Should universities, hospitals companies etc in America have hiring quotas based on race or gender.

Should universities, hospitals companies etc in America have hiring quotas based on race or gender?

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  • No

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
The civilized answer is no. We should have a meritocracy based society.

We are all descendants of slaves.

A small minority of Americans white and black They buy into what the media and Hollywood is saying about the “400 years a slave argument”, BLM, all of that stuff which is total nonsense.

Don Lemon was talking about how “doctors are only 5% African-American in this country”. Some on the left would then say “well we should have hiring quotas for hospitals”. Imagine how dangerous of a world that would be if that was the case just giving somebody a job at a hospital based on their color or gender to fill some kind of a social quota.

We live in an upside down country we’re already major, sports organizations, companies, and the Oscars have quotas for so called minorities. And yet there are radical supporters who continue to claim that America is some kind of a racist country and black habits worse than white people. Imagine how deranged that thinking is considering the facts on the ground.

There’s a massive number of impoverished white people, white folks get denied loans all the time. But it is the divisive people in the media and Hollywood who are often millionaires who lie about these topics. They will say the white man has it easier in America, which is an outright lie, and it is a way to divide America.

History will show us that there was tremendous success all over the world. Africans and Europeans built empires. They did so with great help from individuals. So the individual in America today can succeed, no matter their skin color. Considering we are probably the most liberal country in the world, and we the number one destination for refugees from Africa.
Once again, the Russian Troll tries to stir up trouble with his poor research on America.

The civilized answer is no. We should have a meritocracy based society.
Awesome. Then we should get rid of anyone who ever got a job because they were related to someone, knew someone, or was sleeping with someone. Oh, wait, that's known as White Privilege.

Two of my last three jobs, I got through connections. It's the advantage of BEING WHITE in this country. Blacks simply don't have those connections.

We are all descendants of slaves.

A small minority of Americans white and black They buy into what the media and Hollywood is saying about the “400 years a slave argument”, BLM, all of that stuff which is total nonsense.

Can you really claim that 400 years of institutionalized racism hasn't had an effect?

Don Lemon was talking about how “doctors are only 5% African-American in this country”. Some on the left would then say “well we should have hiring quotas for hospitals”. Imagine how dangerous of a world that would be if that was the case just giving somebody a job at a hospital based on their color or gender to fill some kind of a social quota.

I don't know anyone who would say "We should have a quota". What we should have is more active programs to graduate black doctors and nurses, because those communities are underserved. We have an actual shortage of nurses in this country. Probably some outreach would be good in that case.

We live in an upside down country we’re already major, sports organizations, companies, and the Oscars have quotas for so called minorities. And yet there are radical supporters who continue to claim that America is some kind of a racist country and black habits worse than white people. Imagine how deranged that thinking is considering the facts on the ground.

The fact on the ground is that most institutions are overwhelmingly white and male.

There’s a massive number of impoverished white people, white folks get denied loans all the time. But it is the divisive people in the media and Hollywood who are often millionaires who lie about these topics. They will say the white man has it easier in America, which is an outright lie, and it is a way to divide America.

Frankly, if you are white and poor, it's your own damned fault. You've had all the advantages of being white, and you STILL failed. Instead, they sit their in their trailer parks wearing their MAGA hats hating on the government.

History will show us that there was tremendous success all over the world. Africans and Europeans built empires. They did so with great help from individuals. So the individual in America today can succeed, no matter their skin color. Considering we are probably the most liberal country in the world, and we the number one destination for refugees from Africa.

What we aren't anymore is the number one destination for white people from Europe. Being Slightly better than a third world country is nothing to be proud of.

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