'Silly Balloon'?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
President Joe Biden knew when rhe Chinese spy balloon left China.

He was briefed as it traveled up the Aleutian chain towards mainland US.

He watched as the spy craft violated US sovereignty, violated US airspace, and proceeded to fly over the US.

He watched it hover over US ICBM silos and stealth bases, watched as it collected intel, and watched as it was allowed to sent that information back to China.

He then waited until it overflew the US and headed out to sea before giving the order to shoot it down.

Because Joe Biden willed it to be, 'Mission Accomplished' for China.

At NO TIME during this entire CCP spy balloon scandal did President Joe Biden EVER pick up the phone to try to talk to Xi. NOT ONCE.

He told rhe American people that off the coast of SC wasthe 1st opportunity there was to shoot it down.

He told the US was jamming it so it could not send classified info back to China.

'With the Bali conference that's what President Xi and I agreed that we were going to do and meet on. And then this silly balloon that was carrying two free cars worth of spy equipment was flying over the United States, and it got shut down and changed in terms of talking to one another.-

Thus 'silly balloon' was a spy craft that flew dieectly over the United Stated, collected Intel and sent that intel back to China.

Thus 'silly balloon' was a THREAT to National Security.

'...changed in terms of talking to one another.'

You WEREN'T talking, you compromised old bastard. You ne wr picked up rhe phone, you never spoke, you just got down on ykur compromised knees and waited unril it was over.

So after Joe was forced to put on a show by shooting 'the silly balloon' down Xi / CCP changed the terms of how Biden could talk to them?

AFTER IT WAS OVER Biden said he looked forward to talking to Xi in the WEEKS ahead. Even after, he did not pick up a freakin' phone.

Way to obey your masters, you leftist prick.

[rolls eyes] ... yeah ... right ... you should join the Catastphic Climate Change Cult folks ... they believe in magic too ...
WTF does your dumbass comment have to do with Biden allowing a CCP spycraft to hover over highly sensitive, classified militaty sites in the US, to collect Intel, and send that information back to China?
Of course sleepy Biden let it happen. Then he shot it down after it completed it's course so he could save face by acting like he was doing something but for "safety" concerns he couldn't do anything until it was safely over the ocean.

[rolls eyes] ... yeah ... right ... you should join the Catastphic Climate Change Cult folks ... they believe in magic too ...

Well, it did.

If you weren't busy being such a contrarian you'd be able to know what actually did happen.

I mean there are dozens of articles just like that one where it went over ballistic missile sites and stealth bombers. Every news outlet said it and the administration said it and people living in the areas said it.
Well, it did.

Chinese satellites can read the license plate numbers off the cars parked in the parking lot ...

The word used was "hover" ... sorry ... it's not contrarian to say that's not possible ... sure, it floated past ... don't our balloons float past Chinese military installations? ... how do you think we get our information on them? ...

Roughly 30 radiosond sites in the USA, 4 weather balloons a day per site ... that's just NOAA ... Lord knows how many balloons NASA sends up ... you want President Trump to be tracking each and every one? ...
Xiden allowing the Chinese to openly spy on the United States, was just a return on the investment the Chinese have made in the Xiden crime family over the years.
[rolls eyes] ... yeah ... right ... you should join the Catastphic Climate Change Cult folks ... they believe in magic too ...
Our nation has put hundreds and hundreds of people into prison for a so-called insurrection. People standing outside the capitol building! They got all the info on them of course. This balloon was around for a while and we knew what it was, and we did nothing. It should not have been even newsworthy.
Chinese satellites can read the license plate numbers off the cars parked in the parking lot ...

The word used was "hover" ... sorry ... it's not contrarian to say that's not possible ... sure, it floated past ... don't our balloons float past Chinese military installations? ... how do you think we get our information on them? ...

Roughly 30 radiosond sites in the USA, 4 weather balloons a day per site ... that's just NOAA ... Lord knows how many balloons NASA sends up ... you want President Trump to be tracking each and every one? ...

Thank you for your unedicated, best-intendef opinions; however, Let me educate you...

The Chinese spy balloon was proven to be capable of being DRIVEN, of HOVERING.

Biden told us it could not collect and transmit the data back to China...Biden LIED.

If a weak-ass President was going to let you fly / hover a spycraft over their ICBM silos and stealth bases, wouldn't you take advantage of it?
Our nation has put hundreds and hundreds of people into prison for a so-called insurrection. People standing outside the capitol building! They got all the info on them of course. This balloon was around for a while and we knew what it was, and we did nothing. It should not have been even newsworthy.

There were thousands and thousands of people outside the barriers that day ... who among them were charged with trespassing? ...

If you hate China so much, stop buying their products ... boycott Walmart ...
Thank you for your unedicated, best-intendef opinions; however, Let me educate you...

The Chinese spy balloon was proven to be capable of being DRIVEN, of HOVERING.

Biden told us it could not collect and transmit the data back to China...Biden LIED.

If a weak-ass President was going to let you fly / hover a spycraft over their ICBM silos and stealth bases, wouldn't you take advantage of it?

Citation ... please ... your proof if you have any ... start with altitude ...
Chinese satellites can read the license plate numbers off the cars parked in the parking lot ...

The word used was "hover" ... sorry ... it's not contrarian to say that's not possible ... sure, it floated past ... don't our balloons float past Chinese military installations? ... how do you think we get our information on them? ...

Roughly 30 radiosond sites in the USA, 4 weather balloons a day per site ... that's just NOAA ... Lord knows how many balloons NASA sends up ... you want President Trump to be tracking each and every one? ...

None of that has anything to do with what I said.

You made a poorly put together insult to the OP about it hovering over icbm sites. And yes, making snide comments trying to belittle someone is contrarian without explaining yourself.

Now you're course correcting by talking about a single word use by trying to over define a word in purely strictly manner. Seems you can be literal to a fault when examining others faults, but it's ok when you do it.

Hover was a loose term he chose that was also used by many media outlets. Like the one below for example.

Splitting hairs to excuse your back tracking doesn't really work.
Citation ... please ... your proof if you have any ... start with altitude ...

I won't do all of your homework for you, but let me prove my point that it had control of its flight path...

'John Parachini, a senior international and defense researcher at the nonprofit RAND Corporation, said that since the balloon is traveling in “higher airspace” – above where commercial planes manned by civilians fly – the balloon likely has a communications system that guides it on its flight, adjusting based on wind speed and direction. '

Prolonged ELINT Collection:
'The intelligence China collected was mostly from electronic signals, which can be picked up from weapons systems or include communications from base personnel.'

'China was able to control the balloon so it could make multiple passes over some of the sites (at times flying figure-eight formations) and transmit the information it collected back to Beijing in real time, the three officials said.

The intelligence China collected was mostly from electronic signals, which can be picked up from weapons systems or include communications from base personnel, rather than images, the officials said.

“We know that it’s a surveillance balloon.... We know this is a Chinese balloon and that it has the ability to maneuver.

“China wants to remind the U.S. that the U.S., too, has weak spots that China can exploit with impunity."

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