Should Trump be barred from attending Cummings funeral?

This funeral is to honor the life of a great patriot and powerful defender of democracy who knew how to speak forcefully and with reason, and took no prisoners. If the whore in the Oval Office came, he would only try to steal the spotlight and make himself the center of attention. He should stay home or jet away (at taxpayers' expense) to one of his political rallies where he can swear and shout.
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This funeral is to honor the life of a great patriot and powerful defender of democracy who knew how to speak forcefully and with reason, and took no prisoners. If the whore in the Oval Office came, he would only try to steal the spotlight and make himself the center of attention. He should stay home or jet away (at taxpayers' expense) to one of his political rallies where he can swear and shout.
You have got to be one bitter old hag.

Hope you can find a little joy in your miserable life
This funeral is to honor the life of a great patriot and powerful defender of democracy who knew how to speak forcefully and with reason, and took no prisoners. If the whore in the Oval Office came, he would only try to steal the spotlight and make himself the center of attention. He should stay home or jet away (at taxpayers' expense) to one of his political rallies where he can swear and shout.

Please list some of his accomplishments. So it's ok if the racist is black?
This funeral is to honor the life of a great patriot and powerful defender of democracy who knew how to speak forcefully and with reason, and took no prisoners. If the whore in the Oval Office came, he would only try to steal the spotlight and make himself the center of attention. He should stay home or jet away (at taxpayers' expense) to one of his political rallies where he can swear and shout.

I can't wait for the leaders in Baltimore to name one of the crime ridden streets after him that he ignored year after year. Would actually be kind of fitting.
This funeral is to honor the life of a great patriot and powerful defender of democracy who knew how to speak forcefully and with reason, and took no prisoners. If the whore in the Oval Office came, he would only try to steal the spotlight and make himself the center of attention. He should stay home or jet away (at taxpayers' expense) to one of his political rallies where he can swear and shout.

I can't wait for the leaders in Baltimore to name one of the crime ridden streets after him that he ignored year after year. Would actually be kind of fitting.
MLK Blvd is THE street to avoid in every major city.
This funeral is to honor the life of a great patriot and powerful defender of democracy who knew how to speak forcefully and with reason, and took no prisoners. If the whore in the Oval Office came, he would only try to steal the spotlight and make himself the center of attention. He should stay home or jet away (at taxpayers' expense) to one of his political rallies where he can swear and shout.

I can't wait for the leaders in Baltimore to name one of the crime ridden streets after him that he ignored year after year. Would actually be kind of fitting.
MLK Blvd is THE street to avoid in every major city.

Even IF this assertion were to be true, what does it have to do with the funeral of a great man?
1) it should bother people that the OCE purposely drew out Cummings congressional abuses of power investigation that had gone on for years.
2)it should bother people that Pelosi dared called him a man of integrity knowing exactly why he was being investigated and knowing how much money dissapeared in Baltimore as well as knowing under investigation he needed to recuse himself of his duties on the investigative committee.
3)forget talking about the President showing up, what about Baltimore communities, don't the residents have a right to show up and leave their trash he left them in?
Checkmate! Because if you say that's mean then you just admitted that his missuse of city funds, dumping, and creating graves for Baltimore residents was mean and sadistic.
As much as I support trump, I would think that any commie, not just Elijah, would want to hurt Trump, even from the grave.
Message to the residents, D.A., and city directors of Baltimore:
Do yourselves a favor and do an audit of Elijah's wife's net worth before and then again sometime after and see the huge difference when funds show up in backdoor deals and riches magically appears out of thin air. The people of Palestine made this mistake of looking the other way with
Mrs. Arafat who ended up with millions of missing Palestinian funds that her husband funneled to her. RECLAIM YOUR FUNDS EARMARKED FOR YOUR COMMUNITIES, do not let it go to Cummings wife's business like he did with city contracts..
Sources say that Cummings will reveal his decision later this week.

Though the antipathy between the two men was well-known there comes a time to put down the sword and pick up the peace pipe.

It remains to be seen whether or not, Cummings can still forgive Trump.

We all await with bated breath.

Cummings can send a HELL-OH-Gram to Trump straight from HELL!

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