Show of Hands


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Show of hands. Who has seen an area where the majority of campaign signs you see are overwhelmingly Biden? Name the region.
Be honest. There’s ways to validate the claim.

I’ve driven most of Virginia region and some NC, TN and KY these past 2 months and it’s all 10:1 Trump. In central Virginia it’s about 50:1 Trump.

In 2016, the polls said Hillary was supposed to easily win Florida. Trump won. Afterwards they said it was because Trump won rural and white, while Hillary won Latino and urban, but not enough. At the time they figure Hillary had something like a 20 point lead over Trump with Latinos, but Trump did good enough to squeak out a narrow victory.

In 2020, the polls say Biden is supposed to easily win Florida. Only it appears that Trump and Biden are EVEN among Latinos (sometimes in the SAME polls?), AND they just threw a 30,000 car Latinos For Trump/Communism Sucks parade (the Biden parade had 6 cars) among the community that Hillary won last time in the area that Hillary won last time.

I'm pretty sure they weren't throwing 30,000 car parades for Trump in 2016. So how do you narrow the gap in the dem's winningest demographic in that swing state, but the polls don't show that? Hmmmm...

Every time I check the news I keep seeing all these polls about how Biden is crushing everything, Blue Wave, etc. Yet when I look around, none of the democrats I know like Biden, they just hate Trump. There is zero enthusiasm. They sound like the cheer leaders for the team losing 99-0 at the high school football game. Ugh go team I guess whatever... yay.

(the other day I actually say a Biden yard sign and I was like "HOLY SHIT! LOOK AT THAT!" This was an event so rare it was like seeing Big Foot or Nessie)

Meanwhile, on the republican side the people who liked Trump last time love him even harder, and of the people who hated Trump last time, they're either much quieter, or (like me) they've admitted Trump hasn't been as bad as feared. And we all LOATHE the democrats.

I've seen almost nobody who voted for Trump last time who says they aren't voting for him this time. I have seen some Hillary voters who have switched to Trump though. There have been A LOT of red pill moments over the last four years, and 2020 has been the Great National Democrat Temper Tantrum, so I'm sure that's helped. (traditional democrat touchstones like Gun Control sure took a kick in the balls this year too!)

To be fair, the polls might not be dishonest on purpose (snort), it could just be that traditional polling methods no longer work in a world where A. nobody answers unknown numbers on their phones. And B. we live in a society where a lot of people are scared to go on record saying what they really believe to strangers, because they think cancel culture will try to destroy them.

Either way, we need to wrap this shit up. I'm hoping for a Trump victory mostly so that ammo prices will go back down.
Show of hands. Who has seen an area where the majority of campaign signs you see are overwhelmingly Biden? Name the region.
Be honest. There’s ways to validate the claim.

I’ve driven most of Virginia region and some NC, TN and KY these past 2 months and it’s all 10:1 Trump. In central Virginia it’s about 50:1 Trump.

In 2016, the polls said Hillary was supposed to easily win Florida. Trump won. Afterwards they said it was because Trump won rural and white, while Hillary won Latino and urban, but not enough. At the time they figure Hillary had something like a 20 point lead over Trump with Latinos, but Trump did good enough to squeak out a narrow victory.

In 2020, the polls say Biden is supposed to easily win Florida. Only it appears that Trump and Biden are EVEN among Latinos (sometimes in the SAME polls?), AND they just threw a 30,000 car Latinos For Trump/Communism Sucks parade (the Biden parade had 6 cars) among the community that Hillary won last time in the area that Hillary won last time.

I'm pretty sure they weren't throwing 30,000 car parades for Trump in 2016. So how do you narrow the gap in the dem's winningest demographic in that swing state, but the polls don't show that? Hmmmm...

Every time I check the news I keep seeing all these polls about how Biden is crushing everything, Blue Wave, etc. Yet when I look around, none of the democrats I know like Biden, they just hate Trump. There is zero enthusiasm. They sound like the cheer leaders for the team losing 99-0 at the high school football game. Ugh go team I guess whatever... yay.

(the other day I actually say a Biden yard sign and I was like "HOLY SHIT! LOOK AT THAT!" This was an event so rare it was like seeing Big Foot or Nessie)

Meanwhile, on the republican side the people who liked Trump last time love him even harder, and of the people who hated Trump last time, they're either much quieter, or (like me) they've admitted Trump hasn't been as bad as feared. And we all LOATHE the democrats.

I've seen almost nobody who voted for Trump last time who says they aren't voting for him this time. I have seen some Hillary voters who have switched to Trump though. There have been A LOT of red pill moments over the last four years, and 2020 has been the Great National Democrat Temper Tantrum, so I'm sure that's helped. (traditional democrat touchstones like Gun Control sure took a kick in the balls this year too!)

To be fair, the polls might not be dishonest on purpose (snort), it could just be that traditional polling methods no longer work in a world where A. nobody answers unknown numbers on their phones. And B. we live in a society where a lot of people are scared to go on record saying what they really believe to strangers, because they think cancel culture will try to destroy them.

Either way, we need to wrap this shit up. I'm hoping for a Trump victory mostly so that ammo prices will go back down.
Hope is more than you need.
Show of hands. Who has seen an area where the majority of campaign signs you see are overwhelmingly Biden? Name the region.
Be honest. There’s ways to validate the claim.

I’ve driven most of Virginia region and some NC, TN and KY these past 2 months and it’s all 10:1 Trump. In central Virginia it’s about 50:1 Trump.

In 2016, the polls said Hillary was supposed to easily win Florida. Trump won. Afterwards they said it was because Trump won rural and white, while Hillary won Latino and urban, but not enough. At the time they figure Hillary had something like a 20 point lead over Trump with Latinos, but Trump did good enough to squeak out a narrow victory.

In 2020, the polls say Biden is supposed to easily win Florida. Only it appears that Trump and Biden are EVEN among Latinos (sometimes in the SAME polls?), AND they just threw a 30,000 car Latinos For Trump/Communism Sucks parade (the Biden parade had 6 cars) among the community that Hillary won last time in the area that Hillary won last time.

I'm pretty sure they weren't throwing 30,000 car parades for Trump in 2016. So how do you narrow the gap in the dem's winningest demographic in that swing state, but the polls don't show that? Hmmmm...

Every time I check the news I keep seeing all these polls about how Biden is crushing everything, Blue Wave, etc. Yet when I look around, none of the democrats I know like Biden, they just hate Trump. There is zero enthusiasm. They sound like the cheer leaders for the team losing 99-0 at the high school football game. Ugh go team I guess whatever... yay.

(the other day I actually say a Biden yard sign and I was like "HOLY SHIT! LOOK AT THAT!" This was an event so rare it was like seeing Big Foot or Nessie)

Meanwhile, on the republican side the people who liked Trump last time love him even harder, and of the people who hated Trump last time, they're either much quieter, or (like me) they've admitted Trump hasn't been as bad as feared. And we all LOATHE the democrats.

I've seen almost nobody who voted for Trump last time who says they aren't voting for him this time. I have seen some Hillary voters who have switched to Trump though. There have been A LOT of red pill moments over the last four years, and 2020 has been the Great National Democrat Temper Tantrum, so I'm sure that's helped. (traditional democrat touchstones like Gun Control sure took a kick in the balls this year too!)

To be fair, the polls might not be dishonest on purpose (snort), it could just be that traditional polling methods no longer work in a world where A. nobody answers unknown numbers on their phones. And B. we live in a society where a lot of people are scared to go on record saying what they really believe to strangers, because they think cancel culture will try to destroy them.

Either way, we need to wrap this shit up. I'm hoping for a Trump victory mostly so that ammo prices will go back down.

Not in my area.

In fact I've seen plenty of Trump signs on the side of the road and on bumpers. I've only seen one Biden sticker on a car and I swear it was 3x3 and you could barely see it.
Show of hands. Who has seen an area where the majority of campaign signs you see are overwhelmingly Biden? Name the region.
Be honest. There’s ways to validate the claim.

I’ve driven most of Virginia region and some NC, TN and KY these past 2 months and it’s all 10:1 Trump. In central Virginia it’s about 50:1 Trump.

In 2016, the polls said Hillary was supposed to easily win Florida. Trump won. Afterwards they said it was because Trump won rural and white, while Hillary won Latino and urban, but not enough. At the time they figure Hillary had something like a 20 point lead over Trump with Latinos, but Trump did good enough to squeak out a narrow victory.

In 2020, the polls say Biden is supposed to easily win Florida. Only it appears that Trump and Biden are EVEN among Latinos (sometimes in the SAME polls?), AND they just threw a 30,000 car Latinos For Trump/Communism Sucks parade (the Biden parade had 6 cars) among the community that Hillary won last time in the area that Hillary won last time.

I'm pretty sure they weren't throwing 30,000 car parades for Trump in 2016. So how do you narrow the gap in the dem's winningest demographic in that swing state, but the polls don't show that? Hmmmm...

Every time I check the news I keep seeing all these polls about how Biden is crushing everything, Blue Wave, etc. Yet when I look around, none of the democrats I know like Biden, they just hate Trump. There is zero enthusiasm. They sound like the cheer leaders for the team losing 99-0 at the high school football game. Ugh go team I guess whatever... yay.

(the other day I actually say a Biden yard sign and I was like "HOLY SHIT! LOOK AT THAT!" This was an event so rare it was like seeing Big Foot or Nessie)

Meanwhile, on the republican side the people who liked Trump last time love him even harder, and of the people who hated Trump last time, they're either much quieter, or (like me) they've admitted Trump hasn't been as bad as feared. And we all LOATHE the democrats.

I've seen almost nobody who voted for Trump last time who says they aren't voting for him this time. I have seen some Hillary voters who have switched to Trump though. There have been A LOT of red pill moments over the last four years, and 2020 has been the Great National Democrat Temper Tantrum, so I'm sure that's helped. (traditional democrat touchstones like Gun Control sure took a kick in the balls this year too!)

To be fair, the polls might not be dishonest on purpose (snort), it could just be that traditional polling methods no longer work in a world where A. nobody answers unknown numbers on their phones. And B. we live in a society where a lot of people are scared to go on record saying what they really believe to strangers, because they think cancel culture will try to destroy them.

Either way, we need to wrap this shit up. I'm hoping for a Trump victory mostly so that ammo prices will go back down.
Hope is more than you need.
Riots? Assassinations? Democrats have paved the way these past 2 years.
My area is hard red, WV/WMd - but overall, I see relatively few top of the ticket campaign signs, most are for lower ticket elections. Of the presidential ones, I see more Trump than Biden, but that is to be expected here. Overall though the relative dearth of signs makes me think there isn't a lot of enthusiasm.
Show of hands. Who has seen an area where the majority of campaign signs you see are overwhelmingly Biden? Name the region.
Be honest. There’s ways to validate the claim.

I’ve driven most of Virginia region and some NC, TN and KY these past 2 months and it’s all 10:1 Trump. In central Virginia it’s about 50:1 Trump.

In 2016, the polls said Hillary was supposed to easily win Florida. Trump won. Afterwards they said it was because Trump won rural and white, while Hillary won Latino and urban, but not enough. At the time they figure Hillary had something like a 20 point lead over Trump with Latinos, but Trump did good enough to squeak out a narrow victory.

In 2020, the polls say Biden is supposed to easily win Florida. Only it appears that Trump and Biden are EVEN among Latinos (sometimes in the SAME polls?), AND they just threw a 30,000 car Latinos For Trump/Communism Sucks parade (the Biden parade had 6 cars) among the community that Hillary won last time in the area that Hillary won last time.

I'm pretty sure they weren't throwing 30,000 car parades for Trump in 2016. So how do you narrow the gap in the dem's winningest demographic in that swing state, but the polls don't show that? Hmmmm...

Every time I check the news I keep seeing all these polls about how Biden is crushing everything, Blue Wave, etc. Yet when I look around, none of the democrats I know like Biden, they just hate Trump. There is zero enthusiasm. They sound like the cheer leaders for the team losing 99-0 at the high school football game. Ugh go team I guess whatever... yay.

(the other day I actually say a Biden yard sign and I was like "HOLY SHIT! LOOK AT THAT!" This was an event so rare it was like seeing Big Foot or Nessie)

Meanwhile, on the republican side the people who liked Trump last time love him even harder, and of the people who hated Trump last time, they're either much quieter, or (like me) they've admitted Trump hasn't been as bad as feared. And we all LOATHE the democrats.

I've seen almost nobody who voted for Trump last time who says they aren't voting for him this time. I have seen some Hillary voters who have switched to Trump though. There have been A LOT of red pill moments over the last four years, and 2020 has been the Great National Democrat Temper Tantrum, so I'm sure that's helped. (traditional democrat touchstones like Gun Control sure took a kick in the balls this year too!)

To be fair, the polls might not be dishonest on purpose (snort), it could just be that traditional polling methods no longer work in a world where A. nobody answers unknown numbers on their phones. And B. we live in a society where a lot of people are scared to go on record saying what they really believe to strangers, because they think cancel culture will try to destroy them.

Either way, we need to wrap this shit up. I'm hoping for a Trump victory mostly so that ammo prices will go back down.

Well I did see this one, but it committed suicide by dousing itself with gasoline and setting itself on fire. It must have been depressed.

A month or so ago, I drove from West TN, down to Chattanooga, into Atlanta and out to a suburb. I saw 2 biden signs. I saw a bunch of Trump signs.
But no Kanye signs :crybaby:
Show of hands. Who has seen an area where the majority of campaign signs you see are overwhelmingly Biden? Name the region. I’ve driven most of Virginia region and some NC, TN and KY these past 2 months and it’s all 10:1 Trump. In central Virginia it’s about 50:1 Trump.

I'll be honest, WM, I live in a heavily democrat region/city and there is a dearth of signs of any kind for anyone anywhere. But the few signs I have seen around here, are for Trump. I have not seen ONE sign for Biden, not one, and I not only live in an important swing state, but I live in the #2 city of highest, strongest concentrations of deep blue, true blue places in the state.

If there is a blue wave going on, it must be coming in on some deep underground water table.
A month or so ago, I drove from West TN, down to Chattanooga, into Atlanta and out to a suburb. I saw 2 biden signs. I saw a bunch of Trump signs.
But no Kanye signs :crybaby:

Kanye missed a great opportunity to make signs. Betcha they would be the coolest ever... Still time to order.. Would love to see how fast my HOA sends me a letter...

Show of hands. Who has seen an area where the majority of campaign signs you see are overwhelmingly Biden? Name the region.
Be honest. There’s ways to validate the claim.

I’ve driven most of Virginia region and some NC, TN and KY these past 2 months and it’s all 10:1 Trump. In central Virginia it’s about 50:1 Trump.

In 2016, the polls said Hillary was supposed to easily win Florida. Trump won. Afterwards they said it was because Trump won rural and white, while Hillary won Latino and urban, but not enough. At the time they figure Hillary had something like a 20 point lead over Trump with Latinos, but Trump did good enough to squeak out a narrow victory.

In 2020, the polls say Biden is supposed to easily win Florida. Only it appears that Trump and Biden are EVEN among Latinos (sometimes in the SAME polls?), AND they just threw a 30,000 car Latinos For Trump/Communism Sucks parade (the Biden parade had 6 cars) among the community that Hillary won last time in the area that Hillary won last time.

I'm pretty sure they weren't throwing 30,000 car parades for Trump in 2016. So how do you narrow the gap in the dem's winningest demographic in that swing state, but the polls don't show that? Hmmmm...

Every time I check the news I keep seeing all these polls about how Biden is crushing everything, Blue Wave, etc. Yet when I look around, none of the democrats I know like Biden, they just hate Trump. There is zero enthusiasm. They sound like the cheer leaders for the team losing 99-0 at the high school football game. Ugh go team I guess whatever... yay.

(the other day I actually say a Biden yard sign and I was like "HOLY SHIT! LOOK AT THAT!" This was an event so rare it was like seeing Big Foot or Nessie)

Meanwhile, on the republican side the people who liked Trump last time love him even harder, and of the people who hated Trump last time, they're either much quieter, or (like me) they've admitted Trump hasn't been as bad as feared. And we all LOATHE the democrats.

I've seen almost nobody who voted for Trump last time who says they aren't voting for him this time. I have seen some Hillary voters who have switched to Trump though. There have been A LOT of red pill moments over the last four years, and 2020 has been the Great National Democrat Temper Tantrum, so I'm sure that's helped. (traditional democrat touchstones like Gun Control sure took a kick in the balls this year too!)

To be fair, the polls might not be dishonest on purpose (snort), it could just be that traditional polling methods no longer work in a world where A. nobody answers unknown numbers on their phones. And B. we live in a society where a lot of people are scared to go on record saying what they really believe to strangers, because they think cancel culture will try to destroy them.

Either way, we need to wrap this shit up. I'm hoping for a Trump victory mostly so that ammo prices will go back down.
A buddy of mine is from Pittsburgh, he just got back from visiting his dad. He said all you see is Trump signs.
A month or so ago, I drove from West TN, down to Chattanooga, into Atlanta and out to a suburb. I saw 2 biden signs. I saw a bunch of Trump signs.
But no Kanye signs :crybaby:

Kanye missed a great opportunity to make signs. Betcha they would be the coolest ever... Still time to order.. Would love to see how fast my HOA sends me a letter...

History will smile on kanye :salute:
Show of hands. Who has seen an area where the majority of campaign signs you see are overwhelmingly Biden? Name the region.
Be honest. There’s ways to validate the claim.

I’ve driven most of Virginia region and some NC, TN and KY these past 2 months and it’s all 10:1 Trump. In central Virginia it’s about 50:1 Trump.

In 2016, the polls said Hillary was supposed to easily win Florida. Trump won. Afterwards they said it was because Trump won rural and white, while Hillary won Latino and urban, but not enough. At the time they figure Hillary had something like a 20 point lead over Trump with Latinos, but Trump did good enough to squeak out a narrow victory.

In 2020, the polls say Biden is supposed to easily win Florida. Only it appears that Trump and Biden are EVEN among Latinos (sometimes in the SAME polls?), AND they just threw a 30,000 car Latinos For Trump/Communism Sucks parade (the Biden parade had 6 cars) among the community that Hillary won last time in the area that Hillary won last time.

I'm pretty sure they weren't throwing 30,000 car parades for Trump in 2016. So how do you narrow the gap in the dem's winningest demographic in that swing state, but the polls don't show that? Hmmmm...

Every time I check the news I keep seeing all these polls about how Biden is crushing everything, Blue Wave, etc. Yet when I look around, none of the democrats I know like Biden, they just hate Trump. There is zero enthusiasm. They sound like the cheer leaders for the team losing 99-0 at the high school football game. Ugh go team I guess whatever... yay.

(the other day I actually say a Biden yard sign and I was like "HOLY SHIT! LOOK AT THAT!" This was an event so rare it was like seeing Big Foot or Nessie)

Meanwhile, on the republican side the people who liked Trump last time love him even harder, and of the people who hated Trump last time, they're either much quieter, or (like me) they've admitted Trump hasn't been as bad as feared. And we all LOATHE the democrats.

I've seen almost nobody who voted for Trump last time who says they aren't voting for him this time. I have seen some Hillary voters who have switched to Trump though. There have been A LOT of red pill moments over the last four years, and 2020 has been the Great National Democrat Temper Tantrum, so I'm sure that's helped. (traditional democrat touchstones like Gun Control sure took a kick in the balls this year too!)

To be fair, the polls might not be dishonest on purpose (snort), it could just be that traditional polling methods no longer work in a world where A. nobody answers unknown numbers on their phones. And B. we live in a society where a lot of people are scared to go on record saying what they really believe to strangers, because they think cancel culture will try to destroy them.

Either way, we need to wrap this shit up. I'm hoping for a Trump victory mostly so that ammo prices will go back down.
I have seen exactly one Biden yard sign in my neighborhood here in Texas. I also saw one Biden auto window sticker a few weeks ago. Not a very popular guy around here.
Show of hands. Who has seen an area where the majority of campaign signs you see are overwhelmingly Biden? Name the region.
Be honest. There’s ways to validate the claim.

I’ve driven most of Virginia region and some NC, TN and KY these past 2 months and it’s all 10:1 Trump. In central Virginia it’s about 50:1 Trump.

In 2016, the polls said Hillary was supposed to easily win Florida. Trump won. Afterwards they said it was because Trump won rural and white, while Hillary won Latino and urban, but not enough. At the time they figure Hillary had something like a 20 point lead over Trump with Latinos, but Trump did good enough to squeak out a narrow victory.

In 2020, the polls say Biden is supposed to easily win Florida. Only it appears that Trump and Biden are EVEN among Latinos (sometimes in the SAME polls?), AND they just threw a 30,000 car Latinos For Trump/Communism Sucks parade (the Biden parade had 6 cars) among the community that Hillary won last time in the area that Hillary won last time.

I'm pretty sure they weren't throwing 30,000 car parades for Trump in 2016. So how do you narrow the gap in the dem's winningest demographic in that swing state, but the polls don't show that? Hmmmm...

Every time I check the news I keep seeing all these polls about how Biden is crushing everything, Blue Wave, etc. Yet when I look around, none of the democrats I know like Biden, they just hate Trump. There is zero enthusiasm. They sound like the cheer leaders for the team losing 99-0 at the high school football game. Ugh go team I guess whatever... yay.

(the other day I actually say a Biden yard sign and I was like "HOLY SHIT! LOOK AT THAT!" This was an event so rare it was like seeing Big Foot or Nessie)

Meanwhile, on the republican side the people who liked Trump last time love him even harder, and of the people who hated Trump last time, they're either much quieter, or (like me) they've admitted Trump hasn't been as bad as feared. And we all LOATHE the democrats.

I've seen almost nobody who voted for Trump last time who says they aren't voting for him this time. I have seen some Hillary voters who have switched to Trump though. There have been A LOT of red pill moments over the last four years, and 2020 has been the Great National Democrat Temper Tantrum, so I'm sure that's helped. (traditional democrat touchstones like Gun Control sure took a kick in the balls this year too!)

To be fair, the polls might not be dishonest on purpose (snort), it could just be that traditional polling methods no longer work in a world where A. nobody answers unknown numbers on their phones. And B. we live in a society where a lot of people are scared to go on record saying what they really believe to strangers, because they think cancel culture will try to destroy them.

Either way, we need to wrap this shit up. I'm hoping for a Trump victory mostly so that ammo prices will go back down.

Off the top of my head, I can't remember seeing ANY Biden signs. I'm sure there must be some somewhere in Phoenix, but I don't recall seeing any.
Well, admittedly I don't pay a lot of attention to political signs while driving, other than to notice in my peripheral vision that they're blocking visibility for corner turn lanes. But I'll start keeping an eye out and see if there actually are top-of-ticket signs around here.

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