Singer: Obama's EPA Plans for 2013 (hidden from voters - regulations, job losses and


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Singer: Obama's EPA Plans for 2013 (hidden from voters - regulations, job losses and costs....)
The American Thinker ^ | October 25, 2012 | S. Fred Singer

Articles: Obama's EPA Plans for 2013

The November elections will determine the direction of US climate policy -- and therefore also energy policy and the pace of economic growth: jobs, standards of living, budget deficits and inflation. Obama has already promised to make climate change the centerpiece of his concern -- with all that implies: "Green" energy policy, linked to loss of jobs (Keystone pipeline disapproval), rising gas prices (ethanol mandates), and crony capitalism (Solyndra).

By contrast, Romney is a climate skeptic -- and Ryan has been quite outspoken: the perfect anti-Gore. The science supports Romney-Ryan -- notwithstanding the UN-IPCC, and the bulk of the climate scientists living high on the hog on government grants.

All of this emerged from campaign rhetoric -- but it needs to be spelled out more clearly. Note that Obama no longer promises to "heal the Earth and stop the rise of the oceans." He has also been uncharacteristically quiet about his efforts to "make electricity prices skyrocket." But there is more in store if he is re-elected and unleashes the full regulatory apparatus of the EPA.

....This report enumerates the slew of environmental regulations that the Obama-Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has delayed or punted on before the election while President Obama is trying to earn votes; but the Obama-EPA plans to move full speed ahead to implement this agenda if President Obama wins a second term. As this report reveals, these rules taken together will inevitably result in the elimination of millions of American jobs, drive up the price of gas at the pump even more, impose construction bans on local communities, and essentially shut down American oil, natural gas, and coal production......
I already knew the Dictator-N-Chief's plans.. I don't think every day Americans do.. He's already to promised to bypass Congress if he can't get it done.. He thinks he's the King.. well the King has no clothes.. LATER OBAMA..
Unproven allegations do not a report make, kiddies.

Any report that opens
President Obama has big plans to continue pushing his far left green agenda in a second term. As​
Politicorecently reported,

is obviously nothing but a poltical puff piece.

If ya got facts, rather than allegations, I'd love to see them
Unproven allegations do not a report make, kiddies.

Any report that opens
President Obama has big plans to continue pushing his far left green agenda in a second term. As​
Politicorecently reported,

is obviously nothing but a poltical puff piece.

If ya got facts, rather than allegations, I'd love to see them

Obama will be back to puffin' on a piece of crack in no time! No worries!

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