Signing Up For The Next Leftwing March?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Derek Hunter believes in the old saying "Past Is Prologue."

And....based the outpouring from the Left due to the election, he is suggesting our Liberal pals get ready to sign on to yet one more protest.....

1. "Democrats are taking to the streets…in waves. First it was women... then it was immigrants (conflating legal and illegal aliens in the hope of making people think they are one in the same), then it was women again (because, presumably, someone ordered too many crocheted vagina hats the first time around and needed to unload them).

Which group will be next? Allow me to offer some help.

2. ....back to immigrants? No, no one cared last time. They can’t repeat women after having just done women. Besides, like with immigrants, no one outside of newsrooms gave a damn or really noticed.

How about LGBTQ? “ A Day Without A Gay”?

3. There is, however, one group of people the political left has a stranglehold on which is large enough to be noticed by all, though perhaps not missed, if they were to “strike” for one day: idiots.

...the next “A Day Without” protest be “A Day Without Idiots.”

4. Newsrooms would be empty.....Government agencies would undoubtedly be forced to close....the absence of government employees would go unnoticed by most since their customers would be out as well.

5. ...Hollywood would be as empty as the space between the ears this year’s award winners. Concerts would be cancelled, Broadway a ghost town.

6. Left lanes on freeways would only be filled by people going fast, blindly j-walking in the middle of a block across a one-way street while texting and looking the wrong way would not happen. Fast-food drive-thrus would move efficiently ....
....the best vegan restaurants might be forced to close that day for lack of staff....

7. Marginally talented comedians wouldn’t accuse anyone with brain cancer of having “Nazi hair” simply because they don’t agree with them politically. It would also spare the country non-apology apologies for a day. No one would have to issue a “We deeply apologize for offending” tweets....

8. A Day Without Idiots would empty college campuses , as students, professors, and administrators all marched in solidarity against the injustice of not being able to afford what you want to do for spring break or the horrors of white women wearing hoop earrings.

9. ...Congress would be out of session for another day this year.

10. Liberals are fast running out of a “victim” groups to grant martyr status to, it’s time they got creative. And it’d be nice if they were generous with something besides other people’s money, for once. They should give the country a day off from them."
A Day Without Idiots

Derek Hunter....I love this guy!
I suspect there will be no shortage of people protesting the behavior of that orange clown. The country just doesn't like him.
they could go to Mexico and march for their women....seems Trump was right again.....
A Viral Sex Crime That Shocked A Nation
What happened on March 8, 2016, sparked a shocking and bizarre series of events that would threaten to destroy my career, my reputation, and everything I’d worked so hard to build. It would force me to flee the country I called home, and alienate me from Mexican society. At times it left me feeling ungrounded in reality.
There was an immediate outpouring of support from friends and colleagues and strangers. And I thanked my friend for helping to spread the culprit’s picture.

“I want to be super clear,” I wrote, sharing the post on Facebook, “this is the LEAST of the abuses that women in Mexico suffer through every day.”

“Yesterday hundreds of women were abused, raped, or murdered in Mexico by their husbands, members of their own family, strangers in the street, members of organized crime, and Mexican government authorities,” I said, synthesizing what I knew to be true from the dozens of stories I’d seen unfold in Mexico in the past.
they could go to Mexico and march for their women....seems Trump was right again.....
A Viral Sex Crime That Shocked A Nation
What happened on March 8, 2016, sparked a shocking and bizarre series of events that would threaten to destroy my career, my reputation, and everything I’d worked so hard to build. It would force me to flee the country I called home, and alienate me from Mexican society. At times it left me feeling ungrounded in reality.
There was an immediate outpouring of support from friends and colleagues and strangers. And I thanked my friend for helping to spread the culprit’s picture.

“I want to be super clear,” I wrote, sharing the post on Facebook, “this is the LEAST of the abuses that women in Mexico suffer through every day.”

“Yesterday hundreds of women were abused, raped, or murdered in Mexico by their husbands, members of their own family, strangers in the street, members of organized crime, and Mexican government authorities,” I said, synthesizing what I knew to be true from the dozens of stories I’d seen unfold in Mexico in the past.


One of the major problems with the Left's 'anyone-anytime' immigration policies is that it dilutes American culture with exactly the sort of poison you've highlighted.
I may have lost an hour of sleep but I'm sharp enough to know and state that without funding, professional protesters and media coverage, these protests are of little value.

As I've repeated again and do so now, the greatest protest happened on November 8th. There simply is no comparison with what Trump accomplished against such great odds, you could have 5 million walking the streets in protest and it wouldn't compare. There are many Conservatives like myself who started to be influenced by his vision and facts, have learned to listen to the challenges facing the West today which demand a change in Conservative ideology, at least for the foreseeable future. Getting so many on the right to support him, is in and of itself a huge accomplishment. Everyone knows that Conservatives are a broad group, but he succeeded.

Therefore, these protests will rear their ugly heads again, but, they realize that over exposure has probably had unintended results, they have created protest fatigue and animosity from the average American who is just trying to make ends meet. It has also caused the right to dig in and call out the hypocrisies and sheer absurd, attitude of the alt-left which really seeks to destroy democracy.
I suspect there will be no shortage of people protesting the behavior of that orange clown. The country just doesn't like him.

Sooooo......that's why he won the election???

You'd best hurry to sign up for that march.

No. He won because he had Russia and Comey helping him, and the sane people were just to complacent to bother to get out and vote. Nobody figured there were enough crazies to elect him. or that a glitch in the electoral college would give the election to a candidate without the most votes.
I suspect there will be no shortage of people protesting the behavior of that orange clown. The country just doesn't like him.

Sooooo......that's why he won the election???

You'd best hurry to sign up for that march.

No. He won because he had Russia and Comey helping him, and the sane people were just to complacent to bother to get out and vote. Nobody figured there were enough crazies to elect him. or that a glitch in the electoral college would give the election to a candidate without the most votes.

"No. He won because he had Russia and Comey helping him,..."

I'm about to prove that you should be the key-note speaker at the "Day Without Idiots" Protest.....thank me later. is useful to go over clear and evident facts....

1. Trump has a cabinet that has made tougher statements on Russia than anything Obama did.
If Trump were going to be submissive to Putin, how to explain Dan Coates as Trump's pick for Director of National Intelligence:
Coates was forbidden to go to Russia by Putin for comparing him to Hitler:
"people from the US had been similarly blacklisted, including ... and Dan Coats of Indiana, a former US ambassador to Germany. “While I’m disappointed that I won’t be able to go on vacation with my family in Siberia this summer,” Coats wisecracked, “I am honored to be on this list.”Chrystia Freeland: My Ukraine, and Putin’s big lie

2. A pro-Russia policy would include slashing defense Obama did.

3 . A pro-Russia policy would include slowing our nuclear weapon Obama did.

4. A pro-Russia policy would include rolling back missile defense Obama did.

5. A pro-Russia policy would include entering a one-sided nuclear arms Obama did.

6. A pro-Russia policy would include doing everything you could to stop oil and gas Obama did.

7. A pro-Russia policy would include promising Putin that you'd be more 'flexible' in dealing with Obama did.

8. A pro-Russia policy would include turning over 20% of our uranium to Russia in exchange for a $145 million donation to the Clinton Bill's wife did. [FAKE NEWS: CNBC Cites Left-Wing Politifact in Clinton Russian Uranium Story - Breitbart]

9. Assuming, arguendo, that leaking material about the Democrats and their candidate were aimed at influencing the electorate, list those things that the electorate knew from the 'leaks' that they didn't know before.
Who didn't know that Bill's wife was a congenital liar and career criminal????

10. And, those leaks themselves???
“There’s no evidence that this was done by the state itself, only evidence it was done by non-state actors that might be Russian-speaking,” said Jeffrey Carr, CEO of the cyber security consultancy firm Taia Global, referring to the evidence available to the public.

That evidence, which was released by private threat assessment companies rather than official channels, indicates hackers used Cyrillic keyboards and operated during Moscow working hours.
But indicators of identity like timestamps, language preferences and IP addresses “can be manipulated or faked rather easily,” said Juan Andres Guerrero-Saade, a senior security researcher at Kaspersky Lab."
Does the U.S. government really know who hacked Democrats' emails?

You'll be a star on MSNBC!!!!
I suspect there will be no shortage of people protesting the behavior of that orange clown. The country just doesn't like him.

Sooooo......that's why he won the election???

You'd best hurry to sign up for that march.

No. He won because he had Russia and Comey helping him, and the sane people were just to complacent to bother to get out and vote. Nobody figured there were enough crazies to elect him. or that a glitch in the electoral college would give the election to a candidate without the most votes.

"No. He won because he had Russia and Comey helping him,..."

I'm about to prove that you should be the key-note speaker at the "Day Without Idiots" Protest.....thank me later. is useful to go over clear and evident facts....

1. Trump has a cabinet that has made tougher statements on Russia than anything Obama did.
If Trump were going to be submissive to Putin, how to explain Dan Coates as Trump's pick for Director of National Intelligence:
Coates was forbidden to go to Russia by Putin for comparing him to Hitler:
"people from the US had been similarly blacklisted, including ... and Dan Coats of Indiana, a former US ambassador to Germany. “While I’m disappointed that I won’t be able to go on vacation with my family in Siberia this summer,” Coats wisecracked, “I am honored to be on this list.”Chrystia Freeland: My Ukraine, and Putin’s big lie

2. A pro-Russia policy would include slashing defense Obama did.

3 . A pro-Russia policy would include slowing our nuclear weapon Obama did.

4. A pro-Russia policy would include rolling back missile defense Obama did.

5. A pro-Russia policy would include entering a one-sided nuclear arms Obama did.

6. A pro-Russia policy would include doing everything you could to stop oil and gas Obama did.

7. A pro-Russia policy would include promising Putin that you'd be more 'flexible' in dealing with Obama did.

8. A pro-Russia policy would include turning over 20% of our uranium to Russia in exchange for a $145 million donation to the Clinton Bill's wife did. [FAKE NEWS: CNBC Cites Left-Wing Politifact in Clinton Russian Uranium Story - Breitbart]

9. Assuming, arguendo, that leaking material about the Democrats and their candidate were aimed at influencing the electorate, list those things that the electorate knew from the 'leaks' that they didn't know before.
Who didn't know that Bill's wife was a congenital liar and career criminal????

10. And, those leaks themselves???
“There’s no evidence that this was done by the state itself, only evidence it was done by non-state actors that might be Russian-speaking,” said Jeffrey Carr, CEO of the cyber security consultancy firm Taia Global, referring to the evidence available to the public.

That evidence, which was released by private threat assessment companies rather than official channels, indicates hackers used Cyrillic keyboards and operated during Moscow working hours.
But indicators of identity like timestamps, language preferences and IP addresses “can be manipulated or faked rather easily,” said Juan Andres Guerrero-Saade, a senior security researcher at Kaspersky Lab."
Does the U.S. government really know who hacked Democrats' emails?

You'll be a star on MSNBC!!!!
how about "A Day Without Mentioning Russia"? i dont think we will ever be able to watch the news again without Russia !!!!
Derek Hunter believes in the old saying "Past Is Prologue."

And....based the outpouring from the Left due to the election, he is suggesting our Liberal pals get ready to sign on to yet one more protest.....

1. "Democrats are taking to the streets…in waves. First it was women... then it was immigrants (conflating legal and illegal aliens in the hope of making people think they are one in the same), then it was women again (because, presumably, someone ordered too many crocheted vagina hats the first time around and needed to unload them).

Which group will be next? Allow me to offer some help.

2. ....back to immigrants? No, no one cared last time. They can’t repeat women after having just done women. Besides, like with immigrants, no one outside of newsrooms gave a damn or really noticed.

How about LGBTQ? “ A Day Without A Gay”?

3. There is, however, one group of people the political left has a stranglehold on which is large enough to be noticed by all, though perhaps not missed, if they were to “strike” for one day: idiots.

...the next “A Day Without” protest be “A Day Without Idiots.”

4. Newsrooms would be empty.....Government agencies would undoubtedly be forced to close....the absence of government employees would go unnoticed by most since their customers would be out as well.

5. ...Hollywood would be as empty as the space between the ears this year’s award winners. Concerts would be cancelled, Broadway a ghost town.

6. Left lanes on freeways would only be filled by people going fast, blindly j-walking in the middle of a block across a one-way street while texting and looking the wrong way would not happen. Fast-food drive-thrus would move efficiently ....
....the best vegan restaurants might be forced to close that day for lack of staff....

7. Marginally talented comedians wouldn’t accuse anyone with brain cancer of having “Nazi hair” simply because they don’t agree with them politically. It would also spare the country non-apology apologies for a day. No one would have to issue a “We deeply apologize for offending” tweets....

8. A Day Without Idiots would empty college campuses , as students, professors, and administrators all marched in solidarity against the injustice of not being able to afford what you want to do for spring break or the horrors of white women wearing hoop earrings.

9. ...Congress would be out of session for another day this year.

10. Liberals are fast running out of a “victim” groups to grant martyr status to, it’s time they got creative. And it’d be nice if they were generous with something besides other people’s money, for once. They should give the country a day off from them."
A Day Without Idiots

Derek Hunter....I love this guy!

I love the idea of a day without idiots! So, will your employer miss you?
Derek Hunter believes in the old saying "Past Is Prologue."

And....based the outpouring from the Left due to the election, he is suggesting our Liberal pals get ready to sign on to yet one more protest.....

1. "Democrats are taking to the streets…in waves. First it was women... then it was immigrants (conflating legal and illegal aliens in the hope of making people think they are one in the same), then it was women again (because, presumably, someone ordered too many crocheted vagina hats the first time around and needed to unload them).

Which group will be next? Allow me to offer some help.

2. ....back to immigrants? No, no one cared last time. They can’t repeat women after having just done women. Besides, like with immigrants, no one outside of newsrooms gave a damn or really noticed.

How about LGBTQ? “ A Day Without A Gay”?

3. There is, however, one group of people the political left has a stranglehold on which is large enough to be noticed by all, though perhaps not missed, if they were to “strike” for one day: idiots.

...the next “A Day Without” protest be “A Day Without Idiots.”

4. Newsrooms would be empty.....Government agencies would undoubtedly be forced to close....the absence of government employees would go unnoticed by most since their customers would be out as well.

5. ...Hollywood would be as empty as the space between the ears this year’s award winners. Concerts would be cancelled, Broadway a ghost town.

6. Left lanes on freeways would only be filled by people going fast, blindly j-walking in the middle of a block across a one-way street while texting and looking the wrong way would not happen. Fast-food drive-thrus would move efficiently ....
....the best vegan restaurants might be forced to close that day for lack of staff....

7. Marginally talented comedians wouldn’t accuse anyone with brain cancer of having “Nazi hair” simply because they don’t agree with them politically. It would also spare the country non-apology apologies for a day. No one would have to issue a “We deeply apologize for offending” tweets....

8. A Day Without Idiots would empty college campuses , as students, professors, and administrators all marched in solidarity against the injustice of not being able to afford what you want to do for spring break or the horrors of white women wearing hoop earrings.

9. ...Congress would be out of session for another day this year.

10. Liberals are fast running out of a “victim” groups to grant martyr status to, it’s time they got creative. And it’d be nice if they were generous with something besides other people’s money, for once. They should give the country a day off from them."
A Day Without Idiots

Derek Hunter....I love this guy!

I love the idea of a day without idiots! So, will your employer miss you? very clever....a 'so are you' post from a dunce.

Drop back when you graduate junior high.
Derek Hunter believes in the old saying "Past Is Prologue."

And....based the outpouring from the Left due to the election, he is suggesting our Liberal pals get ready to sign on to yet one more protest.....

1. "Democrats are taking to the streets…in waves. First it was women... then it was immigrants (conflating legal and illegal aliens in the hope of making people think they are one in the same), then it was women again (because, presumably, someone ordered too many crocheted vagina hats the first time around and needed to unload them).

Which group will be next? Allow me to offer some help.

2. ....back to immigrants? No, no one cared last time. They can’t repeat women after having just done women. Besides, like with immigrants, no one outside of newsrooms gave a damn or really noticed.

How about LGBTQ? “ A Day Without A Gay”?

3. There is, however, one group of people the political left has a stranglehold on which is large enough to be noticed by all, though perhaps not missed, if they were to “strike” for one day: idiots.

...the next “A Day Without” protest be “A Day Without Idiots.”

4. Newsrooms would be empty.....Government agencies would undoubtedly be forced to close....the absence of government employees would go unnoticed by most since their customers would be out as well.

5. ...Hollywood would be as empty as the space between the ears this year’s award winners. Concerts would be cancelled, Broadway a ghost town.

6. Left lanes on freeways would only be filled by people going fast, blindly j-walking in the middle of a block across a one-way street while texting and looking the wrong way would not happen. Fast-food drive-thrus would move efficiently ....
....the best vegan restaurants might be forced to close that day for lack of staff....

7. Marginally talented comedians wouldn’t accuse anyone with brain cancer of having “Nazi hair” simply because they don’t agree with them politically. It would also spare the country non-apology apologies for a day. No one would have to issue a “We deeply apologize for offending” tweets....

8. A Day Without Idiots would empty college campuses , as students, professors, and administrators all marched in solidarity against the injustice of not being able to afford what you want to do for spring break or the horrors of white women wearing hoop earrings.

9. ...Congress would be out of session for another day this year.

10. Liberals are fast running out of a “victim” groups to grant martyr status to, it’s time they got creative. And it’d be nice if they were generous with something besides other people’s money, for once. They should give the country a day off from them."
A Day Without Idiots

Derek Hunter....I love this guy!

I love the idea of a day without idiots! So, will your employer miss you? very clever....a 'so are you' post from a dunce.

Drop back when you graduate junior high.

Oh my! I'm sorry I hurt your feelings! Please accept my sincere apologies, and whatever you do, know that binging isn't the answer!:puke3:
they could go to Mexico and march for their women....seems Trump was right again.....
A Viral Sex Crime That Shocked A Nation
What happened on March 8, 2016, sparked a shocking and bizarre series of events that would threaten to destroy my career, my reputation, and everything I’d worked so hard to build. It would force me to flee the country I called home, and alienate me from Mexican society. At times it left me feeling ungrounded in reality.
There was an immediate outpouring of support from friends and colleagues and strangers. And I thanked my friend for helping to spread the culprit’s picture.

“I want to be super clear,” I wrote, sharing the post on Facebook, “this is the LEAST of the abuses that women in Mexico suffer through every day.”

“Yesterday hundreds of women were abused, raped, or murdered in Mexico by their husbands, members of their own family, strangers in the street, members of organized crime, and Mexican government authorities,” I said, synthesizing what I knew to be true from the dozens of stories I’d seen unfold in Mexico in the past.
Thank you very much for sharing. Accusations come out a lot against the victims of crimes. It is typical of the perpetrators and their enablers to start making accusations such as the victim is unstable or mentally imbalanced (been there many times in various situations).
Derek Hunter believes in the old saying "Past Is Prologue."

And....based the outpouring from the Left due to the election, he is suggesting our Liberal pals get ready to sign on to yet one more protest.....

1. "Democrats are taking to the streets…in waves. First it was women... then it was immigrants (conflating legal and illegal aliens in the hope of making people think they are one in the same), then it was women again (because, presumably, someone ordered too many crocheted vagina hats the first time around and needed to unload them).

Which group will be next? Allow me to offer some help.

2. ....back to immigrants? No, no one cared last time. They can’t repeat women after having just done women. Besides, like with immigrants, no one outside of newsrooms gave a damn or really noticed.

How about LGBTQ? “ A Day Without A Gay”?

3. There is, however, one group of people the political left has a stranglehold on which is large enough to be noticed by all, though perhaps not missed, if they were to “strike” for one day: idiots.

...the next “A Day Without” protest be “A Day Without Idiots.”

4. Newsrooms would be empty.....Government agencies would undoubtedly be forced to close....the absence of government employees would go unnoticed by most since their customers would be out as well.

5. ...Hollywood would be as empty as the space between the ears this year’s award winners. Concerts would be cancelled, Broadway a ghost town.

6. Left lanes on freeways would only be filled by people going fast, blindly j-walking in the middle of a block across a one-way street while texting and looking the wrong way would not happen. Fast-food drive-thrus would move efficiently ....
....the best vegan restaurants might be forced to close that day for lack of staff....

7. Marginally talented comedians wouldn’t accuse anyone with brain cancer of having “Nazi hair” simply because they don’t agree with them politically. It would also spare the country non-apology apologies for a day. No one would have to issue a “We deeply apologize for offending” tweets....

8. A Day Without Idiots would empty college campuses , as students, professors, and administrators all marched in solidarity against the injustice of not being able to afford what you want to do for spring break or the horrors of white women wearing hoop earrings.

9. ...Congress would be out of session for another day this year.

10. Liberals are fast running out of a “victim” groups to grant martyr status to, it’s time they got creative. And it’d be nice if they were generous with something besides other people’s money, for once. They should give the country a day off from them."
A Day Without Idiots

Derek Hunter....I love this guy!

I love the idea of a day without idiots! So, will your employer miss you? very clever....a 'so are you' post from a dunce.

Drop back when you graduate junior high.

Oh my! I'm sorry I hurt your feelings! Please accept my sincere apologies, and whatever you do, know that binging isn't the answer!:puke3:

How could my feelings be hurt by a stupid comment from a three year old???

Your posts, in a thread clearly over your head, fits in the same way that putting an elevator in an out-house would fit.

Earlier, I suggested that you come back after you graduate junior high.....

Let me amend that: don't bother coming back.

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