Six men arrested for burning Koran and then putting video of it on Youtube

Do you have an open container of rubber cement near your keyboard?

You don't understand? Then I will write simply for you: t h e n a t u r e o f g o v e r n m e n t i s t o i n c r e a s e p o w e r, a n d m o n e y i n t e r e s t s c o r r u p t g o v e r n m e n t. M a d i s o n u n d e r s t o o d t h i s.

Does this help, 2 parties?

Do you have an open container of rubber cement near your keyboard?

You don't understand? Then I will write simply for you: t h e n a t u r e o f g o v e r n m e n t i s t o i n c r e a s e p o w e r, a n d m o n e y i n t e r e s t s c o r r u p t g o v e r n m e n t. M a d i s o n u n d e r s t o o d t h i s.

Does this help, 2 parties?


No you don't Jake. The alternative to re Trade is Force Moron. ;) Lust for, and Jealousy, corrupt Jake, Regardless of the system one lives under.

Money is Evil, therefore We need Government to protect us from it????? Give me a break. You really buy into this shit don't you????? Human Nature is the problem, Totalitarian Rule is not the solution.
You show a weak mind, Intense. Libertarianism is a rejection of the social compact, and whether you like it, man is a social animal. Thus society has boundaries. You are part of it, whether you personally reject it, and no one cares about your personal rejection. You do not have the "liberty" to injure others.
You show a weak mind, Intense. Libertarianism is a rejection of the social compact, and whether you like it, man is a social animal. Thus society has boundaries. You are part of it, whether you personally reject it, and no one cares about your personal rejection. You do not have the "liberty" to injure others.

You are a moron Jake. It is like arguing with a three year old. The fact that you can equate Libertarianism with the "Right to harm others" clearly shows your lack of ability to hold a reasonable conversation. You need time alone Jake.
My ability to discuss is certainly at an adult level. You are merely pissed that libertarianism is not given the respect that it does not deserve. You are part of humanity, and as such you will have to adjust to social regulation. That is not inherently evil, which is your primary argument and is ipso facto fallacious.
My ability to discuss is certainly at an adult level. You are merely pissed that libertarianism is not given the respect that it does not deserve. You are part of humanity, and as such you will have to adjust to social regulation. That is not inherently evil, which is your primary argument and is ipso facto fallacious.

Jesus Jake. can't you get along with anyone?
Great Britain hasn't been a free nation in many many years. Their Socialist loons took all their freedoms away a long time ago. The British People are spied on and monitored by their Government 24/7. They are a full-fledged Police State at this point. That's where Socialism always takes you in the end. Lets hope we can keep our Socialist loons here in this country from taking our freedom away. These arrests really shouldn't surprise anyone. This is what Great Britain is all about now.
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My ability to discuss is certainly at an adult level. You are merely pissed that libertarianism is not given the respect that it does not deserve. You are part of humanity, and as such you will have to adjust to social regulation. That is not inherently evil, which is your primary argument and is ipso facto fallacious.

Jesus Jake. can't you get along with anyone?

Hey, you want me to bend your spoon? :lol:

Spoonman, haven't seen you in a while. Life is good for you, I hope. Oh, I like Intense personally just not his half-baked ideas of what "liberty" means, but that is the fun of America. We get to tell each other to piss off.
This is absolutely insane and uncalled for. Freedoms are dissappearing for the sake that Muslims have their way and that we not offend them. Just the other day Muslims said they are offended to hear the chants USA, USA at football games and now we have this. We better wake up America.

Six arrested in Gateshead over 'Koran burning' - Telegraph

Video and warning: Language


And yet when the American flag is burned it's all about freedom of speech.
Great Britain hasn't been a free nation in many many years. Their Socialist loons took all their freedoms away a long time ago. The British People are spied on and monitored by their Government 24/7. They are a full-fledged Police State at this point. That's where Socialism always takes you in the end. Lets hope we can keep our Socialist loons here in this country from taking our freedom away. These arrests really shouldn't surprise anyone. This is what Great Britain is all about now.

If a plastic bag blew into your yard you'd cite it as an effect of the impending socialist takeover.
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Many are still making the mistake of thinking Great Britain is a Free Nation. Their Socialists turned them into a barricaded Police State a long time ago. Great Britain ranks very low on personal Freedoms amongst nations of the world. They are now on par with Communist China as far as personal Freedoms go. They openly spy on and monitor their citizens' every move 24/7. Many people are still stuck in the past in their views of Great Britain. This current Great Britain is ruled by oppressive Socialists who have taken away almost all personal Freedoms & Liberty from the British People. I just hope our Socialists here aren't allowed to do the same thing to us. I guess we'll see though.
"They are now on par with Communist China as far as personal Freedoms go." Hmm, I bet there are 300,000 Chinese for every Brit wanting to move to China.

"They openly spy on and monitor their citizens' every move 24/7." The CCTV is not intrusive. Our right to privacy declines in public places.

But you really believe it, don't you?
"They are now on par with Communist China as far as personal Freedoms go." Hmm, I bet there are 300,000 Chinese for every Brit wanting to move to China.

"They openly spy on and monitor their citizens' every move 24/7." The CCTV is not intrusive. Our right to privacy declines in public places.

But you really believe it, don't you?

Chinese Citizens may actually have more Freedom & Liberty than British Citizens do. According to most recent studies,Great Britain ranks very low as far as personal Freedoms go. They rank about the same as Communist China and Singapore. Most British Citizens may think they're free but that just isn't the case. They are monitored 24/7 by the British Government. China is so vast in size that it is very difficult for their Government to monitor its citizens as much as the British Government does. Their Socialists ended the days of a free Great Britain. People in this country have every reason to fear the Socialists here. If it happened in Great Britain,it could happen here as well.
British citizens are incredibly free. The latest critical thinking evaluations reveal that Great Britain may be the freest society on the face of the earth, with the exception of maybe the Republic of Palua and Switzerland. The surveys also determine that many capitalistic autocratic systems, many found in South America, limit citizens' freedoms in the name of making profit. There is much worry that the USA may move in that direction.
British citizens are incredibly free. The latest critical thinking evaluations reveal that Great Britain may be the freest society on the face of the earth, with the exception of maybe the Republic of Palua and Switzerland. The surveys also determine that many capitalistic autocratic systems, many found in South America, limit citizens' freedoms in the name of making profit. There is much worry that the USA may move in that direction.

"Critical Thinking Evaluations?" Sounds a little shady and biased to me. British Citizens are monitored by their Government 24/7. They have very little personal Freedoms. I don't know what the criteria for this "Critical Thinking Evaluation" was but it sure sounds pretty flawed. Most recent studies on personal Freedoms & Rights consistently show Great Britain ranking very low amongst other nations of the world. They are now currently on par with Communist China and nations like Singapore. I guess some are in disagreement on what 'Personal Freedom' means. If one really believes Great Britain is one of the "Freest" nations in the world,they must also believe Communist China,Iran,and North Korea are as well. Great Britain has become a Surveillance Society and Police State. If some want to ignore this reality than so be it. Message Boards are not likely to change people's minds.
LibocalpyseNow, none of what you write is true.

The critical thinking criteria is that you give an OP then give evidence that leads to verifiable conclusions. To equate Great Britain's freedoms with that of Communist China, Iran,and North Korea is lunacy. That is merely a statement without proof.

Your libertarianism would enslave man.

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