Should we Erase Columbus or others from the History Books?

Columbus was an agent of the inevitable.

If he hadn't attempted the voyage, another European sailor eventually would have discovered the new world. .... :cool:

Exactly, and they would have raped and pillaged just like Columbus or any other conqueror/explorer would have.

As usual butthurt liberals of today who have had their minds twisted by nutjob professors, look through history with todays politically correct lenses.

You can not view and judge history through the prism of today as the morals, norms, beliefs, practices, etc. were totally different. Progressives today just want to Virtue Signal and make themselves feel enlightened and evolved by removing statues, re-writing history and demonizing those they don't like. It is childish, and narcissistic. They project their own insecurities and character flaws by doing so.
Maybe we just cool it a bit with the celebrating Columbus himself? I dunno. I don't really care much either way. Renaming it Indigenous Peoples Day is the most retarded thing I have ever heard of, though.

How about having a holiday for a different great Italian America instead? Remember, the Italian people love Columbus, and one of the main purposes of the holiday is celebrate the Italians. Would libs have a conniption if we gave people time off for the birthday of Italian-Ohioan Dean Martin, the King of Cool instead? The Indians already have a holiday in Thanksgiving, where we celebrate how the Injuns and Pilgrims got together to give thanks to Almighty God back in the day.
Let’s just remove anyone and anything from history that doesn’t live up to the current morale standards of the moment.

For example, changing the name of "August" would seem to be a no-brainer- Augustus was a 1st century slaveholder and should not be recognized as such.
Serfs Had It Worse Than Slaves Because They Had the Natural Ability to Be Equal to Their Masters

So was King John Sobieski of Poland, but without him we'd all be bowing to Mecca.
Columbus was an agent of the inevitable.

If he hadn't attempted the voyage, another European sailor eventually would have discovered the new world. .... :cool:

Exactly, and they would have raped and pillaged just like Columbus or any other conqueror/explorer would have.

As usual butthurt liberals of today who have had their minds twisted by nutjob professors, look through history with todays politically correct lenses.

You can not view and judge history through the prism of today as the morals, norms, beliefs, practices, etc. were totally different. Progressives today just want to Virtue Signal and make themselves feel enlightened and evolved by removing statues, re-writing history and demonizing those they don't like. It is childish, and narcissistic. They project their own insecurities and character flaws by doing so.
Maybe we just cool it a bit with the celebrating Columbus himself? I dunno. I don't really care much either way. Renaming it Indigenous Peoples Day is the most retarded thing I have ever heard of, though.

How about having a holiday for a different great Italian America instead? Remember, the Italian people love Columbus, and one of the main purposes of the holiday is celebrate the Italians. Would libs have a conniption if we gave people time off for the birthday of Italian-Ohioan Dean Martin, the King of Cool instead? The Indians already have a holiday in Thanksgiving, where we celebrate how the Injuns and Pilgrims got together to give thanks to Almighty God back in the day.

Columbus should be celebrated because he is really the only explorer that did anything about finding the New World. He accelerated the European settlement of the Americas who brought technology, culture, and civilization to the essentially STONE AGE CULTURES of the Americas. These people were truly savages who murdered and enslaved each other. They were largely a very violent, warring culture.
Columbus was an agent of the inevitable.

If he hadn't attempted the voyage, another European sailor eventually would have discovered the new world. .... :cool:

Exactly, and they would have raped and pillaged just like Columbus or any other conqueror/explorer would have.

As usual butthurt liberals of today who have had their minds twisted by nutjob professors, look through history with todays politically correct lenses.

You can not view and judge history through the prism of today as the morals, norms, beliefs, practices, etc. were totally different. Progressives today just want to Virtue Signal and make themselves feel enlightened and evolved by removing statues, re-writing history and demonizing those they don't like. It is childish, and narcissistic. They project their own insecurities and character flaws by doing so.
Maybe we just cool it a bit with the celebrating Columbus himself? I dunno. I don't really care much either way. Renaming it Indigenous Peoples Day is the most retarded thing I have ever heard of, though.

How about having a holiday for a different great Italian America instead? Remember, the Italian people love Columbus, and one of the main purposes of the holiday is celebrate the Italians. Would libs have a conniption if we gave people time off for the birthday of Italian-Ohioan Dean Martin, the King of Cool instead? The Indians already have a holiday in Thanksgiving, where we celebrate how the Injuns and Pilgrims got together to give thanks to Almighty God back in the day.
No it isn't to celebrate Italians.
Columbus was an agent of the inevitable.

If he hadn't attempted the voyage, another European sailor eventually would have discovered the new world. .... :cool:

Exactly, and they would have raped and pillaged just like Columbus or any other conqueror/explorer would have.

As usual butthurt liberals of today who have had their minds twisted by nutjob professors, look through history with todays politically correct lenses.

You can not view and judge history through the prism of today as the morals, norms, beliefs, practices, etc. were totally different. Progressives today just want to Virtue Signal and make themselves feel enlightened and evolved by removing statues, re-writing history and demonizing those they don't like. It is childish, and narcissistic. They project their own insecurities and character flaws by doing so.
Maybe we just cool it a bit with the celebrating Columbus himself? I dunno. I don't really care much either way. Renaming it Indigenous Peoples Day is the most retarded thing I have ever heard of, though.

How about having a holiday for a different great Italian America instead? Remember, the Italian people love Columbus, and one of the main purposes of the holiday is celebrate the Italians. Would libs have a conniption if we gave people time off for the birthday of Italian-Ohioan Dean Martin, the King of Cool instead? The Indians already have a holiday in Thanksgiving, where we celebrate how the Injuns and Pilgrims got together to give thanks to Almighty God back in the day.

Columbus should be celebrated because he is really the only explorer that did anything about finding the New World. He accelerated the European settlement of the Americas who brought technology, culture, and civilization to the essentially STONE AGE CULTURES of the Americas. These people were truly savages who murdered and enslaved each other. They were largely a very violent, warring culture.
So were we violent and warring who murdered and enslaved each other. We just were stronger.
Another handful of years and Columbus Day will be completely gone, but that's ok.
What's important, is European came to this hemisphere and put in motion what would come to be the greatest technological progress in human history.

It doesn't matter whether Columbus was first, or not even close. We simply use him as a figurehead for the beginning of the most glorious time in human history. :clap2:

About Erickson...anyone familiar at all with Viking exploration knows that they chopped first and asked questions later. It's a pretty fair bet that Erickson killed any indigenous bodies he came in contact with.

Thats a very narrow view. The Vikings were a lot more than that.
in a reference to global warming, there are Viking farms under the Greenland ice sheet.
Trust-Fundie Treehuggers Must Be Hanged From That Vegetation

The medieval Green Party warned people about Global Cooling back then, but the deniers just wouldn't listen. By the way, that what's decadent and degenerate scum entitled to set "modern standards" would say, so we should judge ourselves instead by the past standards everybody on the captive Internet is denigrating.

That drive, started by the 1453 9/11, led to the greatest historical era of progress by eliminating inferior people, who have gotten in the way of it from time immemorial. We have not reacted productively from our 9/11. Whoever thinks so is part of the problem.

Anyone who has any sympathy for feral minorities just because it is the present fad of spoiled bossy brats is a traitor to the future. I will serve as its witness to prove that you conformist mind-slaves can't be excused for not knowing any better about how toxic all your contemporary standards are, both Right and Left.
JoeBitch is, once again, full of shyte. There are more full blooded Amerindians alive in the Americas than before Columbus landed.

IT is the typical libtarded condescension and arrogance that presumes Amerindians would rather be feeding the bugs somewhere hunting rather than sitting in air conditioned homes sipping a few brews.

Here let me help you out, because you struggle with basic concepts.

This is what the Population of Mexico did after Europeans arrived. In short, it was a holocaust. And this just Mexico.

2. Without Africans enslaving other Africans, their would have been no slaves for the Europeans to buy. Blaming Europeans for the slavery that was practiced for millennia before their arrival is a tired canard. England and the U.S. abolished slavery in the 19th century. Their are 40 million slaves living today. Why is that?

Exactly right. Europeans didn't go into the African interior until the late 19th Century, only coastal outposts were established before then during the African slave trade. Slaves had to be brought to port to be sold to slaveship owners.
Europeans were afraid to go into the African interior to capture slaves. So they set up slave ports where they could just sit and dangle money so others could bring captives to them

Does not absolve them from responsibility for the slave trade.
They were the market

You sad sack of sophistry. Slavery pre-existed Europeans ever landing in Africa.
2. Without Africans enslaving other Africans, their would have been no slaves for the Europeans to buy. Blaming Europeans for the slavery that was practiced for millennia before their arrival is a tired canard. England and the U.S. abolished slavery in the 19th century. Their are 40 million slaves living today. Why is that?

Exactly right. Europeans didn't go into the African interior until the late 19th Century, only coastal outposts were established before then during the African slave trade. Slaves had to be brought to port to be sold to slaveship owners.
Europeans were afraid to go into the African interior to capture slaves. So they set up slave ports where they could just sit and dangle money so others could bring captives to them

Does not absolve them from responsibility for the slave trade.
They were the market
Actually the Muslims ran the Africa slave markets.
BTW the Muslims also kidnapped and enslaved Europeans.

Libya still has a slave market.
View attachment 251783

Winner winner chicken dinner.
Exactly right. Europeans didn't go into the African interior until the late 19th Century, only coastal outposts were established before then during the African slave trade. Slaves had to be brought to port to be sold to slaveship owners.
Europeans were afraid to go into the African interior to capture slaves. So they set up slave ports where they could just sit and dangle money so others could bring captives to them

Does not absolve them from responsibility for the slave trade.
They were the market

Of course. you do know that a lot of Europeans like the Poles abolished slavery a pretty long time ago.

We got rid of slavery in 1347, should we have to pay reparations?

They should be proud
The other european countries were involved in Colonialism and used slave labor to perform the hard tasks

Most of Europe abandoned slavery by 1800

Took the US til 1865 and the death of 600,000 fighting over it

The real question I'm trying to get to is whether or not Poles should be required to pay reparations for slavery?
Who the fuck cares?

Spoken like a typical Progressive Pickpocketer.
So much misinformation. Here's reality:

1. Columbus wasn't trying to prove the earth was round. He was hired to find alternate trade route to Asia. He miscalculated the distance and ended up finding America instead.

Oh, we know that he wasn't trying to prove the world was round, but this is what we teach kids in school and has leaked into the popular culture.

2. Without Africans enslaving other Africans, there would have been no slaves for the Europeans to buy. Blaming Europeans for the slavery that was practiced for millennia before their arrival is a tired canard. England and the U.S. abolished slavery in the 19th century. Their are 40 million slaves living today. Why is that?

I think you are a little confused. Slavery is bad and it's existed for millennia, but the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade boosted it to terrible levels and had a terrible human cost. Tribes went to war to take slaves to feed it.

2. The Americas were already filled with humanitarian disasters including slavery and human sacrifice performed by indigenous peoples. The Aztecs were a death cult. Their population was declining before Cortez showed up due to their own brutality. The Chimus of Peru sacrificed children

Again, at the same time the Aztecs and Chimu were sacrificing people, the Europeans were burning witches and torturing heretics. In fact, the population declined at a much faster rate after the Europeans showed up, brought a bunch of diseases with them and then worked the rest of these folks nearly to death.

IOW, the indigenous people of America had the same human frailties as other peoples. I will note, however, that the Europeans (up until the time of the mass Totalitarian-Communist-Socialist-Fascist atrocities of the 20th century) did not engage in the mass ritual murders that the Aztecs performed.
Columbus was an agent of the inevitable.

If he hadn't attempted the voyage, another European sailor eventually would have discovered the new world. .... :cool:

Exactly, and they would have raped and pillaged just like Columbus or any other conqueror/explorer would have.

As usual butthurt liberals of today who have had their minds twisted by nutjob professors, look through history with todays politically correct lenses.

You can not view and judge history through the prism of today as the morals, norms, beliefs, practices, etc. were totally different. Progressives today just want to Virtue Signal and make themselves feel enlightened and evolved by removing statues, re-writing history and demonizing those they don't like. It is childish, and narcissistic. They project their own insecurities and character flaws by doing so.
Maybe we just cool it a bit with the celebrating Columbus himself? I dunno. I don't really care much either way. Renaming it Indigenous Peoples Day is the most retarded thing I have ever heard of, though.

How about having a holiday for a different great Italian America instead? Remember, the Italian people love Columbus, and one of the main purposes of the holiday is celebrate the Italians. Would libs have a conniption if we gave people time off for the birthday of Italian-Ohioan Dean Martin, the King of Cool instead? The Indians already have a holiday in Thanksgiving, where we celebrate how the Injuns and Pilgrims got together to give thanks to Almighty God back in the day.

Columbus should be celebrated because he is really the only explorer that did anything about finding the New World. He accelerated the European settlement of the Americas who brought technology, culture, and civilization to the essentially STONE AGE CULTURES of the Americas. These people were truly savages who murdered and enslaved each other. They were largely a very violent, warring culture.
Columbus looked at them as savages with no rights worthy of respect

So did most other Europeans
Europeans were afraid to go into the African interior to capture slaves. So they set up slave ports where they could just sit and dangle money so others could bring captives to them

Does not absolve them from responsibility for the slave trade.
They were the market

Of course. you do know that a lot of Europeans like the Poles abolished slavery a pretty long time ago.

We got rid of slavery in 1347, should we have to pay reparations?

They should be proud
The other european countries were involved in Colonialism and used slave labor to perform the hard tasks

Most of Europe abandoned slavery by 1800

Took the US til 1865 and the death of 600,000 fighting over it

The real question I'm trying to get to is whether or not Poles should be required to pay reparations for slavery?
Who the fuck cares?

Spoken like a typical Progressive Pickpocketer.

Do you understand we the people created a Government in the Constitution?

As such, we are responsible for any debts of that Government
Of course. you do know that a lot of Europeans like the Poles abolished slavery a pretty long time ago.

We got rid of slavery in 1347, should we have to pay reparations?

They should be proud
The other european countries were involved in Colonialism and used slave labor to perform the hard tasks

Most of Europe abandoned slavery by 1800

Took the US til 1865 and the death of 600,000 fighting over it

The real question I'm trying to get to is whether or not Poles should be required to pay reparations for slavery?
Who the fuck cares?

Spoken like a typical Progressive Pickpocketer.

Do you understand we the people created a Government in the Constitution?

As such, we are responsible for any debts of that Government

So...America accepts what? That has nothing to do with money.
Wanna talk reparations? The American Indians are at the front of that particular line. How much are they owed for their stolen real estate? The slaves can have what's left.

So much misinformation. Here's reality:

1. Columbus wasn't trying to prove the earth was round. He was hired to find alternate trade route to Asia. He miscalculated the distance and ended up finding America instead.

Oh, we know that he wasn't trying to prove the world was round, but this is what we teach kids in school and has leaked into the popular culture.

2. Without Africans enslaving other Africans, there would have been no slaves for the Europeans to buy. Blaming Europeans for the slavery that was practiced for millennia before their arrival is a tired canard. England and the U.S. abolished slavery in the 19th century. Their are 40 million slaves living today. Why is that?

I think you are a little confused. Slavery is bad and it's existed for millennia, but the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade boosted it to terrible levels and had a terrible human cost. Tribes went to war to take slaves to feed it.

2. The Americas were already filled with humanitarian disasters including slavery and human sacrifice performed by indigenous peoples. The Aztecs were a death cult. Their population was declining before Cortez showed up due to their own brutality. The Chimus of Peru sacrificed children

Again, at the same time the Aztecs and Chimu were sacrificing people, the Europeans were burning witches and torturing heretics. In fact, the population declined at a much faster rate after the Europeans showed up, brought a bunch of diseases with them and then worked the rest of these folks nearly to death.

IOW, the indigenous people of America had the same human frailties as other peoples. I will note, however, that the Europeans (up until the time of the mass Totalitarian-Communist-Socialist-Fascist atrocities of the 20th century) did not engage in the mass ritual murders that the Aztecs performed.

They should be proud
The other european countries were involved in Colonialism and used slave labor to perform the hard tasks

Most of Europe abandoned slavery by 1800

Took the US til 1865 and the death of 600,000 fighting over it

The real question I'm trying to get to is whether or not Poles should be required to pay reparations for slavery?
Who the fuck cares?

Spoken like a typical Progressive Pickpocketer.

Do you understand we the people created a Government in the Constitution?

As such, we are responsible for any debts of that Government

So...America accepts what? That has nothing to do with money.
Wanna talk reparations? The American Indians are at the front of that particular line. How much are they owed for their stolen real estate? The slaves can have what's left.


That's too recent. If we believe that Homo Sapiens originated in Africa and then migrated around the world, human beings with any Neanderthal DNA are owed reparations from 100% Homo Sapiens for the invasion and genocide of Neanderthals.
So much misinformation. Here's reality:

1. Columbus wasn't trying to prove the earth was round. He was hired to find alternate trade route to Asia. He miscalculated the distance and ended up finding America instead.

Oh, we know that he wasn't trying to prove the world was round, but this is what we teach kids in school and has leaked into the popular culture.

2. Without Africans enslaving other Africans, there would have been no slaves for the Europeans to buy. Blaming Europeans for the slavery that was practiced for millennia before their arrival is a tired canard. England and the U.S. abolished slavery in the 19th century. Their are 40 million slaves living today. Why is that?

I think you are a little confused. Slavery is bad and it's existed for millennia, but the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade boosted it to terrible levels and had a terrible human cost. Tribes went to war to take slaves to feed it.

2. The Americas were already filled with humanitarian disasters including slavery and human sacrifice performed by indigenous peoples. The Aztecs were a death cult. Their population was declining before Cortez showed up due to their own brutality. The Chimus of Peru sacrificed children

Again, at the same time the Aztecs and Chimu were sacrificing people, the Europeans were burning witches and torturing heretics. In fact, the population declined at a much faster rate after the Europeans showed up, brought a bunch of diseases with them and then worked the rest of these folks nearly to death.

IOW, the indigenous people of America had the same human frailties as other peoples. I will note, however, that the Europeans (up until the time of the mass Totalitarian-Communist-Socialist-Fascist atrocities of the 20th century) did not engage in the mass ritual murders that the Aztecs performed.


Isn't everything these days?
There's no question however that Columbus making the Transatlantic connection was actually far more momentous.
It's probably the most important event in the history of the human species. Yes it should be taught, but not romanticized or whitewashed.
IOW, the indigenous people of America had the same human frailties as other peoples. I will note, however, that the Europeans (up until the time of the mass Totalitarian-Communist-Socialist-Fascist atrocities of the 20th century) did not engage in the mass ritual murders that the Aztecs performed.

They didn't? So you never heard of witch burnings or the inquisition or the crusades?
IOW, the indigenous people of America had the same human frailties as other peoples. I will note, however, that the Europeans (up until the time of the mass Totalitarian-Communist-Socialist-Fascist atrocities of the 20th century) did not engage in the mass ritual murders that the Aztecs performed.

They didn't? So you never heard of witch burnings or the inquisition or the crusades?

The Crusades were a counteroffensive against Islamonazi aggression. The great Pope Urban II made that crystal clear when they were proclaimed at Clermont, although no tapes exist of his address.

The Inquisition was initiated by the Latinos after they had finally expelled the Islamonazis after 7 1/2 centuries of terror. The concern was that not all of the jihadi vamoosed and some were secretly pretending to be Christians.

Neither efforts was equivalent to "human sacrifice"

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