Single moms are breeding criminals

Nothing you posted changes a thing I said.

BTW, I have never argued against the use of birth control. I have only argued that the Catholic church shouldn't be forced to pay for it.

Nothing I posted changes a thing you said? Who in the fuck do you think you are? Mr. Absolute? I wasn't trying to "change" what you said...I was just pointing out the hypocrisy and the bigotry you are showing.

You failed, asshole.

What you fuckers have to realize is that PEOPLE HAVE SEX. Even Rick SATANum has sex. People who have sex and don't want to get pregnant or get a disease... use protection against both.

Yeah, right. People can't control their actions. Funny, I never managed to get anyone pregnant. Apparently pregnancy is like the weather. We can't control it. We can only hope it doesn't wipe us out.

Libs are such morons.

Lastly, you haven't "only argued" the Catholic Church thing... you've been berating and derogatory on the whole issue. This is the FIRST time since the Fluke/Limbaugh thing that you've even mentioned the Catholic Church. You can't backpedal your way out of this, hypocrite.

Yeah, you never bait or post anything derogatory.

There's a reason I don't treat libturds with respect: they don't deserve it.
Most single moms do have babies all by themselves due to useless men.

Than maybe she shouldn't be fucking said useless men, just a thought.

I agree. But, in many cases, older men who should know better are preying on younger women who don't have as much life experience. The reality is that women usually take up with someone older and not so much in the reverse. And, i see many MORE women who live up to accepting the consequences of that decision versus Walk Away Loser Men. My neighbor is one such walk away Loser Dad who has at least 3 kids by 3 different women none of whom live with him and i rarely if ever see those kids at his house. LOSER! In fact, he has a 6 month old and was supposed to marry mom but he decided not too and now she is raising this kid. LOSER

My mentality on this is, if you cannot afford to house, feed, clothe and support the child than you really shouldn't be having it, whether you are single or not.
He's more than likely correct. People have to stop fearing truth and instead embrace it. The problems cannot be solved if they are not first accepted as problems. Single-Parenting is a very big problem in this Country. And ignoring that fact for political gain, will cost the Country big-time in the end.

Why is it a "problem"

How can you be in support of libertarian ideals and then not support a person single or married having a child if and when they want to?

Fine, so long as i don't have to pay for it. But turds like you wouldn't allow that, would you?
So women should only have sex with men who would be good fathers/husbands?

Would that be a Federal Law or more at the State Level?

That's not what I am saying at all.

Oh, then what did you mean by " maybe she shouldn't be fucking said useless men"

I just think women should be careful of getting pregnant and having children with guys who are total losers, thats all, I'm not saying to put it into law or anything.
You seem to believe they should be proud of it.

This warranted its own response.

Being a single parent and raising children in today's world is incredibly tough. Anyone who finds themself in that position and steps up to the challenge should be damn proud of what they did, and what they do every day for the betterment of their family.

And I'll have words with anyone who says otherwise.

The whole point is that raising a kid by yourself is tough. Why handicap yourself and your kid? That is just stupid, and glorifying it is stupid.

Simple math. Two parents are better than one. And the statistics bear out the benefits of two parents.

You can't argue with reality.

It is idiotic to defend something which is destructive and avoidable. And you are perpetuating the problem when you attack someone calling for something to be done about it.
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Santorum: Single Moms Are "Breeding More Criminals" | Mother Jones

GAWD - this little scum just can't help himself. Never mind that this position is just plain stupid. He tells a couple of huge whoppers but that's par for the R's. But, notice that he actually blames women for stepping up, for taking responsibility for their children while the dead beat dads are celebrated in the repub congress.

What about the FATHERS of these children? Why don't the rw's or the pubs or the bags have anything to say about fathers?

Is it because, like Rush, they don't really understand that it takes two to make a pregnancy? Or is it because, like Rush, rw's believe children should go hungry?

Sanatorium the Peeping Tom needs to put the blame where it belongs and that is squarely on the men to dump the woman AND their children.

He, and we should be celebrating AND HELPING the courageous women who, against all odds, against every effort of the damn pubs to crush them, still stay with their kids, still struggle to put a roof over their heads and meals on the table.

That was 1994. Not really good justification for the accusation that he "can't help himself".

That said, if I had been aware of him in the 1990's, I would probably have disliked him almost as much as I did Gingrich. Gingrich was the public face of the GOP I was coming to loathe. It is only since Santorum started running for president that I have become aware of his stances back then.
The term single mother is a broad one.

People who paint with such broad brushes are dumb fucks hence Insanetorum is a dumb fuck

Yeah, it is.

There needs to be a better term for those who with malice aforethought and for their own selfish reason bring children into the world without a stable relationship.

We used to call them "tramps," but the left says that isn't PC. It used to be a mark of shame to have or be a bastard. Now we have people like Shortbus praising those who have bastard children as "brave" for "making a choice."

A woman who is married has children and the husband dies did not have bastard children.

A woman who is married has children and gets a divorce from the husband did not have bastard children.

In both cases, the statistic listed are irrelevant because the fact is that the stats are regarding bastard children - it just isn't permitted to be honest anymore.
The term single mother is a broad one.

People who paint with such broad brushes are dumb fucks hence Insanetorum is a dumb fuck

Yeah, it is.

There needs to be a better term for those who with malice aforethought and for their own selfish reason bring children into the world without a stable relationship.

We used to call them "tramps," but the left says that isn't PC. It used to be a mark of shame to have or be a bastard. Now we have people like Shortbus praising those who have bastard children as "brave" for "making a choice."

A woman who is married has children and the husband dies did not have bastard children.

A woman who is married has children and gets a divorce from the husband did not have bastard children.

In both cases, the statistic listed are irrelevant because the fact is that the stats are regarding bastard children - it just isn't permitted to be honest anymore.

The problem with labeling them bastard children is that it stigmatized the children, not the parents. Being a bastard meant being denied certain legal entitlements. The children suffered for the sins of their fathers.

That won't work. They are already being cheated by not having two parents.

With respect to single parenting, the child of a divorce and the child of a never-married mother is a distinction with no significant difference. The kid is still being raised by one parent, and that is the problem.

A divorced mother raising a kid alone is going to have just as tough a time as a woman who never married and is raising a kid alone. And the kid is being shortchanged in both cases.
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Sure it did. There were a LOT fewer bastards.

Elizabeth Tudor was a was William Shakespeare. Bastard is just a label that signifies whatever you want it to signify..and it's idiotic to pretend it's a GOOD THING to be one.
You seem to believe they should be proud of it.

This warranted its own response.

Being a single parent and raising children in today's world is incredibly tough. Anyone who finds themself in that position and steps up to the challenge should be damn proud of what they did, and what they do every day for the betterment of their family.

And I'll have words with anyone who says otherwise.

The whole point is that raising a kid by yourself is tough. Why handicap yourself and your kid? That is just stupid, and glorifying it is stupid.

Simple math. Two parents are better than one. And the statistics bear out the benefits of two parents.

You can't argue with reality.

It is idiotic to defend something which is destructive and avoidable. And you are perpetuating the problem when you attack someone calling for something to be done about it.

You know what else is tough? Being in a marriage. It may shock you, but there are people who want children, would be a great parent but don't want to be forced to be married to do it.

Look, we can talk about this forever. At the end of the day, you guys want women to only have sex in a manner that YOU deem acceptable. That's not how our country works.

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