wheat and number #1 in sunflower. I'm forgetting their position on corn.

Because Putin chose the spring to attack Ukraine, the fields are not getting planted.
Farmers are literally holding AKs instead of driving tractors.

On top of this.
Brazil, which is usually a rainforest, has had successive years of drought. This has devastated the sugar, oranges, soybean, corn, wheat, and coffee crops. North America has tried to fill the blanks but we too have had insufficient rains to completely make up the difference. (Farmers made out great though)

So the food prices you are currently paying are going to seem cheap very soon. It's not going away anytime soon.
Consumer prices for energy and food and housing are all going through the roof. There is no relief in sight.

The great resignation was cancelled on account of poverty because of Biden's inflation.
Cutting energy production was never a good idea. But the people who do that really don't give a f@#k about people. They have no empathy while claiming they do.

Some experts did warn us about this in advance. For example, a European CEO told the media the following all the way back in November
Holsether says that a food crisis is coming because the cost to produce a ton of ammonia has gotten nearly ten times higher
In order to fix this, we need to solve the global energy crisis. Unfortunately, as I have been repeatedly warning my readers, the global energy crisis is only going to get worse.
So we have a really, really big mess on our hands.
In Africa, many farmers are not going to be able to afford fertilizer at all this year, and it is being projected that this will reduce production by enough “to feed 100 million people”
To make sure that their people won’t starve, African governments will need to import massive amounts of food from elsewhere

IceAgeFarmer on YouTube, has been shouting this message at length for over a year now. Glad I’ve got land and grow my own.
Is this one of those spoof post?

Not at all. Can you detect a Eureka! moment in this article?

"To grow the world's wheat, corn, and beans, farmers need phosphorus—an essential nutrient that comes from bird and bat droppings and rock deposits. But the global supply of easily mineable phosphorus is dwindling; to stave off the coming drought, scientists are exploring an alternative: recycling animal manure for its phosphorus content. Now, they've come up with the world's first map of this underappreciated resource, which shows that most manure is exactly where farmers need it—in their own backyards."

Who knew.
IceAgeFarmer on YouTube, has been shouting this message at length for over a year now. Glad I’ve got land and grow my own.
If we just cut out the waste in our food production, distribution, and marketing systems we'll have plenty. Lots of food is left in the fields because it is the wrong size or shape. Food waste should be returned to the soil as well as it contains lots of nutrients; waste that now goes to landfills.

Obesity rates indicate that we eat way too much food as well.
If we just cut out the waste in our food production, distribution, and marketing systems we'll have plenty. Lots of food is left in the fields because it is the wrong size or shape. Food waste should be returned to the soil as well as it contains lots of nutrients; waste that now goes to landfills.

Obesity rates indicate that we eat way too much food as well.
I prefer to cut out the middle man and grow most of my own, rather than wait for a fragile system to correct itself.
Not at all. Can you detect a Eureka! moment in this article?

"To grow the world's wheat, corn, and beans, farmers need phosphorus—an essential nutrient that comes from bird and bat droppings and rock deposits. But the global supply of easily mineable phosphorus is dwindling; to stave off the coming drought, scientists are exploring an alternative: recycling animal manure for its phosphorus content. Now, they've come up with the world's first map of this underappreciated resource, which shows that most manure is exactly where farmers need it—in their own backyards."

Who knew.

Farmers for the last 1000 years

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