Simply Orwellian. How Can a Free People Tolerate This?

All in the name of this Marxist global warming bullshit. It’s about an Orwellian governmental control. Big Brother is watching your fuel emissions and speed limits. Scary.
Speed limits cut pollution at roadside hotspots
Let me ask you this. Why would the government do this simply for the sake of control when those very people would also be affected by it as private citizens? It’s the same logic behind the hysteria of the NSA’s surveillance. Those very people’s devices would be exposed.
All in the name of this Marxist global warming bullshit. It’s about an Orwellian governmental control. Big Brother is watching your fuel emissions and speed limits. Scary.
Speed limits cut pollution at roadside hotspots

Best way to cut pollution is get rid of traffic lights and put in turn circles like they have in Europe.

Too late for that. People in this country barely have basic driving skills, and have no idea how to use a roundabout as evidenced by the high rate of accidents in areas where they installed them. They put one in at Clearwater beach and it is constantly getting backed up with fender benders and people stopping because they are stuck on the inside loop. Reminds me of Chevy Chase in European Vacation -- "look kids, Parliament, Big Ben!"
All in the name of this Marxist global warming bullshit. It’s about an Orwellian governmental control. Big Brother is watching your fuel emissions and speed limits. Scary.
Speed limits cut pollution at roadside hotspots

Best way to cut pollution is get rid of traffic lights and put in turn circles like they have in Europe.

Too late for that. People in this country barely have basic driving skills, and have no idea how to use a roundabout as evidenced by the high rate of accidents in areas where they installed them. They put one in at Clearwater beach and it is constantly getting backed up with fender benders and people stopping because they are stuck on the inside loop. Reminds me of Chevy Chase in European Vacation -- "look kids, Parliament, Big Ben!"
Yeah....why try something that just might work.
People can be taught how to use them.
The only reason they don't like them is you can't get a ticket for driving thru an intersection anymore and the light companies would go out of business. But the truth is....power outages wouldn't effect traffic anymore. Nobody would have to sit at a light for 5 mins waiting for a green light. Lights are the primary cause of traffic jams in the city.
All in the name of this Marxist global warming bullshit. It’s about an Orwellian governmental control. Big Brother is watching your fuel emissions and speed limits. Scary.
Speed limits cut pollution at roadside hotspots

Best way to cut pollution is get rid of traffic lights and put in turn circles like they have in Europe.

Too late for that. People in this country barely have basic driving skills, and have no idea how to use a roundabout as evidenced by the high rate of accidents in areas where they installed them. They put one in at Clearwater beach and it is constantly getting backed up with fender benders and people stopping because they are stuck on the inside loop. Reminds me of Chevy Chase in European Vacation -- "look kids, Parliament, Big Ben!"
Good Lord can you imagine the chaos if roundabouts were installed in every city?
All in the name of this Marxist global warming bullshit. It’s about an Orwellian governmental control. Big Brother is watching your fuel emissions and speed limits. Scary.
Speed limits cut pollution at roadside hotspots

Best way to cut pollution is get rid of traffic lights and put in turn circles like they have in Europe.

Too late for that. People in this country barely have basic driving skills, and have no idea how to use a roundabout as evidenced by the high rate of accidents in areas where they installed them. They put one in at Clearwater beach and it is constantly getting backed up with fender benders and people stopping because they are stuck on the inside loop. Reminds me of Chevy Chase in European Vacation -- "look kids, Parliament, Big Ben!"
Good Lord can you imagine the chaos if roundabouts were installed in every city?
It would be horrible. Millions would die.
It would mean the end of life as we know it.

*rolling eyes*

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